Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Who Got Executed?


Of all the times to select to stage a high profile execution, Herod chose the Jewish Passover, to be rid of  Peter.  That was hitting the Jewish people below the belt; or was it?  Herod had already done away with James, the brother of John.  This had pleased the Jews apparently.  He thought he'd make an even bigger splash with Peter.

Jewish Passover time would see hordes and hordes of Jews from all adjoining regions of Judea, Samaria, Caesaria, and etc.  They'd have all come to the Temple in Jerusalem to celebrate.

In addition, there would be other Roman 'kings' from  those outlying districts to witness his coup d'etat.  They would bring their troops of soldiers to help control the crowds and hopefully avoid any riots and quel potential Jewish rebellions and coups.  So this would be a pre-emptive 'scoop' for Herod; more feathers and favors in his cap from both sides of the ethnic equation.

What a spectacle Herod would give!  The spirit of death hovered in this grisly 'sport', though.  Peter was securely fastened in inner prison 'foxhole' preparatory to the 'event'.  Contingents of soldiers in evidence, guarding.  There would be no prison break this time.

Or, would there?

The scene switched to Mary's house where there was a fervent prayer meeting ongoing.  Those gathered besought the Lord with intensity of spirit and soul for Peter's release.  To them, with God, all things were possible and so they prayed.

The "prayer of faith,"..."prayed fervently" by "a righteous person has great power as it is working" (James 5:15-16 ESV).

Ironically, they were atonished when the answer to their wrestling in prayer, showed up knocking at Mary's doorstep.  Peter, himself, stood there.  They'd thought Rhoda was "beside herself" (too much praying?) or that it was only "Peter's angel".

Nope.  There flesh-and-blood Peter, stood.

The glory of God overshadowed and executed Herod's glory.  The LORD literally "stole the show" right out from under Herod's nose!

All because Christians were praying.

                                                     ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Acts 12:1-18

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