Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Jesus' Voice


The wind was blowing a gale, the waves were rough and it was dark, as night had come.  The disciples toiled and struggled to get their boat to Capernaum.  They'd gotten part way across after many hours of buffet and struggle against the wind, when they saw someone or something coming towards them.  These grown men grew terrified.

It was no bird or plane!  They thought it was a ghost.  Until 'the voice' sounded - 

"Take courage" 


"It is I...Don't be afraid".  

Imagine their relief.  It was Jesus' voice.  It was Jesus coming towards them.  

"But wait...what?  He's walking on the water."  

"Say what?"  

"You heard correctly - He's walking on the water!"

The voice of the Lord calmed the turbulent emotions that coursed through them from the supposed ghost sighting more than the mirrored fright of the rough sea.  Does His voice calm you?   It can as we read His word, as we listen for His voice through the Holy Spirit's guidance - even in the midst of the wildest storms of life we toil through.

How gracious of Jesus, but this is what He does.  This is one of His many specialties.

There were some serious miracles going on here too!  One, Jesus was walking on the water.

No wonder the disciples were startled out of their wits.  In all their life and times as fishermen, not in their foggiest of imaginations had they ever thought of or seen such a happening.

Today's illustionists try to recreate walking on water but they need to go through elaborate shenanigans to do so.  Jesus' true miracle was all, shall we say, "organic."  It was just Jesus and the water; no illusions, only truth.

This helps to partly explain why Peter began to sink.  There were no optical tricks involved.  Peter knew what to do though.  He cried out, Jesus reached out to grab him and then into the boat they climbed.  The crux of the near drowning was that Peter had taken his eyes off Jesus, and despite being a seasoned fisherman out in all kinds of weather,  becoming afraid of the boisterious waves and going for a dunk-drenching drowning scare.  I think I'd have felt the same.

Jesus asked, 

"Why did you doubt?"

Ahh.  Peter had doubted Jesus' ability to maintain the water walk on sea level.  This was NOT seabed walking with needed scuba equipment.  This was authentic 'walking on water'!  This was a miracle.

The second astonishing miracle happened when Jesus got into the boat.  Did you catch what happened?  Look at John 6:21 NIV.  

"Then they were willing to take him into the boat..."

Here it comes, take further note...

"...and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading" (John 6:21).

Isn't that marvelous!!

In this instance, the sea was not calmed by Jesus.  The disciples would still have had to strive more hours to plough through those rough waves to Capernaum but Jesus fast-tracked them to shore.

Wouldn't you be stunned?  

This account can be read both in Matthew (14:22-33) and John (6:16-21).  In Matthew we find that,

"Then those who were in the boat worshiped Him" (v. 33).

This man Jesus was no ordinary man, could be the only explanation!  This was Jesus their Messiah, the Son of God!  He was the true God and must be worshiped - the compellings of their hearts brought out worship.  

So the disciples worshiped Him.  They knew this fully Man who could do miracles and recognized His fully God divinity.  Do you feel like worshiping Him?  Are you willing to take Him into your boat of life, stopping a few minutes to give Him your praise and adoration?  Sing, Amazing Grace.  That's the song I'm listening to at the moment while typing.  We will sing His praise so much in time to come but we can start now.

They did not broadcast to their town criers to gain attention.  No, they worshiped Jesus, then and there.  May our hearts be warmed by this, may we fall on our knees and give Jesus the glory and honor due to Him.

Contrast this with the crowds who, yes, were clamouring to find Jesus but their hearts were not in a right place.  They did not seek Him in order to worship Him.  Jesus remarked that they sought Him because of the miracle of the loaves of bread and few fish with which He'd fed them earlier.  They were looking for the benefits but not the Benefit-er.  They were not seeing WHO He was.

Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, listen for Jesus' voice.  Let's examine our hearts to see just what exactly we come to Jesus for and what He is saying to us.  Do we ignore His voice?  Is it only for the benefits or to give sincere praise and adoration - the worship due to His name and being.

He deserves it!

                                                  ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Matthew 14:22-33 and John 6:16-21.

Sing, All the Praise Belongs to You, along with Maranatha Music.

Photo credit:  Lois.  Taken at Bottle Cove, NFLD, Canada.  1970's.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Prayer - Meaninglessness

 Lord, the days under the sun for folks are so few!  We toil and task, we have our routines but often it feels like we're whirling on a hamster wheel of meaninglessness.

What can put meaning into this life we human beings live?


Solomon said,

"The more words, the less meaning..."

Then he asks, 

"...and how does it profit anyone" (Ecclesiastes 6:11).

Lord, that cuts because I write so many words.  Truth be told, not many read them.  So why should I bother?

Soon - the days are fleeting - I'll be gone and forgotten by the next generations, so again, why should I have bothered?  Why do I still add words?

