Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Prayer - Where's the Spiritual Man?


You are an awesome, living God, Father!  You are the LORD God of hosts that Ethan the Ezrahite wrote about millennia or so ago.  We can read it now in Psalm 89.  Ethan, was a singer-songwriter and musician of the same caliber as our favorite, David.

He knew how to sing Your praises, remarking on Your steadfast love and faithfulness, not just to him or his ancestors, but to all generations.  You established them in the heavens and upon Your chosen ones with whom You had a covenant.  Ethan appreciated this, nestling down there into the inner sanctums of his heart and soul.

You had promised David that his offspring would be on the throne for all generations.  You are still keeping that promise because, hallelujah, Jesus, David's descendant, is on the throne in Heaven!

No wonder Ethan writes, You are 

"...a God greatly to be feared" (Psalm 89:7 ESV).

You are so awesome.  The one true God, among so many false ones.  We look at the beauties and wonders and diversities in Your creation and shake our heads, well, in wonder and awe; our almighty Creator God.

Sometimes we even chuckle at Your humor.  Like this morning, a young chameleon, scuttled away for all it was worth, when it got startled by my presence in its path.  It looked so cute in its hurry, I couldn't help but to be amused.  (Of course, I don't like them in my house though; outdoors, is fine, thank-You.)

That gave me a "lift" from You for my day.  You are the Giver who continues to give.  It's astounding cuz, You are the LORD God of hosts!  So mighty that the raging seas foam and ferment, but You calm them.  You calm them by Your "strong hand" and "mighty arm" and even as Jesus did in the presence of his disciples, with, His voice,

"Peace be still" (Mark 4:39).

And so You calm our raging of soul, spirit, minds, emotions, and will.  Your righteousness and justice, and Your steadfast love and faithfulness are Your foundations and become ours in the light of our salvation through Jesus Christ.  We can depend on Him in the thick of the storms of life; and in the thick of the great disappointments of life.  The light of Your face shines upon us and we can then "exult in Your name, all day," (vs 15-16) if we wish to.

You become for us, as You did for Ethan, the "glory of our strength" because our strength is in You; You become "our shield" through faith in Jesus and You exalt our names because

"those who honor You, You will honor" (1 Samuel 2:30);

in Your way and in Your timing.  Our times are in your hands, Father, as that lovely old piece in song, goes.  Our enemy Satan, cannot outwit us when we have Your armor on and stand firm in You, in Your Word, and in Your strength; when we stand firm...and...pray!

This enemy that is NOT flesh and blood, he and his minions will scatter.  When we submit to You and we resist the evil one, he flees.  He cannot establish his foothold in our lives.  We are Your children, called by Your Name through Jesus.  We belong to You.  Help us never to forget that! as we walk according to Your word and ways, and plan for our lives.  As we sit and bask in Your presence, communing with You, oh our Father God; our Abba Father, make us faithful witnesses for You, like the moon and vast skies You fixed above us that stay the daily course.  Like the seasons that chase and morph into each other in turn.  You said that would happen and it does.  We can depend upon Your promises and word.

Don't hide Yourself from us though, Lord, in our lifes' struggles.  We need You every hour.  Our time on earth is short, like the flower that grows up for a day and then is gone, like James says in his book.  You are the one who can deliver us from the "power of Sheol" that we experience on earth.

King David knew all about that and this Ethan the Ezrahite seems to understand this for himself too.  So he focuses on your steadfast love, faithfulness and righteousness that are established and became so in his life, too.  Being established in these areas help us to withstand the mockery from Your enemies against Your chosen ones and especially such as David who even his footsteps got mocked.  We cannot imagine that but if he said it, I believe it to be true.  You too, know, though, how this feels since Your Son Jesus, endured this type of treatment to the 'Nth' degree.  Oh Father God, how we bless Your name.  Ethan wanted it blessed "forever" (vs 2).  Amen, so be it.

The thing I appreciate about this Ethan fellow, is that he was a musician who believed what he sang, wrote and accompanied by instrument (some people think he played the cymbals).  How it warms my heart to see worship leaders who truly connect with You.  It is not just some Sunday ritual to be got through because no one else will take up that role.

Father, we NEED the spiritual man willing and deeply desirous to be "sold" and "souled" out for You and leading Your people in all godliness and honesty; to be, themselves, established in You, in Your steadfast love, righteousness and faithfulness in the abundant amount that reaches to the skies.

Where are these men of integrity, Lord?  Bring them to the fore, alive and on fire for You, to our two's and three's and more.  Impress their manner of life and heart upon our hearts so that we too, will delight in You, so that we too will lift up our hearts, souls, and spirits in song, praise and worship of You and Your Son Jesus Christ Who made it all possible; to worship with pure hearts before You.

Indeed, blessed be Your name, LORD, forever!

In Jesus' name we pray and praise.

                                                        ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 89:1-52 ESV.

Sing, Our Times Are In Your Hands, by Scott  Barton of Cobleskill United Methodist Church

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