Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Two Choices


In life there are two pivotal choices, to accept or to refuse the gift of life.  It's a perplexing matter, no it's more than that, its a deeply concerning matter why life gets rejected.

The gift of life is what you receive at your conception in your mother's womb, and then in even greater capactiy once delivered into the 'womb' of the world at birth.  This life is sacred and should be clung to until the number of days God has given each human being is fulfilled.  He is the Author and Finisher of life.

There is another type of gift of life, and that is everlasting life.  This we can have through the redemption Jesus Christ bought for each and every one of us.  This includes forgiveness of sins along with the everlasting life and so much more.

The focus here is on the everlasing life and the two choices each and every one of us must make regarding it in our present life time.  They are:  to accept or to refuse.  When a person realizes just who Jesus is - God - and all His mighty and amazing power and authority that it is totally awesome and from such a Person, the question remains, how could anyone refuse His gift?

We can see His power in creation in the wind and waves upon the sea, for instance, and how that makes mighty crashes and splashes upon the rocks along the shore or how they toss the immense ocean liners as if they are but pieces of driftwood.

Jesus' authority to command those very waves and wind to "be still," astonishes when they obey.  His words and touches in healing the sick and disabled, immediately, gives pause.

Does it make you pause?  Pause and consider who Jesus is.  Know that He is trustworthy, that He is fully man and fully God.  Know that it is He offering this gift of life called, "salvation".  He poured His whole heart of love into it.

Are you touched by it?

The onus is on the person not Jesus.  As John 5:40 reveals, 

"You refuse to come to me to have life".

Jesus raised various people from the dead.  He gave them life in this sense as well.  This is profound.  Yet, even more profound is when He rose Himself from the three days of death and tomb internment.  His resurrection allows for giving everlasting life to you and me.  We have a living God who continues to give life to "whosoever will" accept His gift (see John 3:16).

The decision is in your ballpark, yours to make.  There are only two choices:  to accept or to refuse.

My prayer is that you choose to accept life.

                                               ~ERC  Febrary 2023~

Based on John 5:21, 40.

Sing, God So Loved, along with Hillsong.

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