Sunday, March 5, 2023

Book Review - Reasonable Cause to Suspect - By Sally Lane - Publication Date: 7 March 2023


This story blew me away.  What an ongoing ordeal this Letts family has had to endure, which has been sustained over so many traumatic years!  It compiles as an autobiography of frustrations, disappointments, betrayals, disregard, unconcern, not only by one goverment, but two!  Journalistic whistle-blowers got in on the shaming and defaming too, without varifying facts.  How can this family get their son Jack back?  

One stupid mistake had turned Jack into an alleged terriorist, and Islamophobia by governments and populace alike, corkscrewing the situation into an overwhelming mix.  "Guilty until proven innocent" seemed to be the verdict stamped upon the family by a large number of people.  Truly a horrendous situation!

Reading this story I could feel the mother's total anguish over her dearly beloved son.  The book reads somewhat like a journal, as mother Sally records many daily details of the continuing  tumultuous saga.  This does slow the reading down and one could get bogged down.  However, even though I skipped sections I could still follow the living nightmare and sympathize with the family's plight.

"O, be he dead or alive, WHEN will Jack come home?!"

                                       ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                     December 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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