Sunday, June 20, 2021

Good Book - Light From Heaven

 Christmas Carol Kauffman, I kid you not, that is really the author's name, was from a Mennonite background.  Her stories reflect that way of life and are often based on true events and people.  Such is this book, Light From Heaven.

A story of a father's abuse of his children especially of his eldest son, and of a mother whose influence could overide the negative effects of the cruelty through her strong faith and reliance on Jesus and her Heavenly Father.  She too suffered unnecessary deprivation and neglect, and that in silence.  Not many knew of the depth of this family's plight as the father presented a very different public facade.

If anyone reading this comes from such a severely dysfunctional family such as this, you may find this story very close to your own heart and experience.  The 'journey' of the main character, Joseph, may run parallel to your own struggles of heart and mind as you fiercely strive to respond to the hurt and insults of vebal and physical abuse, in a Christ-like manner.  A huge test of faith especially if you do not have a praying mother or father (or other champion) as steadfast support throughout the lifetime years spent in the parental home.  In Joseph's case, the Light from Heaven shone through the mother to her children even into the barren desert places of their lives.

(I in no way advocate that one keep silent as did the mother, who also suffered, in such cases.  There are organizations and people who can help people to get the protection and justice needed.  Please seek out those places if at all possible.  At the time the events of this story took place, there were few, if any such 'helps' and these things were likely more taboo to mention.)

I've read this story ten times or more over my life and still revel in that ability of the most injured of the family to be able to forgive.  It is a truly magnificent story from this perspective of God's forgiveness working in and through both mother and children.  Truly a heart-warming story.  Only  through the grace and goodness of God could such a history have such a good outcome.

Father God, You know who is hurting excruciatingly in such abusive situations.  Help each one to be able to overcome with Your Holy Spirit's help, to forgive.  Help them find their way of escape from their respective dysfunctional situation.  Give them freedom from their own sins and the sins of others perpetuated against them.  May they each have freedom in Christ to live for Your glory and honor, and to shine with Your Light through them to others.  Bless all the readers of this book as they find and read a copy of Light From Heaven.

                                                          ~ERC  June 2021~

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