King Solomon also felt the meaninglessness of life.  He tried to find happiness and fulfilment by turning his hand to many 'trial' experiments.  He found them meaningless.  What was the point?  Everyone ends up the same - dead.

Yet he did find some things were better than others to get folks through life.  Strangely he lists "a sad face," "house of mouring," "heeding a rebuke," "the end of a matter" and "patience".  Not what I would have expected and some of these still feel depressing, Lord.

Even though Solom states that wisdom was meaningless, he still said it was a good thing to have, its beneficaial, a shelter and a preservative - at least to those who have wisdom.

Considering you Father and all your have done.  You, the One who gave Solomon his great wisdom - now wisely directs his reader of words to consider You and the unfathomable things you do and have done.  How great Thou art!

"Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful than ten rulers in a city" (Ecclesiates 7:19).

A wise person still needs wisdom said Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived.  Ironic statement from him but he was wise enough and humble enough to realize he still needed Your wisdom.

Father, I still lack big time in this area:  yes, wisdom as well as humility.  These qualities in quantity would be good and Solomon seems to be understanding this.  He knew his help came from You, Father God.  So this is something we human beings can hook our thoughts into even now to put some meaning into our life.

God, you created mankind upright but we blew it, turning meaningful into meaninglessness by our constant schemes, searching, searching for meaning in the wrong places.  Such misery to be ever seeking and never finding.

When one seeks you though, Lord, one will find you and this brings meaning to the sorry life.  I fear you God and try to be reverent before you.  This was  one of Solomon's sayings and that he knew it goes better for the one who does.

In this we can continue to toil all the days God has given us under the sun.  Note that.  Even in this rather depressing book of Solomon's musings and conclusions from his life's experiments he doesn't talk about taking his own life or wishing God would take it for him.  No death wishes but a living out of his life until the end of the days You have given, Father.

Even though he felt 

"no one can discover [life's] meaning nor understand it".  

Life is in Your hands Father, especially when a person is righteous and wise.  This is helpful and gives hope.  No matter our state we are better off alive than dead.

"Anyone who is among the living has hope" (Ecclesiastes 9:4).

I find this statement amazing.  I like how Solomn amusingly tacks on,

"- even a live dog is better off than a dead lion" (Ecclesiastes 9:4).

True enough isn't it?  Yet many feel quite the opposite.  Father give us hope and reason to live - not just in platonic mundane existence but for purposeful purpose.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, you have given a Great Commission.  This puts much meaning into our lives.  This is what it boils down to - what you wanted us human beings to understand and to do.

This is wisdom.  In this day of so many wars, as there must have been all around Israel at the time, although not for Israel when King Solom reigned, he still declared wisdom to be better than weapons of war.

Still Lord, each of us sinners do destroy much good.  Help me to build up and not tear others down.  These are my pleas-of-the-day.  

May battles of words be fought with calm against the great offences.  May the many offenses be laid to rest.  May the words I say and write become more gracious.  Let them be wise words and accepted with grace.  May these words belong to You!

Let them have meaning for someone.  May Your work, O Lord, Maker of Heaven and Earth and all that in them are, let the sowing of my word seeds not be idle or in vain, make them sprout, grow and succeed.  May they be a pleasing offering in Your sight; pleasing and fragrant to You, bearing fruit for Your kingdom.

Throughout all this 'meaningless life" Lord, I want to fear You and obey Your Word.  It is my duty and the duty of all mankind (Ecclesiastes 12:13).  May my life be to do what is right in your sight all my days.

Thank you for the joy you bring through Jesus and the life I live hidden in Christ.  Thank You for bringing meaning and purpose.  Help me not to forget this.  

In Jesus name I ask and give you praise.

                                               ~ERC March 2023~

Based on Ecclesiastes 1-12 NIV.

Sing, Meaningless, along with Anthony Evans; vocal and sign language.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Jesus, Fully Man

 Ever wonder why Christians say Jesus is fully God and fully man?  When we look at the Scriptures, they leave us many clues to both, this is why we make such a statement.  You can have a look at the 'fully God' aspect from the link provided.  Herein, we will focus on Jesus being 'fully man'.

Simply put, Jesus got tired after a long dusty journey on foot (see John 4:6).  He wept at Lazarus' grave, joining in the sadness and loss with Mary and Martha and those who had loved Lazarus (see John 11:35).  The power of death was overwhelming as many of us can attest to firsthand when one of our loved ones depart from this world.  In another passage we discover that Jesus was thirsty - He said, 

"I am thirsty" (John 19:28).  

He had been hanging on the cross of Calvary when He uttered these words.  He was definitely feeling His humanity in a very poignant way.

There are other portions that show that Jesus could get hungry, sleepy, emotionally upset at stubborn people, and He even got angry (see Matthew 4:1-2; 8:23-27; Luke 19:41-44; Luke 19:45-46; and John 2:12-17).

