Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Prayer - Where's the Spiritual Man?


You are an awesome, living God, Father!  You are the LORD God of hosts that Ethan the Ezrahite wrote about millennia or so ago.  We can read it now in Psalm 89.  Ethan, was a singer-songwriter and musician of the same caliber as our favorite, David.

He knew how to sing Your praises, remarking on Your steadfast love and faithfulness, not just to him or his ancestors, but to all generations.  You established them in the heavens and upon Your chosen ones with whom You had a covenant.  Ethan appreciated this, nestling down there into the inner sanctums of his heart and soul.

You had promised David that his offspring would be on the throne for all generations.  You are still keeping that promise because, hallelujah, Jesus, David's descendant, is on the throne in Heaven!

No wonder Ethan writes, You are 

"...a God greatly to be feared" (Psalm 89:7 ESV).

You are so awesome.  The one true God, among so many false ones.  We look at the beauties and wonders and diversities in Your creation and shake our heads, well, in wonder and awe; our almighty Creator God.

Sometimes we even chuckle at Your humor.  Like this morning, a young chameleon, scuttled away for all it was worth, when it got startled by my presence in its path.  It looked so cute in its hurry, I couldn't help but to be amused.  (Of course, I don't like them in my house though; outdoors, is fine, thank-You.)

That gave me a "lift" from You for my day.  You are the Giver who continues to give.  It's astounding cuz, You are the LORD God of hosts!  So mighty that the raging seas foam and ferment, but You calm them.  You calm them by Your "strong hand" and "mighty arm" and even as Jesus did in the presence of his disciples, with, His voice,

"Peace be still" (Mark 4:39).

And so You calm our raging of soul, spirit, minds, emotions, and will.  Your righteousness and justice, and Your steadfast love and faithfulness are Your foundations and become ours in the light of our salvation through Jesus Christ.  We can depend on Him in the thick of the storms of life; and in the thick of the great disappointments of life.  The light of Your face shines upon us and we can then "exult in Your name, all day," (vs 15-16) if we wish to.

You become for us, as You did for Ethan, the "glory of our strength" because our strength is in You; You become "our shield" through faith in Jesus and You exalt our names because

"those who honor You, You will honor" (1 Samuel 2:30);

in Your way and in Your timing.  Our times are in your hands, Father, as that lovely old piece in song, goes.  Our enemy Satan, cannot outwit us when we have Your armor on and stand firm in You, in Your Word, and in Your strength; when we stand firm...and...pray!

This enemy that is NOT flesh and blood, he and his minions will scatter.  When we submit to You and we resist the evil one, he flees.  He cannot establish his foothold in our lives.  We are Your children, called by Your Name through Jesus.  We belong to You.  Help us never to forget that! as we walk according to Your word and ways, and plan for our lives.  As we sit and bask in Your presence, communing with You, oh our Father God; our Abba Father, make us faithful witnesses for You, like the moon and vast skies You fixed above us that stay the daily course.  Like the seasons that chase and morph into each other in turn.  You said that would happen and it does.  We can depend upon Your promises and word.

Don't hide Yourself from us though, Lord, in our lifes' struggles.  We need You every hour.  Our time on earth is short, like the flower that grows up for a day and then is gone, like James says in his book.  You are the one who can deliver us from the "power of Sheol" that we experience on earth.

King David knew all about that and this Ethan the Ezrahite seems to understand this for himself too.  So he focuses on your steadfast love, faithfulness and righteousness that are established and became so in his life, too.  Being established in these areas help us to withstand the mockery from Your enemies against Your chosen ones and especially such as David who even his footsteps got mocked.  We cannot imagine that but if he said it, I believe it to be true.  You too, know, though, how this feels since Your Son Jesus, endured this type of treatment to the 'Nth' degree.  Oh Father God, how we bless Your name.  Ethan wanted it blessed "forever" (vs 2).  Amen, so be it.

The thing I appreciate about this Ethan fellow, is that he was a musician who believed what he sang, wrote and accompanied by instrument (some people think he played the cymbals).  How it warms my heart to see worship leaders who truly connect with You.  It is not just some Sunday ritual to be got through because no one else will take up that role.

Father, we NEED the spiritual man willing and deeply desirous to be "sold" and "souled" out for You and leading Your people in all godliness and honesty; to be, themselves, established in You, in Your steadfast love, righteousness and faithfulness in the abundant amount that reaches to the skies.

Where are these men of integrity, Lord?  Bring them to the fore, alive and on fire for You, to our two's and three's and more.  Impress their manner of life and heart upon our hearts so that we too, will delight in You, so that we too will lift up our hearts, souls, and spirits in song, praise and worship of You and Your Son Jesus Christ Who made it all possible; to worship with pure hearts before You.

Indeed, blessed be Your name, LORD, forever!

In Jesus' name we pray and praise.

                                                        ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 89:1-52 ESV.

Sing, Our Times Are In Your Hands, by Scott  Barton of Cobleskill United Methodist Church

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Prayer - Born Near You


Heavenly Father, You do love to be right smack dab in the center of Your people!  The Sons of Korah loved that You loved to be.  They make very glad mention of it and it makes everyone glad too.  They wrote,

"On the holy mount stands the city He founded; the LORD loves the gates of Zion..." (Psalm 87:1-2 ESV).

