Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Prayer - "Poetic" Justice


Heavenly Father, the rain comes down on the righteous and the unrighteous.  Covid-19 attacks earth's citizens equally as well, as it does upon the rich and poor.  No amount of money could stop any of it.  Back in Febuary 2021, the Texas freeze affected Texan residents without discrimination.  No doubt they got their helps and are "back in business".  Yet the conditon of the poor and needy, the fatherless and the weak across the scope of the world, often have little to no justice in the general daily run of things, just as in Asaph's day.

Rescue them.  Deliver them from wicked men.  The so-called "strong" may think they are gods:  those politicians; tycoons, or even the social media platform CEO's; those of whom You have put into position of power and authority.  These people don't always bring the justice needed for "the little guy;" those "weak" who are close to Your heart.

O Most High, the Righteous Judge of all the earth, the One who is perfect in meting out justice,

"Arise...judge the earth" (v 8.)

In many ways covid, freezes, earthquakes, and so on, are wake-up calls to Your human creatures.  May they take note.  May they seek You.  May they seek Your message from You, their Divine Councillor.  May they 'get it' and start treating all with equal justice before the fullness of Your judging comes upon us.

Father, may those who are Your meek children and who mete out justice on behalf of and to the poor and needy, to the fatherless and widows and the weak, inherit all the nations to do more of Your work.  Those ones who "Go" and those who send the "Go-ers" into all the world to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, who are Your eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet, be sold out to You and justice for these people.  They honor You; may they be honored by You.

May justice reign.  We look forward to Jesus' coming and the fullness of Your justice through Him.  That would be gracious 'poetic' justice we all can appreciate.

In Jesus, our Advocate's Name, we ask.

                                                    ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 82:1-8 (ESV)

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