Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Prayer - Remember His Deeds

When God seems to be silently ignoring and rejecting you (from your perspective), in the midst of deep pain, even when crying out to Him in your distress; "groaning" and "fainting in spirit," what do you do?

Asaph wrote to Jeduthan, that he would remember the song he'd sung before of God's deeds, unfailing love, promises that had never failed to be kept, of His anger He'd withheld because of His compassion; of all the long ago miracles and works God had performed for them throughout the Israelites' history with God.  He enumerated them and they added up.  With these, he comforted himself and found some answer.

God loves him and does not abandon.

You know, something?  It is good to journal all the times our Heavenly Father works wonders and deeds for us.  Maybe those are personal ones, or ones per family or per friends (you prayed together and things happened); or even per church congregation.  Record these, even the simple things of life that one can be thankful for and praise the Lord for.  Give thanks with a grateful heart. Look back over them now and again.  That list could grow very long and lengthy and you can praise Him all over again.

This collection of works God wrought for you, personally, can give you that mooring, rooting and steadfastness needed for those times of dearth, drought and hardship where you think there is no response from God despite your deep and loud, SOS cries for His help and intervention.  Those times when you feel you cannot and will not ever be comforted and He is rejecting you, remember His deeds that operated in your life prior to the current drama dragging you down.  Look up and remember His deeds.

Recall these upon your bed and through the tears coursing down your cheeks, soaking your pillows.  His love is unceasing and everlasting.  His love is unfailing and incorruptible.  He is there!  Our compassionate living and loving God, is there.

Father God, we often despair because of the traumas and tragedies life hits us on the head with.  You are there in the midst of it though, even in the silence, and in rejection we might feel because of it.  We cry out to You again and again knowing Your compassion fails not and reviewing all You have done for us in the past; knowing You are the same yesterday and today and will be tomorrow, too, when we wake up.

Forgive us though, LORD, when we feel abandoned by You.  We are people who like to see the tangible, to have, hold, feel, touch, hear.  Build our faith, as You did for Asaph, in those times that we only hear our own echo.  May we remember Your loving care in past times, as did Asaph.

You led Your Israelite flock folk by the hand of Moses and Aaron.  You led Asaph and subsequently, Jeduthan and the whole nation of Israel, all lthe way to us now, even through mighty waters which often roar near us.  You led without leaving footprints that could literally be seen.  We are confident that you are leading us and as we remember Your works in our lives, that You lead us too, through the silence and perceived lack of footprints.  Hold us fast because You know us and we are Yours through Jesus.  

It is in Jesus' name we pray and cry out to You and in His name we praise as we remember Your wonderful deeds being worked for us and into the fabric of our lives.

                                                    ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 77:1-20 (NIV).

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