Saturday, March 4, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Trembling in His Holy Presence


Father God, You are the Most High, my Maker and the Exalted One above all gods.  Those 'gods' that are NOT gods but which people make into gods instead of acknowledging You as the One true God.  I'm humbled and blessed to be a recipient of your grace, mercy, love and salvation.  My brothers and sisters-in-Christ feel similarly, I believe.

It is we, Your children who bow down, kneeling before You in praise and to adore You.  Your splendor and holiness is to be revered above all else.  It makes us awestruck to realize how holy You are!  You are the perfect righteous one - the embodiment of holiness.

We can tremble before a Sultan of earth, so a person who has had such an experience will know the feeling in a very small measure compared to being in Your presence Father and that of Your Son Jesus Christ - the King of kings and Lord of lords.  There is need of respect, honor, obedience and reverence.

Even as the great King David or was it the meek man Moses before him, wrote in the Psalms, who had face-to-face encounters with You and felt the awesome aura of Your holy presence.  No wonder they would tremble.

Trembling in your presence, to me, seems an acknowledtement of Your holiness knowing our frail sinful humanity falls so short of Your glory.  Yet You still chose to do something about it!  You graciously gave us Jesus our Redeemer.  You imputed Your righteousness to us through Him, giving us great joy and wonderment of you.

As we partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine this Lord's Day in remembrance of Your redeeming act of love, know that it is with gratitude and thanksgiving, we bow before You as the psalmist of old did in acknowledging Your holiness and the imputing of it to us.  You deserve all our worship.  Help Thou our progressive sanctification as of today.

Okay, no doubt You chuckle Father over our human terminology about that sanctification but you know what we mean.  Cheer us on in our sincere feeble attempts at living to be holy as you are holy.  We really do want to be ever more like You.

In Jesus' Name I worship You, O Father God.

                                                   ~ERC March 2023~

Based on Psalm 97; 99:1-5; 114:7; 119:120 NIV.

Sing, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, along with Parkway Worship, The Hymns Project.

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