Just a bit of an off tangent here.  I like to think of Jesus' anger as "righteous anger".  The things that make God angry are not petty.  If you read the account in John 2:12-17, you will see that what made Jesus angry was that the temple court, which was supposed to be used for a place of prayer, had been turned into a noisy marketplace where the hawkers would even cheat the customers.  This was Jesus' Father's house of prayer and worship!!  How dare they do this!!? (see also Luke 19:41-45).

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, are you imitating Him?  Do such things as abortion, gambling, drunkenness, or bullying appall you?  Do you intervene and lovingly confront a fellow believer-in-Christ that is engaging in such things?  Do we help to convince even non-believers that abortion is a sin and help the person out to full-term delivery and/or to find help and support for the person, even to legally finding an adoptive couple if the mother truly does not want to keep the baby?  Think about such things and compare to what you get angry at.

Anger is a legitimate emotion but as was mentioned in our study class the other night, we must control our anger as it could lead to violence such as murder, or even affect our health.  As a believer in Jesus Christ we have the help of the Holy Spirit who indwells us.  When we see or have a situation that makes us angry, see it as an opportunity to develop the fruit of the Spirit, one aspect thereof is patience and another is self-control.  Ask the Lord for His help in activating these qualities within us and to allow them to grow stronger.  This is the power of God within us.  We can overcome and have victory over the power of the evil one who may be purposefully goading us to do otherwise.

Jesus had been very self-controlled in regards to the temple incident.  He must have been seeing this 'marketplace' for many years already.  One evening He'd had enough.  He went away and made a whip.  That would have taken some time, and then off to the temple He went to clear it.  He was not on an uncontrolled rampage.  We do not read that He injured or killed anyone in His clearing.  He did make His point very clear as to why He was doing what He was doing.  You and I must think clearly too and not let our anger get out of hand.  Be self-controlled by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit of God.

One further remark here before we go back to our main topic.  I recently listened to a YouTube video of a fellow who is righteously angry at abortion.  He often stations himself outside abortion clinics in the USA and he tries to persuade the mostly young and unwed mothers to decisions other than to have an abortion.  He explains well AND he offers them care, support and shelter through the process.  The church he attends is behind him on this and part of the solution for these mothers.  This is his way of 'clearing the temple', so to speak.  

Back on track now, let me ask, 'So what was the point of Jesus being sent to earth as 'fully man?'  It was because human beings also have "flesh and blood".  I love how this verse is worded,

"Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity so that by His death He might break the power of him who holds the power of death - that is, the devil -" (Hebrews 2:14 NIV).

If you want to give an important message to a flock of birds or a pod of whales, for instance, you will need to become either a bird or a whale in order to respectively approach them.  If you don't you will frighten them away or they may just simply ignore the 'frogman' scuba diving among them.

Jesus had, and still has, a very important message to give us human beings.  God loves you and wants a relationship with you through 'buying you back' from Satan.  He wanted Jesus to be able to provide the way to make this possible ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden.

Sin separted mankind from God because God is holy and cannot have sin in His presence.  Our sin also gave Satan a hold and power over us.  The consequence of sin is death as well as separation from God.  That's why the Hebrews 2 verse talks about "the power of death" and that it's the devil who holds that power.  

Mankind cannot climb, claw or work their own way out from under this dark power.  We cannot go on pilgrimages, crawling along 100's of kilometers of road or do charity work to gain merit points with God.  It is only through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, showing God's love in action, on our behalf.  You and I need to accept this and give credit and praise to Jesus.  He is the only One who can extricate us from Satan's power and enable us to live by the power and authority of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit who indwells us when we do.  Jesus has freed us from living under the slavery of Satan's grip.

The only one who could do this for us was Jesus as He was, and still is, the only sinless one - ever.

At Christmas time, remember, Jesus wasn't born just so we could celebrate His birth.  NO - it was way more than that!  He was born to die and He didn't flinch despite the pain and agony He endured while nailed to the cross.  He had been determined to fulfil all His Father God had sent Him to do and He did it.  The message was delivered - in full.

Praise the Lord, the One who died for me!  For you!  Give your thanks to Jesus.

Because Jesus was fully man He could feel all the passions we have, understand and sympathize with us.  He was tempted but did no succumb to Satan's wiles and sin.  He is sinless as was mentioned earlier.  That is the BIG difference between us ordinary human beings and Jesus' manhood.  We sin, He never sinned.  As Hebrews 4:14-15 states, Jesus...

"...was without sin..."

In closing, briefly look at the whole picture of Jesus.  Realize He is fully God as well as fully man.  Being fully God - we know He is the only'god' that is alive - living for us in Heaven.  He gives life - the best being 'eternal life'.  He heals, raises people from the dead and redeemed us back to God through His death and resurrection.  Being fully man, Jesus got tired, thirsty, was tempted, and is flesh and blood, yet without sin; the perfect, sinless, spotless one.

