Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Pink Book Recordings


"I'm going to write that down in my little black book," shouted the angry man at his neighbor.  "One more thing and that's the last straw.  I'll take you to court!"

Very unpleasant flinging of words.

No doubt there are worse.

However, sometimes we say that in jest, "I'm writing that in my black book."  A keeping tract of negative acts and actions that people perpetrate against us intentionally or not.

Pink books are nicer to have (or what ever other color), to record the things we are thankful for.  That lightens the load, atmosphere and countenance.  Everyone should have one of these and record as daily as possible and then give audible thanks to our Heavenly Father who cares for You and me.  Thanks to those in our life who also care for us and show us kindnesses and basic general good.  A word of appreciation never hurt anyone.

Look back over what you have written in your 'pink book recordings' then, over time, and give thanks and praise all over again.  Joy will flood your heart, soul and spirit along with gratitude to God our Heavenly Father.

A good friend of mine* records events in a very creative style.  She draws them!  She has a book in which to flood her creative talent, not just with sketching them out but adding authentic brushes of color.  Additionally, she picks up her calligraphy pen and weaves words of description and thanksgiving to her Heavenly Father into the 'fabric' of her as-it-happened book.    This friend even takes sermon notes in this fashion.

So often we thank the Lord, "thank-You for all You have done for us" but are not specific in regards to the "all".  Liberally sprinkled throughout the book of Psalms the various psalmists constantly contribute praise to Almighty God and delineate what His wonderful deeds to man, especially to the Israelites, have been.

It's a good practice and we know that God has His record books too.  He records our deeds and when we followers of Jesus Christ come before His 'Bema' throne in time ahead, He will reward that which was done out of a pure heart to honor and please Him.  Our deeds may be done in secret now but He will reward openly (Matthew 6:18).

It is just plain good manners too, to thank someone for things they do/have done for us or give us, and ways in which they have helped.  What more, to record the great things our Heavenly Father does for us and then thank Him!

Get out you 'pink' book and start recording today...😀

                                                  ~ERC  February 2021~

*Art credits for the "Together in Spirit" illustration go to my friend, Flora.  As you can see, it is a recording of "history" but it also depicts a tone of thankfulness to the Lord.


  1. Thanks Lady Eunice I am encouraged and i will pick up my pink book starting today

    1. This is wonderful. Glad you have been encouraged. It is very helpful to do and creates a good reminder of all the wonderful deeds our Heavenly Father bestows upon us.
