Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Prayer - Meaninglessness

 Lord, the days under the sun for folks are so few!  We toil and task, we have our routines but often it feels like we're whirling on a hamster wheel of meaninglessness.

What can put meaning into this life we human beings live?


Solomon said,

"The more words, the less meaning..."

Then he asks, 

"...and how does it profit anyone" (Ecclesiastes 6:11).

Lord, that cuts because I write so many words.  Truth be told, not many read them.  So why should I bother?

Soon - the days are fleeting - I'll be gone and forgotten by the next generations, so again, why should I have bothered?  Why do I still add words?

King Solomon also felt the meaninglessness of life.  He tried to find happiness and fulfilment by turning his hand to many 'trial' experiments.  He found them meaningless.  What was the point?  Everyone ends up the same - dead.

Yet he did find some things were better than others to get folks through life.  Strangely he lists "a sad face," "house of mouring," "heeding a rebuke," "the end of a matter" and "patience".  Not what I would have expected and some of these still feel depressing, Lord.

Even though Solom states that wisdom was meaningless, he still said it was a good thing to have, its beneficaial, a shelter and a preservative - at least to those who have wisdom.

Considering you Father and all your have done.  You, the One who gave Solomon his great wisdom - now wisely directs his reader of words to consider You and the unfathomable things you do and have done.  How great Thou art!

"Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful than ten rulers in a city" (Ecclesiates 7:19).

A wise person still needs wisdom said Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived.  Ironic statement from him but he was wise enough and humble enough to realize he still needed Your wisdom.

Father, I still lack big time in this area:  yes, wisdom as well as humility.  These qualities in quantity would be good and Solomon seems to be understanding this.  He knew his help came from You, Father God.  So this is something we human beings can hook our thoughts into even now to put some meaning into our life.

God, you created mankind upright but we blew it, turning meaningful into meaninglessness by our constant schemes, searching, searching for meaning in the wrong places.  Such misery to be ever seeking and never finding.

When one seeks you though, Lord, one will find you and this brings meaning to the sorry life.  I fear you God and try to be reverent before you.  This was  one of Solomon's sayings and that he knew it goes better for the one who does.

In this we can continue to toil all the days God has given us under the sun.  Note that.  Even in this rather depressing book of Solomon's musings and conclusions from his life's experiments he doesn't talk about taking his own life or wishing God would take it for him.  No death wishes but a living out of his life until the end of the days You have given, Father.

Even though he felt 

"no one can discover [life's] meaning nor understand it".  

Life is in Your hands Father, especially when a person is righteous and wise.  This is helpful and gives hope.  No matter our state we are better off alive than dead.

"Anyone who is among the living has hope" (Ecclesiastes 9:4).

I find this statement amazing.  I like how Solomn amusingly tacks on,

"- even a live dog is better off than a dead lion" (Ecclesiastes 9:4).

True enough isn't it?  Yet many feel quite the opposite.  Father give us hope and reason to live - not just in platonic mundane existence but for purposeful purpose.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, you have given a Great Commission.  This puts much meaning into our lives.  This is what it boils down to - what you wanted us human beings to understand and to do.

This is wisdom.  In this day of so many wars, as there must have been all around Israel at the time, although not for Israel when King Solom reigned, he still declared wisdom to be better than weapons of war.

Still Lord, each of us sinners do destroy much good.  Help me to build up and not tear others down.  These are my pleas-of-the-day.  

May battles of words be fought with calm against the great offences.  May the many offenses be laid to rest.  May the words I say and write become more gracious.  Let them be wise words and accepted with grace.  May these words belong to You!

Let them have meaning for someone.  May Your work, O Lord, Maker of Heaven and Earth and all that in them are, let the sowing of my word seeds not be idle or in vain, make them sprout, grow and succeed.  May they be a pleasing offering in Your sight; pleasing and fragrant to You, bearing fruit for Your kingdom.

Throughout all this 'meaningless life" Lord, I want to fear You and obey Your Word.  It is my duty and the duty of all mankind (Ecclesiastes 12:13).  May my life be to do what is right in your sight all my days.

Thank you for the joy you bring through Jesus and the life I live hidden in Christ.  Thank You for bringing meaning and purpose.  Help me not to forget this.  

In Jesus name I ask and give you praise.

                                               ~ERC March 2023~

Based on Ecclesiastes 1-12 NIV.

Sing, Meaningless, along with Anthony Evans; vocal and sign language.

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