This is my awesome God!

When you know who Jesus is you must respond to Him.  Either you accept or reject who He said He was/is.  When you accept the fact, what will you do about it?  

Jesus' offer of salvation is freely offered and freely given to those who accept.

Do choose to accept.

That is my prayer for you, which I pray in Jesus' name.

                                                     ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Navigator's Ministries, Inc.; Book 1 Knowing Jesus Christ, Chapter 1 Who is Jesus Christ?; Questions 11-13.   Also based on the Bible study class discussion based on these questions.

See all Scriptures as posted throughout the article but you can refer to the basics:  John 4:16; 11:35; 19:28,; Hebrews 2:14; and 4:14-15 NIV.

Sing, Fully God, Fully Man, along with David Hill.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Out of the Ashes

 Out of the ashes we rise Father God, because there is none like You for raising us up.  Helpless and hopeless we were but You brought us the hope of Jesus and the Holy Spirit Comforter.

So many poor, blind, lame, demon possessed; those being harassed and discriminated against - You raised them up.  You let them know You loved them, that You SEE them and care about their plight.  You brought us Jesus to show us Your love in action.  You let us know You are on our side.

Even in simple unobtrusive ways like turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee.  The groom didn't know they'd run out of wine, neither did the MC.  The servants did though.  Perhaps Jesus even averted a scolding aimed at said servants.  How in the world could they have run out of wine?!  How is it they didn't order in enough?  How were the miscalculations made?

Jesus quietly and calmly told them to fill the water jars with water and then dip out and pour it out for the guests.  The water came out as wine - the best ever variety at that!  He is so amazing, Father!

It was a miracle.  A sign.  A sign of His glory and divinity, that He is God, their Messiah come in the flesh.  Yet few knew of this first public sign.  Just the disciples, Jesus' mother and the servants knew where it had come from.  This thing had been done 'in a corner' so to speak but we know about it today.  Jesus' power and might evidence shown.  He is on my side today too.  

Thank-You Father God, that You indeed raise people up, giving us joy, putting praise in our mouths, even mine.  I love You Lord, as you lift my heart up to You because You first loved me.

In thanksgiving and in blessing and remembering of Jesus' most profound 'raising up,' that is His death and resurrection on all believers' behalf, I partake of the bread and drink of the wine this Lord's Day.  All Your children cannot thank You enough.  

In Jesus' name I give You thanks and praise.

                                                 ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Isaiah 61:3 and John 2:1-11 NIV.

Sing - Our God, along with Chris Tomlin.


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Think About...


Thinking on good positive things can help our minds overcome a whole host of negatives.  We may need to agressively train and discipline, or even, retrain, our focus in order to lead ourselves away from harmful outcomes such as suicide, panic attacks, or even revenge.  I don't mean to sweep all the pain under the carpet, one still needs to address the root causes for how one has come to such a desparate measure.   Yet it is helpful to put greater focus on the positives to help ourselves sort through those causes.

Here's some ways towards the positive,

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things" (Philippians 4:8 NIV).

May the peace of God, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (see Philippians 4:7 NIV).

What is true?  Its true you were made 'in the image of God' (see Genesis 1:27).  If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you are also a child of God (see John 1:12).  You are a jewel to Him (see Malachi 3:16 KJV; Zechariah 9:16 NIV).  He is your Creator.  He's gonna take extra good care of you because He loves you.  You are priceless and precious to Him.

How about noble, what does that mean?  Literally, you have rank, title, or birth in aristocracy.  Additionally, having or showing fine personal qualities of high moral principles (see Oxford Languages Dictionary online).

Well, Jesus is our King of kings.  We belong to Him, therefore are a child of God - royalty.   When we produce the fruit of the Spirit and live holy lives, we will exhibit 'fine qualities and high moral principles'.  Think on these, fill your mind with them, train your mind with them and then obey them.

Christian living entails purity.  Holy living.  Think about what holiness is to God.  Read the Scriptures to find out more.  Being pure spiritually will help the mental, emotional and physical well-being of a person to live and exude a pure life with pure thoughts.

Think of lovely things.  What movies, books, newspaper articles, newscasts do you watch and/or listen to or read?  A constant diet of crudeness, violence, wars and such are not lovely.  Think of lovely things like how missionaries or support groups for them minister to the people they go to - not just to preach the word but in helping out health wise and/or finding ways to improve their quality of life.  A big example I read about recently is of the man who made wheelchairs he calls 'Miracle Wheels' and provides them to people in third world countries.  A wheelchair for a person who cannot walk is a total godsend in getting the person's life up off the ground, away from the dust and dirt and shame.  It's rather like Jesus had reached out and touched them.  Think of the profound and lovely difference that would make!