You "founded" and "established" Zion, just so Your people of Israel could gather round You and "record" and 'register" those born there!  These were the people and parents who wanted to be near You.  Singers and dancers, too.  The joy of it!

O Father, may we, Your children, nowadays, have that deep, heartfelt desire, longing and yearning to be near You; to gather together with others, old and young alike, to be with and even "born" in a place that honors You; to bring up those youngin's from babyhood, to be near You physically so they can be near You spiritually as well.  Then everybody can say and sing, "All my springs are in You!" with happy, joyful hearts.  And, together with joy in our God, to sing of His love for us and of being near Him.  

Just think of that!


                                                          ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 87:1-7 ESV.

Sing, We Joy in Our God and Sing of His Love, with the choices of these tunes.  Or try this tune, Houghton.  The singing isn't great but it will give you the idea.  Think of the lyrics.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Holy and Forgiving God


You are a forgiving God, Oh LORD.  We are very grateful for this.  Yet, Your love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness do not override Your truth, holiness and justice.

Oh folks may think they can get away with their wrongdoings but You, Oh Lord, do sit enthroned.   You have "established equity" and "executed justice" and righteousness is Your motto as You are righteous altogether.  Holy are You and Holy is Your Name!

You are The God over all and we are Yours through Jesus Christ.  We worship at Your feet; in Your Holy presence.  We exalt You above the Heavens and all the most equisite and awesome creation.  You are our Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer.

In Your holy presence may we tremble, compeling us to confess all unrighteousness on bended, humble knees and live that holy life -- to be holy as You are holy, oh Father, even while here on earth.

Thank-You for Your forgiveness and purification made possible through Jesus.  His death and resurrection made it all so.  Thank-You.  We remember what He did for us through the breaking and partaking of the broken bread, and the drinking of the cup of wine each Lord's Day.  We pass these emblems one to another of our brothers and sisters-in-Christ in commemoration, thereof.

We know in time to come we will stand, and bow, in Your literal presence, before Your throne, crying, along with the tens of thousands of angels, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!"

Justice will then reign in full capacity and consummation.  Folks will NOT "get away" with unrighteousness and evil deeds in the Kingdom of God on the new earth.  Of course, not in Heaven either in Your presence Father.  

May we all join Moses, Aaron, Samuel and all the others who "called upon [Your] Name" to worship and exalt You, Oh Lord, our Most Holy and Forgiving God.  We worship, praise, and pray in and through the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

                                                       ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 99:1-9 ESV

Sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, along with Audrey Assad.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Prayer - Let Not...Forget It


You are the Most High over all the earth, Father God.  You are sovereign and in control.  Let not all the potsherds of the earth forget it.  Let not Your enemies who believe they have a strong arm against You and who "aspire in one accord" to "wipe out" all Your people from the face of the Earth, not forget it.

May all the "good" people of the earth, even those who contribute to society in multiple ways not forget it.  In particular here, those who orchestrated the making of the vaccine against COVID-19 - all those scientists and sincere politicians when they are found, and all those frontliners who battle against the virus and the general population, who hope against hope, hoping to attain "herd-immunity"; let these people the world over never forget that You are the Most High, Father.

On an aside though, Father, help those frontliners in particular, give them the strength and wisdom and the caring to keep on keeping on in this struggle.  It has been most relentless for them.  Give them some good cheer in all the hospitals and medical facilities in all the countries of the world.

May one and all wake up, and bow down to You; seeking Your name, O LORD, realizing You want their attention.  You want them "TO SEEK YOU"!  To seek with all their hearts as well as their minds; asking "What do You want, God?"  And "What is the meaning of all this?"; bowing down to You, realizing, "Yes, YOU, are in control, not them.  We have never been able to hold the wind in our hands even though we can harness it some and utilize it, You are the one who sends it from Your storehouses -- wherever they may be, and You are the One with the antidote to COVID-19 and other such viruses that have run rampant throughout this Earth and its inhabitants, and got us all stumped.  You are the One in control!!  Let us not forget it.

Thank-You Father God, for the intelligence You've meted out to the "brains" in the world and given the ways and means to even formulate the various vaccines and You did not pool these faculties and facilities in one country either!  You are all wise!  You dispatched and dispersed them.   I can see you smiling about that.  You hold the monopoly, copyright and the patent for mankind's apparent advancements.

May one and all realize, as Asaph did, 

"...that they may know that You alone, Whose name is the LORD, are the Most High over all the earth."

YOU are the one in control, O Sovereign LORD!

On bended knee, may the populace declare it as one,  "We must NOT forget it".

May they all seek You while You can be found.  They need You and the salvation You offer through grace and by faith in Jesus Christ.  This is the most essential 'antidote' to sin we all need.  Thank - You for it.

Asking and praising in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Your son, Who makes it all possible to never forget You.

                                                    ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 83:1-18 ESV

Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Opened Door


There was a great panicked pounding upon the door accompanied by agonized cries, shouting, "Lord!"  "Lord! Open to us!"

The calm fateful reply came,

"I don't know you."

And the door was kept firmly shut.

What a terribly, terrifying consequence of assuming one knows the Lord but in reality, does not.  One had "faithfully" done much work in the Lord's name but had never really known the Lord.  It had all been a convincing act to the fellow human beings, but not to God.  They had only known Him in their heads.  Very sad travesty.

"On that day many will say to me, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in Your name? (Matthew 7:22 ESV)?

