Sunday, March 19, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Out of the Ashes

 Out of the ashes we rise Father God, because there is none like You for raising us up.  Helpless and hopeless we were but You brought us the hope of Jesus and the Holy Spirit Comforter.

So many poor, blind, lame, demon possessed; those being harassed and discriminated against - You raised them up.  You let them know You loved them, that You SEE them and care about their plight.  You brought us Jesus to show us Your love in action.  You let us know You are on our side.

Even in simple unobtrusive ways like turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee.  The groom didn't know they'd run out of wine, neither did the MC.  The servants did though.  Perhaps Jesus even averted a scolding aimed at said servants.  How in the world could they have run out of wine?!  How is it they didn't order in enough?  How were the miscalculations made?

Jesus quietly and calmly told them to fill the water jars with water and then dip out and pour it out for the guests.  The water came out as wine - the best ever variety at that!  He is so amazing, Father!

It was a miracle.  A sign.  A sign of His glory and divinity, that He is God, their Messiah come in the flesh.  Yet few knew of this first public sign.  Just the disciples, Jesus' mother and the servants knew where it had come from.  This thing had been done 'in a corner' so to speak but we know about it today.  Jesus' power and might evidence shown.  He is on my side today too.  

Thank-You Father God, that You indeed raise people up, giving us joy, putting praise in our mouths, even mine.  I love You Lord, as you lift my heart up to You because You first loved me.

In thanksgiving and in blessing and remembering of Jesus' most profound 'raising up,' that is His death and resurrection on all believers' behalf, I partake of the bread and drink of the wine this Lord's Day.  All Your children cannot thank You enough.  

In Jesus' name I give You thanks and praise.

                                                 ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Isaiah 61:3 and John 2:1-11 NIV.

Sing - Our God, along with Chris Tomlin.


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