Thursday, June 17, 2021

Prayer - Return, Restore, Revive

 "Savior, like a shepherd, lead us*" safe into Your eternal home and rest.  Revive, restore us, make Your face shine upon us.

Like wayward sheep, we go astray.  We forget Your tender loving care.  We think You don't care despite all Your leading, protection, and fighting valiantly on our behalf.  So we go astray and sin, greatly dishonoring You.  We decide, yes, DECIDE, to go our own way, in our own strength.

How this must break Your heart Savior, Shepherd.  Our walls become broken down with unrepentant hearts.  Maybe we hope You will do something for us, yet we still want to hold the reins.  We get into ruin, disrepair, overgrown weeds florish in our lives instead of a fruitful bough you have created us to be.

Shine Your face upon us so we may be saved.  So we may be repentant, revived, restored, and refreshed.  Return to us, so we will return to You.  Let Your hand rest upon us as we confess that waywardness, lack of faith and trust; the sin that so easily besets us, especially the turning away from You, Your word and Your will in our lives.

May we return to You and call upon Your Name once more, firmly, solidly trusting in Your strength, O LORD God Almighty, and Savior, Jesus Christ, Our Good Shepherd.  Lead us.

In Jesus' most precious name, I beseech You.

                                                  ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 80:1-19 (NIV).

*Savior, like a Shepherd lead us, song, Joslin Grove Choir with Lyrics

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