Judas Iscariot was one such as that.  Then he betrayed Jesus to the Sanhedrin.  He did not repent.  He had remorse, yes; but no repentance.  Therefore, he went and hanged himself.  In the afterlife, Jesus will very likely have to declare to him,

"I never knew you; depart from me..." (Matthew 7:23 ESV).

How devastatingly awful!  Can't get my head around this.  To have known in the head and mind but not in the heart!

Similarly, the five out of the ten bridesmaids or virgins, who did not have enough oil for their lamps cried out saying,

"Lord, lord, open to us."

Again, the bridegroom answered,

"Truly, I say to you, I do not know You" (Matthew 2:10-12 ESV).

The wheat and the tares had grown up together but harvest time showed the difference.

This is solemn scenario.  Those who have grown up well-versed in the Bible, well-churched, maybe even involved in some sort of leadership among the Lord's people; please, with integrity of heart, know the Lord with all Your heart, and not just your head.  Examine your hearts before the Lord and get right with Him.

The "one who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven," said Jesus, is the one who will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 7:21 NIV).  When they say, "Lord, Lord," the door will be opened to them. In contrast, if one says, "I know Jesus" but does not keep His commandments and shows that he/she does not know Him, expect that the door would not be opened to them no matter how heartfelt the "Lord, lord" had been. God will be the Judge in the end.  He is the One to let anyone in.

Those who "know the Lord," keep His commandments and truly love Him will be perfected.  First John 2:5 and 6 explain how a person can know, that they know the Lord.

"By this we may know that we are in Him:  whoever says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which He walked" (ESV).

Walking the talk, at heart level; truly loving Him both in head and heart, and keeping there.

May this truth be in all of us through Jesus Christ, in all sincerity and when we call upon Him, "Lord, Lord!" we will be confident of His opening the door to us.  The ones who choose Jesus and accept salvation through Him, have a firm foundation and are ready when the Bridegroom comes no matter the time of day or night; no matter whether awake or asleep.  These are the "ready and waiting" ones.

There will be no frantic knocking nor desparate, alarmed screaming, "Lord, Lord, open to us!" at the door, because You know Him and He knows you.  In fact, we will not even have to knock, the Door will be opened to us and Jesus will beckon us on in because He knows each one.

These are the ones who have ,

"washed robes and a right to the tree of life and enter the city by the gates" (Revelation 22:14 ESV).

May each and every one reading this know the Lord in both head and heart and so enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  The Lord is there and awaits you.  He wants to know you.  Choose Him.

"May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with all" (Revelation 22:21 ESV).

                                                    ~ERC  March 2021~

See also:  Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 25:11-13; 1 John 2:3-6; Revelation 22:14.


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Prayer - "Poetic" Justice


Heavenly Father, the rain comes down on the righteous and the unrighteous.  Covid-19 attacks earth's citizens equally as well, as it does upon the rich and poor.  No amount of money could stop any of it.  Back in Febuary 2021, the Texas freeze affected Texan residents without discrimination.  No doubt they got their helps and are "back in business".  Yet the conditon of the poor and needy, the fatherless and the weak across the scope of the world, often have little to no justice in the general daily run of things, just as in Asaph's day.

Rescue them.  Deliver them from wicked men.  The so-called "strong" may think they are gods:  those politicians; tycoons, or even the social media platform CEO's; those of whom You have put into position of power and authority.  These people don't always bring the justice needed for "the little guy;" those "weak" who are close to Your heart.

O Most High, the Righteous Judge of all the earth, the One who is perfect in meting out justice,

"Arise...judge the earth" (v 8.)

In many ways covid, freezes, earthquakes, and so on, are wake-up calls to Your human creatures.  May they take note.  May they seek You.  May they seek Your message from You, their Divine Councillor.  May they 'get it' and start treating all with equal justice before the fullness of Your judging comes upon us.

Father, may those who are Your meek children and who mete out justice on behalf of and to the poor and needy, to the fatherless and widows and the weak, inherit all the nations to do more of Your work.  Those ones who "Go" and those who send the "Go-ers" into all the world to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, who are Your eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet, be sold out to You and justice for these people.  They honor You; may they be honored by You.

May justice reign.  We look forward to Jesus' coming and the fullness of Your justice through Him.  That would be gracious 'poetic' justice we all can appreciate.

In Jesus, our Advocate's Name, we ask.

                                                    ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 82:1-8 (ESV)

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Good Book - Light From Heaven

 Christmas Carol Kauffman, I kid you not, that is really the author's name, was from a Mennonite background.  Her stories reflect that way of life and are often based on true events and people.  Such is this book, Light From Heaven.

A story of a father's abuse of his children especially of his eldest son, and of a mother whose influence could overide the negative effects of the cruelty through her strong faith and reliance on Jesus and her Heavenly Father.  She too suffered unnecessary deprivation and neglect, and that in silence.  Not many knew of the depth of this family's plight as the father presented a very different public facade.

If anyone reading this comes from such a severely dysfunctional family such as this, you may find this story very close to your own heart and experience.  The 'journey' of the main character, Joseph, may run parallel to your own struggles of heart and mind as you fiercely strive to respond to the hurt and insults of vebal and physical abuse, in a Christ-like manner.  A huge test of faith especially if you do not have a praying mother or father (or other champion) as steadfast support throughout the lifetime years spent in the parental home.  In Joseph's case, the Light from Heaven shone through the mother to her children even into the barren desert places of their lives.