In many so-called, 'advanced countries' we take such a thing for granted and want state-of-art equipment and holler if we don't get it.  Therefore, maybe we cannot conceive of the profound positive effect such a gift would make.  (Note here that I mean no offense especially not to those who need such equipment.  All is helpful and needful.  I just want folks to see the stark contrast.)  Think about the lovely actions.

Many missionaries are admirable.  They often leave home, family, friends, culture and language for years on end.  They come up with ways to treat and help people.  Using our strength, knowledge and abilities to help others who don't have as many of so-called advantages as we do is admirable.  How Jesus Himself helped so many during His tenure on earth is extremely admirable.  Think about all that!

Excellent and praiseworthy stories abound.  Find them.  Think about them.  Create some of your own.

We can do all these things through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as He give us the strength to retrain our minds into better thought patterns (see Philippians 4:13).  I hear it takes about 40 days to learn a new habit.  Start today.

Rejoice in the Lord, be gentle, and don't be anxious about anything.  Think on the positives.  Pray and petition the Lord to help you.  It is often not a quick fix but a process over time, yet a process towards better thinking.  Guard your hearts and minds by choosing, that's right, choosing - it's an act of the will - to think of that which is of good report.

Think about it, then put it into practice.

My prayer is that anyone with an anxious mind will find the peace of God.  In general and when 'attacks'  of doubts, fears, and turmoil chase each other around like a whirlwind in your minds, that the guardrails and wind breaks are in place and will keep you grounded and safe.  In Jesus' name I ask.

                                                 ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Philippians 4 especially 4-9 NIV.

Sing, Think About It, along with Steven Green.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Book Review - Josephine and Her Dishwashing Machine - By Kate Hannigan - Publication Date: 14 March 2023

 Female inventors were frowned upon and disavowed back in the 1800's when Josephine Cochrane had a problem with washing dishes by hand.  It didn't stop her from persevering and finding her own solution in solving it.   The big reveal - a dishwashing machine, of course!  Many households today have her to thank.  

The story line is short, sweet and to the point.  I love the illustrations of beautiful tea cups and saucers; and of her inventions' sketches and diagrams.  Even though Josephine is long gone, I could still feel excitement she must have had in realizing her idea was working and that she, a woman, was vindicated and taken seriously - quite an achievement, all round.  

I feel that children, especially girls, with similar drives, dreams and perseverence will be thrilled with this story and perhaps even be motivated to tinker with their own potential creations.  After all, there is much less flak and prejudice against female inventors nowadays.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        December 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Book Review - Truth and Repair - By Judith L. Herman, MD - Publication Date: 14 March 2023

 Truth and Repair's "full name" has the following tag, "How Trauma Survivors Envision Justice".  This is exactly what one will learn about from Judith L. Herman, MD, the authoress.  The trauma survivors' perspectives rather than the perpetrators.  This is very necessary instruction for one and all, I'd say.

This book has broadened my understanding of victims of violence and what they wish could be done for them so that they are not repeatedly violated, by the "so-called," justice system, post the time of trauma, should they wish to sue for justice through the courts.  Key terms are "Survivors' Justice" and "Survivors' Agenda".  Details of active and potential ways to put the focus on the victims and their healing, rather than on pampering the perpetrators, are so much more helpful and reduce re-victimization of the already deeply and traumatically injured party, I learned.  Makes good sense to me.

The range aspects for the Survivors' Agenda appear to be comprehensive, covering such areas of the why's and wherefore's of the tyranny of dominance (male) over subordination (female); acknowledgement of the act of tyranny, accountability, healing, restitution, prevention and more. 

I believe this is a well thought out, log of survivors' concrete wishes and hopes, and how bystanders, who also have responsibility, can be instumental in making or breaking the victims in achieving some modicum or more, of justice and healing.

People who have been violated, know there is help and hope for you, you can find out more through reading this book.  If you are someone who knows someone who has been violated, read this book and help your loved one or friend.  If you are the perpetrator of violence, read and find out how one of your victims feels.  Spend time in their shoes.  See what you have done.  Also, know how you can make a huge difference when learning to live a life of accountablity for your actions.  If you are a bystander who would like to 'do something' to help the sufferer, educate yourself by reading this book towards attaining greater truth and repair work that you could act upon for the good and benefit of those who have been sexually violated and in more ways than one; catch the trauma survivor's vision for justice.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           September 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and Basic Books publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Jesus, Fully God

 Our God is forever an awesome God and we can never stop saying as much.  In fact, in eternity to come it will be unending praise for the One who made salvation through Jesus Christ possible.  The one who sent Jesus to earth, who is fully God and fully man, He is our Savior.

When we look at John 5:22-21 we see that we can have an attitude that purposes to honor Jesus:  number one, because of all He has done for us, and number two, to honor Jesus in just the way Jesus honored His Father God.

