Saturday, June 26, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Holy and Forgiving God


You are a forgiving God, Oh LORD.  We are very grateful for this.  Yet, Your love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness do not override Your truth, holiness and justice.

Oh folks may think they can get away with their wrongdoings but You, Oh Lord, do sit enthroned.   You have "established equity" and "executed justice" and righteousness is Your motto as You are righteous altogether.  Holy are You and Holy is Your Name!

You are The God over all and we are Yours through Jesus Christ.  We worship at Your feet; in Your Holy presence.  We exalt You above the Heavens and all the most equisite and awesome creation.  You are our Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer.

In Your holy presence may we tremble, compeling us to confess all unrighteousness on bended, humble knees and live that holy life -- to be holy as You are holy, oh Father, even while here on earth.

Thank-You for Your forgiveness and purification made possible through Jesus.  His death and resurrection made it all so.  Thank-You.  We remember what He did for us through the breaking and partaking of the broken bread, and the drinking of the cup of wine each Lord's Day.  We pass these emblems one to another of our brothers and sisters-in-Christ in commemoration, thereof.

We know in time to come we will stand, and bow, in Your literal presence, before Your throne, crying, along with the tens of thousands of angels, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!"

Justice will then reign in full capacity and consummation.  Folks will NOT "get away" with unrighteousness and evil deeds in the Kingdom of God on the new earth.  Of course, not in Heaven either in Your presence Father.  

May we all join Moses, Aaron, Samuel and all the others who "called upon [Your] Name" to worship and exalt You, Oh Lord, our Most Holy and Forgiving God.  We worship, praise, and pray in and through the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

                                                       ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 99:1-9 ESV

Sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, along with Audrey Assad.

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