(I in no way advocate that one keep silent as did the mother, who also suffered, in such cases.  There are organizations and people who can help people to get the protection and justice needed.  Please seek out those places if at all possible.  At the time the events of this story took place, there were few, if any such 'helps' and these things were likely more taboo to mention.)

I've read this story ten times or more over my life and still revel in that ability of the most injured of the family to be able to forgive.  It is a truly magnificent story from this perspective of God's forgiveness working in and through both mother and children.  Truly a heart-warming story.  Only  through the grace and goodness of God could such a history have such a good outcome.

Father God, You know who is hurting excruciatingly in such abusive situations.  Help each one to be able to overcome with Your Holy Spirit's help, to forgive.  Help them find their way of escape from their respective dysfunctional situation.  Give them freedom from their own sins and the sins of others perpetuated against them.  May they each have freedom in Christ to live for Your glory and honor, and to shine with Your Light through them to others.  Bless all the readers of this book as they find and read a copy of Light From Heaven.

                                                          ~ERC  June 2021~

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Father's Day 2021 - Herald the Fathers

 Fathers need to be heralded in general and your own, in particular.  Fathers are important and have an important role to fulfill.  This should never be under-estimated. Of course, I'm talking about those 'good' Dads out there; NOT the abusers.

There seems to be abundant negative 'talk' about Dads, almost as if they are redunant after the moment of conception of their child and not to be trusted for anything else.  Just look at talk shows, and movies; listen to the news.  So much negative speak and contempt.  It's no wonder many Dads shy away, making themselves scarce; doubting their own worth as a father.

Recently, one of the plethora of YouTube videos found its way to me.  It was of a Dad looking after young triplets; likely not much more than a year old.  He was feeding them, playing with them, and taking them to the park for a walk in the fresh air.  He was so very patient and attentive to them even though he had to be quick and nimble on his feet.  Whether all that was 'just for the video' I do not know, hopefully it was more than that.   It was a documenting of priceless moments of everyday life that would become wonderful memories for him but also building blocks of relationship for the triplets whether they were aware of it or not.

In the Bible, there is so, so much about a Dad's input especially in the spiritual arena.  Dads, be encouraged to do a study of biblical fathers:  their role and their successes and their failures (yes, we all make mistakes).  See how much you can do.  Look especially into how God was 'fathering' His children of Israel and how He loved and cared for them so much.  See, in the New Testament how Jesus groomed His disciples and how the apostle Paul mentored several brothers-in-Christ, and seemed to take an especial fatherly interest in Timothy.

I hope any father reading this does not feel 'nagged' at.  No!  This is meant to inspire, hearten and uplift you all.

You Dads out there are needed and greatly significant, even in what may be considered the 'little' things.  Such things as teaching your children to ride a bicycle; take out the garbage, show respect to the mother, and women in general; make a cake; make a table or to have fun like to drive your children to the beach to swim, throw the frisbee and have a picnic.  Naturally, the 'big things' too, like the privilege of leading your children to Christ and growing in their relationship with Him and guiding them to make wise decisions and choices of life.  Teaching also by example, for example, being faithful to one's spouse for the long haul.

I can recall my own Dad doing most of those things.  The excitement of a new bike and learning how to ride it, "Look at me Dad, no hands!"  He taught me to drive the four wheeled vehicle too - a stick shift car.  Oh, he had nerves of steel.  He had too.  He had six children to teach the rules of the road and how to navigate, stoically steeling himself against sudden swerves and swings and 'almost's'.

He let us swing a heavy mallet we could barely lift and attempt to pound a tent peg into the ground in hopes of teaching responsibility goes along with privilege.  He let us drive a long bus a few feet in a wide-opened space where not much could go wrong, so that the curiosity of the "cat" and thrill of it would be satisfied, and I suppose we would learn we'd have to be cautious and careful and be aware of safety measures.  He built a small dam each late autumn creating a little pond with water accumulating from an underwater spring, in hopes of a deep freeze; creating an ice rink.  Many happy hours of skating with siblings and neighbor kids ensued.

As we grew, he was still there leading and guiding even if we didn't always appreciate it.  He and Mom together introduced us to the Lord and what pleased Him.  I'm more grateful now.

He was there and he was a constant in our lives.  He walked me down the aisle on my wedding day and then he and Mom had the pain of saying, "good-bye" as the newlyweds soared away.

Oh, ha, ha, or was that tears of, "Empty nest, at last; hurray?!"  Ha, ha.  I don't think so.

In the end, Dad was struck with Alzheimer's Disease.  It was so sad to see a parent who's 'supposed' to be the strong and healthy one in ones' life, so weakened.  One thing that struck, especially my sister, who had the brunt of his care, and I , was that he remembered Jesus loved him, til the very end.  He could not remember much else, but that, he could.  It was astonishingly amazing to us!

This fact had been the most important thing to him in cognisant life and even in the murky fog of mind at the end.  This was his "last will and testiment" to all his children and those who knew him.  If he had given up part way along when bad things happened, where would his children, and others, be now?  His faith in the Lord Jesus Christ was a pillar to him and he let it be known.  This is precious substance in life that any father who is, 'in Christ', could give to their offspring.