The perfect example for the disciples of Jesus Christ is always Jesus, for knowing how to live our Christian life.  The manner in which Jesus was always obedienct to His Father God's will is the big hint of how we can achieve such honoring.

Jesus honored God by obeying God's commands - the most high impact one being to go all the way to death on the cross to earn our salvation.  He always took time out, away from the crowds and busyness of the day to talk with His Father in prayer, engaging pro-actively in this way in maintaing their relationship - keeping the connection strong and vibrant.  He went from towns to villages preaching about the Kingdom of God, which anyone interested to know more, can read about in the gospels:  that is, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Again, as followers of Jesus Christ, we can do the same in order to honor Jesus.  We can worship Him, not just weekly in a church service, but every day at home.  Honor can also come in the form of living with integrity on the job, growing the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives such as love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, to name some.  Time, effort and energy collectively flourishes and blooms into honor as one consistantly strives to show their respect and reverence of Him.  Trusting Him with our lives and depending upon Him is imperative.  You can think of all this as a perpetual thank offering for all Jesus has done for us, keeping the main goal as an aura about us; that of honoring Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior in all I do and say.

An earthly example will also help us picture this love, respect and honor of Jesus.  In a family there are often house and family rules.  Each member knows them, from oldest to youngest.  This is the way this family will operate and behave.

If the parents go out, leaving the children at home there is a 'true test' of how well the children have learned, or rather, of how willingly obedient they are to the family's modus operandi.  If the children want to respect and honor their parents, they will behave accordingly.

Similarly, when they are at a friend's house, at school, or hanging out outside somewhere else, the things they do or don't do will reflect how much they'll honor their parents.  For example, there once was a young teenage girl whose father adamantly said that dancing was not for Christians.  Her school had what they called a "sock hop" at lunch hour every now and again.   Basically it was a dance in the school gym.  The students were only allowed to wear socks, not shoes, so that the gym floor would not be damaged by all the 'hopping'.

Now, this girl would so have loved to go sock hopping.  However, her father let his opinion about dancing be known so well, it was more a less a forgone conclusion that he would not be happy with his daughter going to even such an 'innocent' dance.  It was like he had given a command that she was not allowed to take part.  Yet, she thought, he'll never know one way or another if she went in and had some fun.  Then again, she feared, he always finds out.  So due to fear of her Dad, she spent a very lonely lunch hour outdoors on the front steps of the school whenever there was an ongoing sock hop.

This sounds more like actual fear though, and not really out of respect for the father's wishes.  Fear of incrimination and punishment should the dad find out about potential disobedience, is not really honor.  If it had come out of and understanding and an agreement with the dad's view, then there would have been more true honor.

We know that Jesus is kind, gentle, gracious and forgiving even when we disobey and sin.  He says that if we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive, purifying us from all unrighteousness (1John 1:9).  Due to this, I believe it is easier to honor Jesus than any human being whether a parent, boss, or even others in authority over us.  Keep in mind that Jesus honored His Father out of love and reverence for Him, and not fear of punishment.

However, I hope the illustration does have some merit in showing that even in the absence of the authority figure, we will follow the family rules.  "Jesus" is in Heaven but we can still honor Him by our holy living and praising Him because He loves us.  Let's do honor Him with offering Him our thanksgiving for His love and care.

I believe that Jesus is who He has said He is.  I believe and am fully convinced that He is God.  He said,

"I and my Father are one" (John 10:30).

He was equal with God.  He is God.  This upset the Jewish leaders of the time to no end.  They felt it was total blasphemy.

How could a mere mortal man say such a thing!!  

You see, they only saw Jesus as an ordinary flesh and blood human being.  They did not stop to consider all the signs, wonders and miracles Jesus had done.  The blind saw, the deaf came to hear, the lame walked, the demon possessed had the demons cast out; the dead were raised to life in Jesus' name and by His authority and power.  How could Jesus be "just a man" with all this evidence shouting otherwise?!

These leaders did not want to accept or admit Jesus was more.  Many people today are often of the same opinion.  Yet each individual must stop and consider!  Is Jesus really who he claimed to be, or is He a hoax, a fraud?  

If you believe He is truly God, then what are you going to do about it?  This is the crux of the matter.  Will you accept Him into your life?  Two choices are before you:  accept or refuse and reject.  The Jewish religious leaders rejected the possibility, accusing Jesus of blasphemy.

In those times, and among the Jewish people, this was a serious offense - an affront to God.  It came with the penalty of being stoned to death (see Leviticus 24:15-16).  So they wished to open fire on Jesus, evidenced by their picking up stones to hurl at Him (see John 10:22-33).

I love that even though Thomas, who at first doubted about Jesus, did eventually declare, 

"My Lord and my God" (John 20:24).  

Jesus was no ordinary man to him.  Then there was Peter with a mirrored affirmation about Jesus which we saw earlier, 

"You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:15-16).

