Friday, March 19, 2021

Prayer - Restore the Joy of My Salvation

 Father God we bow before You in humble adoration.  We worship and praise You for making the way for our forgiveness of sins through Jesus, Your only begotten Son.

Indeed, we are sinful from birth and do many unrighteous acts.  We fail and fail again.  We are in a fallen world, not of Your doing.

You know all our transgressions; big or small, as You did King David's.  He knew he'd sinned terribly against You as well as his fellowman.  He tried to cover it up, to his shame and misery.

Father, You desire truth in our inner beings and You exposed David's deceit and wrong doings.  King David besought You out of a repentant heart, to wash away all his iniquity, as we read in Psalm 51.  He wanted You to cleanse him so he would be clean (v.7).  He did not stop there.  He needed the cleansing and then the pure heart (v.10).  On top of that, a renewed and steadfast spirit within him (v. 10).

You did that for him out of Your mercy, love and forgiveness.  David's heart was sincere and expectant.  He desired the restoration only You could give and the "joy of Your salvation" (v. 12).  He did not want to be "cast out from Your presence" (v.11 NIV).

Father this sounds so much like Your promises that You bring to us too today.  When we do wrong and confess to You in genuine repentence, You will forgive and purify (1 John 1:9).

Despite our wrong, You do right for us and bring restoration to the repentant.  Those who have a "broken spirit" and "contrite heart" (v. 17).  This is what King David learned.  He could then "open his mouth" (v.15) in praise to You.  He could lift up his head, heart and hands to worship and adore You.  He could then bring You his sacrifices of righteousness and tell other sinners and encourage them to turn back to You (v. 13).

We all fail You at one time or another, Father.  May we all repent and gain Your forgiveness and purification so we can praise You in purity.  May others see and know and be willing to be restored to the joy of their salvation too.

I ask in Jesus name, Amen.

                                                      ~ERC  January 2020~

Based on Psalm 50:1-19 (NIV)

Sing, Search Me, O God, Cleanse My Heart From Sin, along with the Cathedral Quartet.

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