Dads out there -- many this be your experience (minus the Alzheimer's Disease) -- your input is of essence and necessity all the years of your children's lives; whether you are the biological or adoptive Dad.  May I encourage you to be there; to be pro-active in your children's lives for their  holistic good and betterment.  May it be your legacy to your children.

We herald you!

May your children never forget you.

To finish off, here's my amateur tidbit of Haiku dedicated to my Dad in particular and to all Dads in general.  

"Forget-me-nots' blue*,

Reminds me of you, my Dad;

'Til we meet again."


                   HAPPY  FATHER'S  DAY  2021,


to all Dads and Dads-to-be!

                                                         ~ERC  May 2021~

*Forget-me-not flowers are the flowers symbolizing Alzheimer's Disease.  A way to remember your loved one when they are gone, even though they themselves have forgotten who you even are.  He or she had no longer remembered that you were his/her spouse, son or daughter but you still know/knew who they are/were.

The forget-me-nots picture above taken by my sister.  Photo credits to her.  From her garden.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Prayer - Return, Restore, Revive

 "Savior, like a shepherd, lead us*" safe into Your eternal home and rest.  Revive, restore us, make Your face shine upon us.

Like wayward sheep, we go astray.  We forget Your tender loving care.  We think You don't care despite all Your leading, protection, and fighting valiantly on our behalf.  So we go astray and sin, greatly dishonoring You.  We decide, yes, DECIDE, to go our own way, in our own strength.

How this must break Your heart Savior, Shepherd.  Our walls become broken down with unrepentant hearts.  Maybe we hope You will do something for us, yet we still want to hold the reins.  We get into ruin, disrepair, overgrown weeds florish in our lives instead of a fruitful bough you have created us to be.

Shine Your face upon us so we may be saved.  So we may be repentant, revived, restored, and refreshed.  Return to us, so we will return to You.  Let Your hand rest upon us as we confess that waywardness, lack of faith and trust; the sin that so easily besets us, especially the turning away from You, Your word and Your will in our lives.

May we return to You and call upon Your Name once more, firmly, solidly trusting in Your strength, O LORD God Almighty, and Savior, Jesus Christ, Our Good Shepherd.  Lead us.

In Jesus' most precious name, I beseech You.

                                                  ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 80:1-19 (NIV).

*Savior, like a Shepherd lead us, song, Joslin Grove Choir with Lyrics

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Prayer - Your Sheep Give Praise

 Father God, Asaph's attitude towards You and the place and people who bear Your name is so refreshing to see.  He is so sensitive and upset at all the defilement that happened to Your inheritance, to Your temple, and to Jerusalem.

These defilements and losses were perpetrated by neighboring nations who had brought about the devastation and who taunted, mocked and derided Your chosen people.  Asaph asks You to, 

"...pour out Your anger..." 

on these nations and kingdoms that have no regard for You, Your Name, nor Your people.  They do not call on Your name either.  Instead they try to rid the earth of what is Yours even to this day!

There is acknowledgement, however, that these things were brought about by the iniquities of those ones who did bear Your Name.  Punishment to the extreme but it was serious matter to You, Father.

Now Asaph sought for, and called upon, Your compassion, Your help, Your salvation.  You had rescued them before, and he knew You could do so yet again. He deeply felt, why should the nations continue to mock and taunt, 

"Where is Your God?"

So, you did rescue them and brought them back to Jerusalem where Your heart is.

Often, we, Your children through Jesus, are beset upon similarly, not always because of our sin and failures but because we bear the Name of Your Son Jesus.  May we be sorrowful at all the degradation in our own lives, nations and churches.  We too, cry out, 

"How long, O LORD!"

We look forward to the day You bring us all up to Glory to be with You.

Until then, as Asaph did, we submit to You, giving thanks that...

"...we Your people, the sheep of You pasture, will give thanks to You..." 

...now, and for all time and eternity to come.  We will tell our generations to come, of all You have done for us even in those times of great distress.  Your 'sheep' praise You, Father, and our Good Shepherd Jesus, whose Name we bear.

In Jesus' Name we praise.

                                                   ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 79:1-13 ESV.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Yearning to be in Your Presence


Lord God Almighty, yes, we want to be where You are, we want to be in Your presence.  Are our souls yearning, fainting, to be in Your presence, to commune with You?  We know that You desire our company.  This we know because You say that, 

"...where two or three are gathered together in the Name of Jesus Your Son, that You are in the midst of us" (Matthew 18:20).

You are always in the midst of us.  You were already there, waiting, in fact.  You wait for us to come.  You desire us to come and are there to greet us when we do show up.  Forgive our, NOT always yearning in equal earnestness in reciprosity.  We were not punctual.  We didn't take it seriously and entered Your presence somewhat irreverently.  Sorry, LORD.  That may not sound terribly sincere but Father, there are those who are repentant in heart.  Hear them; hear us.

Now we have learned You are here already, standing in the midst of us; eagerly desiring us to gather around You.  May we have that equivalant eagerness to be with You, with fervancy and as if we truly will faint if we don't "get there" at the appointed time (of course, better late than never).  This yearning because our hearts and souls cry out to You, wanting to sing Your praises in worship.

Oh God, You are wonderful, even the sparrow and the swallow with her young wanted to be near You and built nests near Your Temple because You care for them.  You care for us too.

Thank-You.  Thank-You.

We want to be near You too, like those birds that some may think aren't worth much but are worth so much to You.  To be under the shadow of Your presence, to bathe in Your love and to be with You; we come, we shelter.

