Friday, June 25, 2021

Prayer - Let Not...Forget It


You are the Most High over all the earth, Father God.  You are sovereign and in control.  Let not all the potsherds of the earth forget it.  Let not Your enemies who believe they have a strong arm against You and who "aspire in one accord" to "wipe out" all Your people from the face of the Earth, not forget it.

May all the "good" people of the earth, even those who contribute to society in multiple ways not forget it.  In particular here, those who orchestrated the making of the vaccine against COVID-19 - all those scientists and sincere politicians when they are found, and all those frontliners who battle against the virus and the general population, who hope against hope, hoping to attain "herd-immunity"; let these people the world over never forget that You are the Most High, Father.

On an aside though, Father, help those frontliners in particular, give them the strength and wisdom and the caring to keep on keeping on in this struggle.  It has been most relentless for them.  Give them some good cheer in all the hospitals and medical facilities in all the countries of the world.

May one and all wake up, and bow down to You; seeking Your name, O LORD, realizing You want their attention.  You want them "TO SEEK YOU"!  To seek with all their hearts as well as their minds; asking "What do You want, God?"  And "What is the meaning of all this?"; bowing down to You, realizing, "Yes, YOU, are in control, not them.  We have never been able to hold the wind in our hands even though we can harness it some and utilize it, You are the one who sends it from Your storehouses -- wherever they may be, and You are the One with the antidote to COVID-19 and other such viruses that have run rampant throughout this Earth and its inhabitants, and got us all stumped.  You are the One in control!!  Let us not forget it.

Thank-You Father God, for the intelligence You've meted out to the "brains" in the world and given the ways and means to even formulate the various vaccines and You did not pool these faculties and facilities in one country either!  You are all wise!  You dispatched and dispersed them.   I can see you smiling about that.  You hold the monopoly, copyright and the patent for mankind's apparent advancements.

May one and all realize, as Asaph did, 

"...that they may know that You alone, Whose name is the LORD, are the Most High over all the earth."

YOU are the one in control, O Sovereign LORD!

On bended knee, may the populace declare it as one,  "We must NOT forget it".

May they all seek You while You can be found.  They need You and the salvation You offer through grace and by faith in Jesus Christ.  This is the most essential 'antidote' to sin we all need.  Thank - You for it.

Asking and praising in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Your son, Who makes it all possible to never forget You.

                                                    ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 83:1-18 ESV

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