My prayer for each person who reads this blog entry, is that you will be fully, 100% convinced that Jesus is fully God (as well as fully man).  Also, once you accept this fact, that you will come to Him, asking Him to be your Lord and Savior.  After that, (or if He is already your Savior), that you will honor Him by living a life of obedience to Him, from this day forward until He carries you up to be with Him.  

                                                           ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Navigators Book 1, Chapter 1, Knowing Jesus Christ; Qs 7-10.  

Verse references:  john 5:22-23; 10:22-33; 20:24-28 NIV.

Sing, Totally God and Totally Man along with Carrickfergus Baptist.

See also, Jesus, Fully Man.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Warga Emas


One of David's many prayers had to do with apples.  Are you surprized?  Look at the prayer he wrote in Psalm 17:8 (NIV),

"Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings."

The other day I was lined up at a local government clinic to be registered for my appointment.  Almost every time I visit they have new arrangements and rules - it must help keep their brains nimble but it kind of confuses the patients to have to get up to snuff at the latest switch-a-roo.  Some arrangements are more efficient than others.  Yesterday's was not so, however, I was tickled pink to see the queue line label was for the "warga emas".  Sheepishly, I admit, I qualify - this group is for the aged 60 and up folks.

Double-checking with handy Google translate, I found that a literal translation of 'warga emas' equals 'golden citizen'.  Hah!  That compensates for the categorization.  

Actually, I already suspected thus, as I'd learned what the Malaysian language idiom of 'anak emas' means quite some time ago.  It's 'golden child'.  It felt good to have finally gotten  gold medal status in something.  Ha, ha.

A more fluent translation would be the English idiom "apple of the eye".    This means that someone or something is very precious to a person who refers to another person (or thing) as the apple of their eye.

Apples are a fruit that are the apple of my eye. Oh especially those grown in the Canadian Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia.  The crunch and the juicy goodness is definitely something to write home about.  Associating such apples with the idiom really works for me.

As mentioned at the outset, the Bible has used this idiom a couple of times.  God told the Israelites they were the apple of His eye and if anyone were to touch them they'd better watch out as they'd have to deal with Him (see Zechariah 2:8).

I like the idea that those of us who belong to Jesus Christ - His Church, collectively, are the apple of His eye, that we are precious in His sight and He loves and cares for us.  Bring that down now to the individual and say, "I am the apple of My Heavenly Father's eye and I am precious in His sight".  To me, this is something to be very thankful for because I am His child.

How does this make you feel when you claim this for yourself?

Hopefully it creates a golden opportunity to praise the Lord!

                                             ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Psalm 17:8; Zechariah 2:8; additional references to the apple of His/your eye:  Deuteronomy 32:10 and Proverbs 7:2 NIV.

Sing, Jesus Loves Me, along with Sing Hosanna, Bible songs for Kids.  I know this is a children's song but sometimes it's good to be reminded of how much Jesus does love us.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Praying, Watchful and Thankful

 I keep staring at the verse,

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful" (Colossians 4:2 NIV)

What does it mean?  Watchful of what?  Thankful for what?

One needs to read with some context, of course, so reading Colossians 4:2-6 gives a better idea where to direct our attention, consideration and action.

The apostle Paul, the author of those words asked for prayer concerning his one great passion and pursuit since he'd had his dramatic Damascus Road conversion.  He wanted more open doors and opportunities to proclaim the message of Jesus and the mystery of Christ.

Sounds like he was free to come and go at the time but he was 'in chains' when he wrote the letter to the Colossians.  Those of us who are free should be in prayer, alert and watchful to grab those opportunities too.  They're likely more abundant than we think.  Paul's chances were limited but he still wanted to be alert to grabbing them when they came his way.  We can then be thankful for them as he was in his time.

Prayer was also requested for clear proclamation of the gospel and for wisdom in his actions toward outsiders.  These are very key elements for ourselves to pray for too.  We need to have good testimonies that show Jesus is precious to us and that we fear God.  In this we would give evidence that we mean what we say and our walk equals our talk.

This is part of being watchful.  We are to "devote" ourselves to it.  

In the end, we can give praise to the one who died for us and those with whom we have opportunity to share the invitation to salvation through Jesus Christ.  For this, we can also be devotely thankful.

Does this answer some of those questions?

                                                   ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Colossians 4:2-6, especially verse 2) NIV Youversion [phone].

Verse image from YouVersion's verse-a-day.

Sing, Be Watchful and Ready, along with YES-LA, JRAY.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Book Review - Reasonable Cause to Suspect - By Sally Lane - Publication Date: 7 March 2023


This story blew me away.  What an ongoing ordeal this Letts family has had to endure, which has been sustained over so many traumatic years!  It compiles as an autobiography of frustrations, disappointments, betrayals, disregard, unconcern, not only by one goverment, but two!  Journalistic whistle-blowers got in on the shaming and defaming too, without varifying facts.  How can this family get their son Jack back?  