You never leave nor forsake us.  Thank-You.  You love us and we love You back.  May we love You with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.  May we come to love You in all these ways because You first loved us.  You gave us Your Son to buy us back, redeem us, and rescue us from the slavery of sin and unrighteousness.  Rescuing from the consequences of our sin:  which is suffering; which is death; which would be everlasting Hell in time to come, in the after earth life -- for all eternity!

How grateful and happy we are that You rescued us.  You gave us that One Perfect Gift -- Your Son, Jesus Christ.  You always give perfect gifts and Jesus is the epitome of perfection.

It is this Gift accompanied by the gift of faith so that we can learn to trust Him, so that we may know You better.  Furthermore we can have the understanding and insight and therefore the proper response to Your will and ways and presence.

Speaking of which, to have the proper response that stems from a heart full of joy, gratitude and love for all You've done for us, as we join other like-minded brothers and sisters-in-Christ, coming together to be where You already are; waiting for us.  And so we break and partake of the bread in remembrance of Jesus' body broken for us on the cross.  We drink of the wine, symbolic of Jesus' blood shed for us;  that life-giving blood sacrifice.  Thus, we remember on any given Lord's Day.  Thank-You for such a precious Gift.

There are times, yes, when we are on "pilgrimages through the Valley of Baca" - the ups and down's of life that can be pretty brutal betimes.  Cruel.  Tragic.  However, there are also times when things are good; let us never forget You in those times either.  Keep us on the cutting edge of living our faith in You, with our eyes fixed on You and in Your presence may we be found.  Whether we are up, or down, in the Valley of Baca, or in a "place of springs", with "refreshing autumn rains," by a course of water, we can be refreshed and drink from You, our Living Water.  May all of us who are thirsty, come to Jesus our Living Water, and have life through Him.  

We know that You hear us, Lord God Almighty.  You hear our prayers.  May we remember to look upon You as our Shield and Guide; Jesus Your Anointed One, Who is Priest, Who is King, and Who is our Advocate and Savior.  In Him we trust and find refreshment.

May we serve You in whatever way You have for us, even if it is like this Son of Korah of Psalm 84, even humbly as a "doorkeeper in Your house".  Then we could be ever near You.  It's better than in a mansion full of bickering, arguing, fighting, back stabbing, unhappiness and wickedness -- apart from You!  Let us be found in Your house, gathered together with those who also wish to be in Your presence through Your Holy Spirit.

You bestow favor and honor upon those who seek Your face, who seek to be in your company.  You do not withhold good things.  You do not withhold them.

At times we are misguided and think in terms of material "good things" but Lord, Your rich blessings are spiritual, enduring and everlasting.  Being with You is going to be for all eternity in Your Heavenly mansion with streets of gold.  That eternity has already begun, now!  We can be with You in the quiet stillness of our "closets" or gathered together with the two's and three's, which could be a bit "noisier".  This, to walk and talk with You even in our lowly earthly abodes and church buildings.

We thank You for Your Holy Spirit Who helps us lead that blameless life the sons of Korah wrote about in this Psalm. May we follow in Jesus' footsteps by doing as He would do; following His footprints of submission to and pleasing You.

Forgive us Father, because we are not fully perfected yet.  Nevertheless, we thank-You for Your Holy Spirit, for Your Words that also help us.  May we be submissive to You, be obedient to You and Your words so we can have that sanctification needed.  We thank-You for our justification through faith in Jesus Christ that has made us righteous in Your sight and allows us to come boldly and confidently into Your presence, to be near You anytime we want and for however long we wish.

Yet Lord, the other side of that coin is sanctification and we need all the help we can get from You, from Your Holy Spirit, from Your words and from following after Christ.  The onus is on us to plug into these and You for our own good and growth in our spiritual life, I know, but may we be galvanized to do so.

May we continue to be blessed as we continue to trust in You, our everlasting Abba Father.  We are delighted to be in Your presence.  We love You.  Help us to ever say that truthfully from our hearts.  We pray this in Jesus name,  and Lord, we do yearn to be in Your presence.  May we dwell daily therein.

                                                      ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 84:1-12 (ESV)

Sing, I Just Want to be Where You Are, with Don Moen.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Pink Book Recordings


"I'm going to write that down in my little black book," shouted the angry man at his neighbor.  "One more thing and that's the last straw.  I'll take you to court!"

Very unpleasant flinging of words.

No doubt there are worse.

However, sometimes we say that in jest, "I'm writing that in my black book."  A keeping tract of negative acts and actions that people perpetrate against us intentionally or not.

Pink books are nicer to have (or what ever other color), to record the things we are thankful for.  That lightens the load, atmosphere and countenance.  Everyone should have one of these and record as daily as possible and then give audible thanks to our Heavenly Father who cares for You and me.  Thanks to those in our life who also care for us and show us kindnesses and basic general good.  A word of appreciation never hurt anyone.

Look back over what you have written in your 'pink book recordings' then, over time, and give thanks and praise all over again.  Joy will flood your heart, soul and spirit along with gratitude to God our Heavenly Father.

A good friend of mine* records events in a very creative style.  She draws them!  She has a book in which to flood her creative talent, not just with sketching them out but adding authentic brushes of color.  Additionally, she picks up her calligraphy pen and weaves words of description and thanksgiving to her Heavenly Father into the 'fabric' of her as-it-happened book.    This friend even takes sermon notes in this fashion.

