Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Jesus, Fully Man

 Ever wonder why Christians say Jesus is fully God and fully man?  When we look at the Scriptures, they leave us many clues to both, this is why we make such a statement.  You can have a look at the 'fully God' aspect from the link provided.  Herein, we will focus on Jesus being 'fully man'.

Simply put, Jesus got tired after a long dusty journey on foot (see John 4:6).  He wept at Lazarus' grave, joining in the sadness and loss with Mary and Martha and those who had loved Lazarus (see John 11:35).  The power of death was overwhelming as many of us can attest to firsthand when one of our loved ones depart from this world.  In another passage we discover that Jesus was thirsty - He said, 

"I am thirsty" (John 19:28).  

He had been hanging on the cross of Calvary when He uttered these words.  He was definitely feeling His humanity in a very poignant way.

There are other portions that show that Jesus could get hungry, sleepy, emotionally upset at stubborn people, and He even got angry (see Matthew 4:1-2; 8:23-27; Luke 19:41-44; Luke 19:45-46; and John 2:12-17).

Just a bit of an off tangent here.  I like to think of Jesus' anger as "righteous anger".  The things that make God angry are not petty.  If you read the account in John 2:12-17, you will see that what made Jesus angry was that the temple court, which was supposed to be used for a place of prayer, had been turned into a noisy marketplace where the hawkers would even cheat the customers.  This was Jesus' Father's house of prayer and worship!!  How dare they do this!!? (see also Luke 19:41-45).

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, are you imitating Him?  Do such things as abortion, gambling, drunkenness, or bullying appall you?  Do you intervene and lovingly confront a fellow believer-in-Christ that is engaging in such things?  Do we help to convince even non-believers that abortion is a sin and help the person out to full-term delivery and/or to find help and support for the person, even to legally finding an adoptive couple if the mother truly does not want to keep the baby?  Think about such things and compare to what you get angry at.

Anger is a legitimate emotion but as was mentioned in our study class the other night, we must control our anger as it could lead to violence such as murder, or even affect our health.  As a believer in Jesus Christ we have the help of the Holy Spirit who indwells us.  When we see or have a situation that makes us angry, see it as an opportunity to develop the fruit of the Spirit, one aspect thereof is patience and another is self-control.  Ask the Lord for His help in activating these qualities within us and to allow them to grow stronger.  This is the power of God within us.  We can overcome and have victory over the power of the evil one who may be purposefully goading us to do otherwise.

Jesus had been very self-controlled in regards to the temple incident.  He must have been seeing this 'marketplace' for many years already.  One evening He'd had enough.  He went away and made a whip.  That would have taken some time, and then off to the temple He went to clear it.  He was not on an uncontrolled rampage.  We do not read that He injured or killed anyone in His clearing.  He did make His point very clear as to why He was doing what He was doing.  You and I must think clearly too and not let our anger get out of hand.  Be self-controlled by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit of God.

One further remark here before we go back to our main topic.  I recently listened to a YouTube video of a fellow who is righteously angry at abortion.  He often stations himself outside abortion clinics in the USA and he tries to persuade the mostly young and unwed mothers to decisions other than to have an abortion.  He explains well AND he offers them care, support and shelter through the process.  The church he attends is behind him on this and part of the solution for these mothers.  This is his way of 'clearing the temple', so to speak.  

Back on track now, let me ask, 'So what was the point of Jesus being sent to earth as 'fully man?'  It was because human beings also have "flesh and blood".  I love how this verse is worded,

"Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity so that by His death He might break the power of him who holds the power of death - that is, the devil -" (Hebrews 2:14 NIV).

If you want to give an important message to a flock of birds or a pod of whales, for instance, you will need to become either a bird or a whale in order to respectively approach them.  If you don't you will frighten them away or they may just simply ignore the 'frogman' scuba diving among them.

Jesus had, and still has, a very important message to give us human beings.  God loves you and wants a relationship with you through 'buying you back' from Satan.  He wanted Jesus to be able to provide the way to make this possible ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden.

Sin separted mankind from God because God is holy and cannot have sin in His presence.  Our sin also gave Satan a hold and power over us.  The consequence of sin is death as well as separation from God.  That's why the Hebrews 2 verse talks about "the power of death" and that it's the devil who holds that power.  

Mankind cannot climb, claw or work their own way out from under this dark power.  We cannot go on pilgrimages, crawling along 100's of kilometers of road or do charity work to gain merit points with God.  It is only through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, showing God's love in action, on our behalf.  You and I need to accept this and give credit and praise to Jesus.  He is the only One who can extricate us from Satan's power and enable us to live by the power and authority of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit who indwells us when we do.  Jesus has freed us from living under the slavery of Satan's grip.

The only one who could do this for us was Jesus as He was, and still is, the only sinless one - ever.

At Christmas time, remember, Jesus wasn't born just so we could celebrate His birth.  NO - it was way more than that!  He was born to die and He didn't flinch despite the pain and agony He endured while nailed to the cross.  He had been determined to fulfil all His Father God had sent Him to do and He did it.  The message was delivered - in full.

Praise the Lord, the One who died for me!  For you!  Give your thanks to Jesus.

Because Jesus was fully man He could feel all the passions we have, understand and sympathize with us.  He was tempted but did no succumb to Satan's wiles and sin.  He is sinless as was mentioned earlier.  That is the BIG difference between us ordinary human beings and Jesus' manhood.  We sin, He never sinned.  As Hebrews 4:14-15 states, Jesus...

"...was without sin..."

In closing, briefly look at the whole picture of Jesus.  Realize He is fully God as well as fully man.  Being fully God - we know He is the only'god' that is alive - living for us in Heaven.  He gives life - the best being 'eternal life'.  He heals, raises people from the dead and redeemed us back to God through His death and resurrection.  Being fully man, Jesus got tired, thirsty, was tempted, and is flesh and blood, yet without sin; the perfect, sinless, spotless one.

This is my awesome God!

When you know who Jesus is you must respond to Him.  Either you accept or reject who He said He was/is.  When you accept the fact, what will you do about it?  

Jesus' offer of salvation is freely offered and freely given to those who accept.

Do choose to accept.

That is my prayer for you, which I pray in Jesus' name.

                                                     ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Navigator's Ministries, Inc.; Book 1 Knowing Jesus Christ, Chapter 1 Who is Jesus Christ?; Questions 11-13.   Also based on the Bible study class discussion based on these questions.

See all Scriptures as posted throughout the article but you can refer to the basics:  John 4:16; 11:35; 19:28,; Hebrews 2:14; and 4:14-15 NIV.

Sing, Fully God, Fully Man, along with David Hill.

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