One stupid mistake had turned Jack into an alleged terriorist, and Islamophobia by governments and populace alike, corkscrewing the situation into an overwhelming mix.  "Guilty until proven innocent" seemed to be the verdict stamped upon the family by a large number of people.  Truly a horrendous situation!

Reading this story I could feel the mother's total anguish over her dearly beloved son.  The book reads somewhat like a journal, as mother Sally records many daily details of the continuing  tumultuous saga.  This does slow the reading down and one could get bogged down.  However, even though I skipped sections I could still follow the living nightmare and sympathize with the family's plight.

"O, be he dead or alive, WHEN will Jack come home?!"

                                       ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                     December 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Trembling in His Holy Presence


Father God, You are the Most High, my Maker and the Exalted One above all gods.  Those 'gods' that are NOT gods but which people make into gods instead of acknowledging You as the One true God.  I'm humbled and blessed to be a recipient of your grace, mercy, love and salvation.  My brothers and sisters-in-Christ feel similarly, I believe.

It is we, Your children who bow down, kneeling before You in praise and to adore You.  Your splendor and holiness is to be revered above all else.  It makes us awestruck to realize how holy You are!  You are the perfect righteous one - the embodiment of holiness.

We can tremble before a Sultan of earth, so a person who has had such an experience will know the feeling in a very small measure compared to being in Your presence Father and that of Your Son Jesus Christ - the King of kings and Lord of lords.  There is need of respect, honor, obedience and reverence.

Even as the great King David or was it the meek man Moses before him, wrote in the Psalms, who had face-to-face encounters with You and felt the awesome aura of Your holy presence.  No wonder they would tremble.

Trembling in your presence, to me, seems an acknowledtement of Your holiness knowing our frail sinful humanity falls so short of Your glory.  Yet You still chose to do something about it!  You graciously gave us Jesus our Redeemer.  You imputed Your righteousness to us through Him, giving us great joy and wonderment of you.

As we partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine this Lord's Day in remembrance of Your redeeming act of love, know that it is with gratitude and thanksgiving, we bow before You as the psalmist of old did in acknowledging Your holiness and the imputing of it to us.  You deserve all our worship.  Help Thou our progressive sanctification as of today.

Okay, no doubt You chuckle Father over our human terminology about that sanctification but you know what we mean.  Cheer us on in our sincere feeble attempts at living to be holy as you are holy.  We really do want to be ever more like You.

In Jesus' Name I worship You, O Father God.

                                                   ~ERC March 2023~

Based on Psalm 97; 99:1-5; 114:7; 119:120 NIV.

Sing, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, along with Parkway Worship, The Hymns Project.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Two Choices


In life there are two pivotal choices, to accept or to refuse the gift of life.  It's a perplexing matter, no it's more than that, its a deeply concerning matter why life gets rejected.

The gift of life is what you receive at your conception in your mother's womb, and then in even greater capactiy once delivered into the 'womb' of the world at birth.  This life is sacred and should be clung to until the number of days God has given each human being is fulfilled.  He is the Author and Finisher of life.

There is another type of gift of life, and that is everlasting life.  This we can have through the redemption Jesus Christ bought for each and every one of us.  This includes forgiveness of sins along with the everlasting life and so much more.

The focus here is on the everlasing life and the two choices each and every one of us must make regarding it in our present life time.  They are:  to accept or to refuse.  When a person realizes just who Jesus is - God - and all His mighty and amazing power and authority that it is totally awesome and from such a Person, the question remains, how could anyone refuse His gift?

We can see His power in creation in the wind and waves upon the sea, for instance, and how that makes mighty crashes and splashes upon the rocks along the shore or how they toss the immense ocean liners as if they are but pieces of driftwood.

Jesus' authority to command those very waves and wind to "be still," astonishes when they obey.  His words and touches in healing the sick and disabled, immediately, gives pause.

Does it make you pause?  Pause and consider who Jesus is.  Know that He is trustworthy, that He is fully man and fully God.  Know that it is He offering this gift of life called, "salvation".  He poured His whole heart of love into it.

Are you touched by it?

The onus is on the person not Jesus.  As John 5:40 reveals, 

"You refuse to come to me to have life".

Jesus raised various people from the dead.  He gave them life in this sense as well.  This is profound.  Yet, even more profound is when He rose Himself from the three days of death and tomb internment.  His resurrection allows for giving everlasting life to you and me.  We have a living God who continues to give life to "whosoever will" accept His gift (see John 3:16).

The decision is in your ballpark, yours to make.  There are only two choices:  to accept or to refuse.

My prayer is that you choose to accept life.

                                               ~ERC  Febrary 2023~

Based on John 5:21, 40.

Sing, God So Loved, along with Hillsong.