So often we thank the Lord, "thank-You for all You have done for us" but are not specific in regards to the "all".  Liberally sprinkled throughout the book of Psalms the various psalmists constantly contribute praise to Almighty God and delineate what His wonderful deeds to man, especially to the Israelites, have been.

It's a good practice and we know that God has His record books too.  He records our deeds and when we followers of Jesus Christ come before His 'Bema' throne in time ahead, He will reward that which was done out of a pure heart to honor and please Him.  Our deeds may be done in secret now but He will reward openly (Matthew 6:18).

It is just plain good manners too, to thank someone for things they do/have done for us or give us, and ways in which they have helped.  What more, to record the great things our Heavenly Father does for us and then thank Him!

Get out you 'pink' book and start recording today...😀

                                                  ~ERC  February 2021~

*Art credits for the "Together in Spirit" illustration go to my friend, Flora.  As you can see, it is a recording of "history" but it also depicts a tone of thankfulness to the Lord.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Good Book - SET FREE - How to Break Spiritual Bonds

 Do shivers compete and beat a tango dance up and down your spine when talking or reading about evil spirits?  We can read accounts of such evil beings in the Bible and we even hear about them from people who have had encounters with demons; or at least of someone they know.

Even as a follower of Jesus Christ, one may not even acknowledge such activity, or if we do, not know how to deal with such evil, deceptive beings.  We may know the minimum:  #1.  "submit to God" and #2.  "resist the devil and he will flee from you" ( James 4:7).  That is good and a big help but you can add more.  

Jesus gave the disciples and those "72 others" power and authority for casting out demons.  They had measures of "success" (read the gospels esp. Luke).  Believers in Jesus Christ have this same power and authority today.  The name of Jesus is upon them and in His name we have the God-given right, authority and power to do similarly as both Jesus and the disciples had done.  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and will be tomorrow, as well (Hebrews 13:8).

It is NOT a game, however;  it's a very serious matter of 'fighting' not against flesh and blood but against the rulers and powers of the air as many of us know in theory (Ephesians 6:2).  Author John Aston who wrote SET FREE - How to Break Spiritual Bonds, gives very helpful insight in this regard.  Many new Christians, he says, especially in or from Asian cultural settings would be more aware of the influence of the evil spirits, which may well have attached themselves to these individuals in their pre-Christian state, says Aston, but even though these folks have now come to Christ they are still being harassed.  The spirits may even have hindered, or are hindering, a person who wishes to accept Christ and then to grow in their spiritual life with Jesus.  Additionally, Aston noted that some, even after having been Christians for many years may still be afflicted due to certain alliances with that world in the past; knowingly or unknowingly.   What can be done?

Aston spells it out well in his short work on the subject.  He even gives example prayers to help the person renounce and to "cut off" the various ties to the evil spirits.  Further to that, he highlights three major areas of spiritual conflict as seen in the Bible, bringing to light how the worship of other gods and of the paraphenalia, such as charms, idol statues and so on, that go along with the worship can affect people; of curses; seances and even of being a victim of the environment one has grown up in or even just lives in;  and then the focus of the book - how to be set free from all those entanglements.  This is where deliverance and cleaning up of places, and so on, become of necessity as the author relates.  

A fourth section with some other suggestions of helpful reading on the issue pertaining to how evil spirits work and how people can be free of them, is tucked into the back of the book.

It seems this writer had had major contact with SEAsian countries and their citizens and Hong Kong.  The forward to his book has been written by Jackie Pullinger who spent decades in Hong Kong and had also been immersed in the culture in that region.  Although neither Aston nor Pullinger were born or raised (as far as I know) in these regions, they've lived in it long enough to feel its pulse and learn at very close range of these spiritual bond matters.

Aston has been more involved in the Chinese Christian Fellowship in the UK; nevertheless I'd declare he is well experienced and capable of knowing how to help another believer or pre-believer to be set free (at least, judging from the little I know and from what I read in this book).  In fact, the Lord has allowed him to be very instrumental in so doing.  So he knows what he is talking about.

It has been very beneficial to learn of some of these very practical ways in which to follow that part of Jesus' command, besides preaching the gospel and healing folks of their diseases, to 'cast out demons'.  One and all could benefit from the reading of this book, SET FREE.

May all who are so 'captured' by Heavenly Father's enemy and enemy forces have those evil spiritual bonds broken and be set free.  May all these wicked beings be cast out and down to the ground and into the abyss, in the name of Jesus Christ and by His power and authority.

                                                       ~ERC  June 2021~

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Lord's Day Devotional Haiku

Light of the world, Jesus,

Into darkness, for me, came.

Gave light through the cross.

Jesus shined his Light

For all the world to see in-

to hearts of darkness.

There His life-blood washed

Every last sin stain away.

Enlightened, Jesus Shine.

Thank-You, Lord Jesus,

Light of the world, now I see;

Darkness became light.

       ~ERC  June 2021~

Sing Light of the World as sung by Michael W. Smith

* Photo credit from June 2021 calendar published by Gospel Folio Press

Friday, June 4, 2021

Prayer - Next Generation Needs to Know


Heavenly Father, it pleases and honors You when grandparents and parents tell the next generation about You and all Your deeds which You have orchestrated upon earth and in their personal lives.  Deeds of blessing as well as the deeds perpetrated upon them because of their disobedience to Your word and their own willful ways; suffering the consequences of disobedience or enjoying the fruit of obedience.

