Sunday, March 12, 2023

Jesus, Fully God

 Our God is forever an awesome God and we can never stop saying as much.  In fact, in eternity to come it will be unending praise for the One who made salvation through Jesus Christ possible.  The one who sent Jesus to earth, who is fully God and fully man, He is our Savior.

When we look at John 5:22-21 we see that we can have an attitude that purposes to honor Jesus:  number one, because of all He has done for us, and number two, to honor Jesus in just the way Jesus honored His Father God.

The perfect example for the disciples of Jesus Christ is always Jesus, for knowing how to live our Christian life.  The manner in which Jesus was always obedienct to His Father God's will is the big hint of how we can achieve such honoring.

Jesus honored God by obeying God's commands - the most high impact one being to go all the way to death on the cross to earn our salvation.  He always took time out, away from the crowds and busyness of the day to talk with His Father in prayer, engaging pro-actively in this way in maintaing their relationship - keeping the connection strong and vibrant.  He went from towns to villages preaching about the Kingdom of God, which anyone interested to know more, can read about in the gospels:  that is, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Again, as followers of Jesus Christ, we can do the same in order to honor Jesus.  We can worship Him, not just weekly in a church service, but every day at home.  Honor can also come in the form of living with integrity on the job, growing the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives such as love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, to name some.  Time, effort and energy collectively flourishes and blooms into honor as one consistantly strives to show their respect and reverence of Him.  Trusting Him with our lives and depending upon Him is imperative.  You can think of all this as a perpetual thank offering for all Jesus has done for us, keeping the main goal as an aura about us; that of honoring Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior in all I do and say.

An earthly example will also help us picture this love, respect and honor of Jesus.  In a family there are often house and family rules.  Each member knows them, from oldest to youngest.  This is the way this family will operate and behave.

If the parents go out, leaving the children at home there is a 'true test' of how well the children have learned, or rather, of how willingly obedient they are to the family's modus operandi.  If the children want to respect and honor their parents, they will behave accordingly.

Similarly, when they are at a friend's house, at school, or hanging out outside somewhere else, the things they do or don't do will reflect how much they'll honor their parents.  For example, there once was a young teenage girl whose father adamantly said that dancing was not for Christians.  Her school had what they called a "sock hop" at lunch hour every now and again.   Basically it was a dance in the school gym.  The students were only allowed to wear socks, not shoes, so that the gym floor would not be damaged by all the 'hopping'.

Now, this girl would so have loved to go sock hopping.  However, her father let his opinion about dancing be known so well, it was more a less a forgone conclusion that he would not be happy with his daughter going to even such an 'innocent' dance.  It was like he had given a command that she was not allowed to take part.  Yet, she thought, he'll never know one way or another if she went in and had some fun.  Then again, she feared, he always finds out.  So due to fear of her Dad, she spent a very lonely lunch hour outdoors on the front steps of the school whenever there was an ongoing sock hop.

This sounds more like actual fear though, and not really out of respect for the father's wishes.  Fear of incrimination and punishment should the dad find out about potential disobedience, is not really honor.  If it had come out of and understanding and an agreement with the dad's view, then there would have been more true honor.

We know that Jesus is kind, gentle, gracious and forgiving even when we disobey and sin.  He says that if we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive, purifying us from all unrighteousness (1John 1:9).  Due to this, I believe it is easier to honor Jesus than any human being whether a parent, boss, or even others in authority over us.  Keep in mind that Jesus honored His Father out of love and reverence for Him, and not fear of punishment.

However, I hope the illustration does have some merit in showing that even in the absence of the authority figure, we will follow the family rules.  "Jesus" is in Heaven but we can still honor Him by our holy living and praising Him because He loves us.  Let's do honor Him with offering Him our thanksgiving for His love and care.

I believe that Jesus is who He has said He is.  I believe and am fully convinced that He is God.  He said,

"I and my Father are one" (John 10:30).

He was equal with God.  He is God.  This upset the Jewish leaders of the time to no end.  They felt it was total blasphemy.

How could a mere mortal man say such a thing!!  

You see, they only saw Jesus as an ordinary flesh and blood human being.  They did not stop to consider all the signs, wonders and miracles Jesus had done.  The blind saw, the deaf came to hear, the lame walked, the demon possessed had the demons cast out; the dead were raised to life in Jesus' name and by His authority and power.  How could Jesus be "just a man" with all this evidence shouting otherwise?!

These leaders did not want to accept or admit Jesus was more.  Many people today are often of the same opinion.  Yet each individual must stop and consider!  Is Jesus really who he claimed to be, or is He a hoax, a fraud?  

If you believe He is truly God, then what are you going to do about it?  This is the crux of the matter.  Will you accept Him into your life?  Two choices are before you:  accept or refuse and reject.  The Jewish religious leaders rejected the possibility, accusing Jesus of blasphemy.

In those times, and among the Jewish people, this was a serious offense - an affront to God.  It came with the penalty of being stoned to death (see Leviticus 24:15-16).  So they wished to open fire on Jesus, evidenced by their picking up stones to hurl at Him (see John 10:22-33).

I love that even though Thomas, who at first doubted about Jesus, did eventually declare, 

"My Lord and my God" (John 20:24).  

Jesus was no ordinary man to him.  Then there was Peter with a mirrored affirmation about Jesus which we saw earlier, 

"You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:15-16).

My prayer for each person who reads this blog entry, is that you will be fully, 100% convinced that Jesus is fully God (as well as fully man).  Also, once you accept this fact, that you will come to Him, asking Him to be your Lord and Savior.  After that, (or if He is already your Savior), that you will honor Him by living a life of obedience to Him, from this day forward until He carries you up to be with Him.  

                                                           ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Navigators Book 1, Chapter 1, Knowing Jesus Christ; Qs 7-10.  

Verse references:  john 5:22-23; 10:22-33; 20:24-28 NIV.

Sing, Totally God and Totally Man along with Carrickfergus Baptist.

See also, Jesus, Fully Man.

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