Thursday, March 16, 2023

Think About...


Thinking on good positive things can help our minds overcome a whole host of negatives.  We may need to agressively train and discipline, or even, retrain, our focus in order to lead ourselves away from harmful outcomes such as suicide, panic attacks, or even revenge.  I don't mean to sweep all the pain under the carpet, one still needs to address the root causes for how one has come to such a desparate measure.   Yet it is helpful to put greater focus on the positives to help ourselves sort through those causes.

Here's some ways towards the positive,

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things" (Philippians 4:8 NIV).

May the peace of God, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (see Philippians 4:7 NIV).

What is true?  Its true you were made 'in the image of God' (see Genesis 1:27).  If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you are also a child of God (see John 1:12).  You are a jewel to Him (see Malachi 3:16 KJV; Zechariah 9:16 NIV).  He is your Creator.  He's gonna take extra good care of you because He loves you.  You are priceless and precious to Him.

How about noble, what does that mean?  Literally, you have rank, title, or birth in aristocracy.  Additionally, having or showing fine personal qualities of high moral principles (see Oxford Languages Dictionary online).

Well, Jesus is our King of kings.  We belong to Him, therefore are a child of God - royalty.   When we produce the fruit of the Spirit and live holy lives, we will exhibit 'fine qualities and high moral principles'.  Think on these, fill your mind with them, train your mind with them and then obey them.

Christian living entails purity.  Holy living.  Think about what holiness is to God.  Read the Scriptures to find out more.  Being pure spiritually will help the mental, emotional and physical well-being of a person to live and exude a pure life with pure thoughts.

Think of lovely things.  What movies, books, newspaper articles, newscasts do you watch and/or listen to or read?  A constant diet of crudeness, violence, wars and such are not lovely.  Think of lovely things like how missionaries or support groups for them minister to the people they go to - not just to preach the word but in helping out health wise and/or finding ways to improve their quality of life.  A big example I read about recently is of the man who made wheelchairs he calls 'Miracle Wheels' and provides them to people in third world countries.  A wheelchair for a person who cannot walk is a total godsend in getting the person's life up off the ground, away from the dust and dirt and shame.  It's rather like Jesus had reached out and touched them.  Think of the profound and lovely difference that would make!

In many so-called, 'advanced countries' we take such a thing for granted and want state-of-art equipment and holler if we don't get it.  Therefore, maybe we cannot conceive of the profound positive effect such a gift would make.  (Note here that I mean no offense especially not to those who need such equipment.  All is helpful and needful.  I just want folks to see the stark contrast.)  Think about the lovely actions.

Many missionaries are admirable.  They often leave home, family, friends, culture and language for years on end.  They come up with ways to treat and help people.  Using our strength, knowledge and abilities to help others who don't have as many of so-called advantages as we do is admirable.  How Jesus Himself helped so many during His tenure on earth is extremely admirable.  Think about all that!

Excellent and praiseworthy stories abound.  Find them.  Think about them.  Create some of your own.

We can do all these things through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as He give us the strength to retrain our minds into better thought patterns (see Philippians 4:13).  I hear it takes about 40 days to learn a new habit.  Start today.

Rejoice in the Lord, be gentle, and don't be anxious about anything.  Think on the positives.  Pray and petition the Lord to help you.  It is often not a quick fix but a process over time, yet a process towards better thinking.  Guard your hearts and minds by choosing, that's right, choosing - it's an act of the will - to think of that which is of good report.

Think about it, then put it into practice.

My prayer is that anyone with an anxious mind will find the peace of God.  In general and when 'attacks'  of doubts, fears, and turmoil chase each other around like a whirlwind in your minds, that the guardrails and wind breaks are in place and will keep you grounded and safe.  In Jesus' name I ask.

                                                 ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Philippians 4 especially 4-9 NIV.

Sing, Think About It, along with Steven Green.

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