The children and grandchildren need to know this.  They also need to know Your character, as psalmist Asaph recorded.  Despite the waywardness, rebellion and disobedience of the Israelites, who did not "keep God's covenant" and "refused to walk according to his law" (vs 10), and forgot all the wonderful wonders God, in His favor, bestowed upon them (vs 11); You were compassionate towards them.

They forgot and they didn't tell their next generations.  Sad testimony.  Barely two generations despite Your commands, Father God, for the fathers to teach the next generation so they will know and so they could "set their hope in God" (vs 5, 7).

They did not tell their children as You had commanded to do, every waking moment, as seen in Deuteronomy 11:19-21.  You told them,

"Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land that the LORD swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth."

Father God, I know I'm reciting Your Scripture back to You but it feels like I need to say it all, to be reminded of Your desire for Your people.  The people back then didn't always do it and the same today,  many Christian parents forget to do these things for their children.  Asaph was very concerned about the next generations and how ignorant they were of You and Your ways.  It seems to be a serious, serious problem of neglect even today.  The generations are not being told.  It is alarming.  We beseech You for Your mercy upon us all.

Help us all, even when we have both children and grandchildren, to faithfully tell out the testimony of Your love, grace, mercy, care and compassion upon us, may You be lifted up and these generations give You the glory and honor, may they know Your wisdom and power and how they too can know You and have a personal relationship with You; "setting their hope," in You with every breath they have and sing Your praises.

Father, do remember though that,

"...we are but flesh, a wind that passes and comes not again" (vs 39).

We are faltering folks and we grieve You.  When we grieve You and Your Holy Spirit may our "next generations" know that when they come to You, their Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, in repentance and confession, that You, in Your love and tender mercies, forgive and purify (1 John 1:9).

You gave the Israelites a shepherd in David who, with upright heart, 

"...guided them with his skillful hand" (vs 72).

May the next generation know You have also given us, all Christian grandparents and parents alike, Your Holy Scriptures and Your Holy Spirit to aid and guide our own lives, as well as those of our children and grandchildren; these "next generations" who need to know.  We implore You to galvanize the former generations to tell Your story of salvation and wondrous deeds, again and again.  May they learn to sing praise to Christ alone.

In turn, may they too, tell their next generation to,

"...set their hope..."

in You, O Father God, and in Jesus Christ Your Son through Whom they can have salvation and life with You.  Have mercy upon us.

In Jesus name we implore both You and them.

                                                 ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 78:1-72 (ESV)

Sing the Sunday School song, Tell It Again (Salvation's Story)

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Prayer - Remember His Deeds

When God seems to be silently ignoring and rejecting you (from your perspective), in the midst of deep pain, even when crying out to Him in your distress; "groaning" and "fainting in spirit," what do you do?

Asaph wrote to Jeduthan, that he would remember the song he'd sung before of God's deeds, unfailing love, promises that had never failed to be kept, of His anger He'd withheld because of His compassion; of all the long ago miracles and works God had performed for them throughout the Israelites' history with God.  He enumerated them and they added up.  With these, he comforted himself and found some answer.

God loves him and does not abandon.

You know, something?  It is good to journal all the times our Heavenly Father works wonders and deeds for us.  Maybe those are personal ones, or ones per family or per friends (you prayed together and things happened); or even per church congregation.  Record these, even the simple things of life that one can be thankful for and praise the Lord for.  Give thanks with a grateful heart. Look back over them now and again.  That list could grow very long and lengthy and you can praise Him all over again.

This collection of works God wrought for you, personally, can give you that mooring, rooting and steadfastness needed for those times of dearth, drought and hardship where you think there is no response from God despite your deep and loud, SOS cries for His help and intervention.  Those times when you feel you cannot and will not ever be comforted and He is rejecting you, remember His deeds that operated in your life prior to the current drama dragging you down.  Look up and remember His deeds.

Recall these upon your bed and through the tears coursing down your cheeks, soaking your pillows.  His love is unceasing and everlasting.  His love is unfailing and incorruptible.  He is there!  Our compassionate living and loving God, is there.

Father God, we often despair because of the traumas and tragedies life hits us on the head with.  You are there in the midst of it though, even in the silence, and in rejection we might feel because of it.  We cry out to You again and again knowing Your compassion fails not and reviewing all You have done for us in the past; knowing You are the same yesterday and today and will be tomorrow, too, when we wake up.

Forgive us though, LORD, when we feel abandoned by You.  We are people who like to see the tangible, to have, hold, feel, touch, hear.  Build our faith, as You did for Asaph, in those times that we only hear our own echo.  May we remember Your loving care in past times, as did Asaph.

You led Your Israelite flock folk by the hand of Moses and Aaron.  You led Asaph and subsequently, Jeduthan and the whole nation of Israel, all lthe way to us now, even through mighty waters which often roar near us.  You led without leaving footprints that could literally be seen.  We are confident that you are leading us and as we remember Your works in our lives, that You lead us too, through the silence and perceived lack of footprints.  Hold us fast because You know us and we are Yours through Jesus.  

It is in Jesus' name we pray and cry out to You and in His name we praise as we remember Your wonderful deeds being worked for us and into the fabric of our lives.

                                                    ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 77:1-20 (NIV).