Sunday, June 27, 2021

Prayer - Born Near You


Heavenly Father, You do love to be right smack dab in the center of Your people!  The Sons of Korah loved that You loved to be.  They make very glad mention of it and it makes everyone glad too.  They wrote,

"On the holy mount stands the city He founded; the LORD loves the gates of Zion..." (Psalm 87:1-2 ESV).

You "founded" and "established" Zion, just so Your people of Israel could gather round You and "record" and 'register" those born there!  These were the people and parents who wanted to be near You.  Singers and dancers, too.  The joy of it!

O Father, may we, Your children, nowadays, have that deep, heartfelt desire, longing and yearning to be near You; to gather together with others, old and young alike, to be with and even "born" in a place that honors You; to bring up those youngin's from babyhood, to be near You physically so they can be near You spiritually as well.  Then everybody can say and sing, "All my springs are in You!" with happy, joyful hearts.  And, together with joy in our God, to sing of His love for us and of being near Him.  

Just think of that!


                                                          ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 87:1-7 ESV.

Sing, We Joy in Our God and Sing of His Love, with the choices of these tunes.  Or try this tune, Houghton.  The singing isn't great but it will give you the idea.  Think of the lyrics.

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