Saturday, March 20, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - The FLOCK Flocking Together

"Birds of a feather flock together,"

Father God.  You made them instinctively do it.  I know Your people, who are called by the Name of Your Son Jesus, - Christians - are not birds and most of us don't have feathers, except perhaps in our hats or caps, but we are Your children.  We are Your sons and daughters and we want to be together again, congregating in the building spaces, and rooms the varying locations designated by Your family in any one locale or another, have set aside in which to gather.

We want to get together, "by instinct," to remember what Your Son Jesus Christ has done for us, by His death and resurrection.  We want to remember by partaking of the broken bread and drinking up of the cup of wine, together, and be able to physically pass it one to another.  Your family members, united through Your Holy Spirit in the bond of peace, giving thanks in Jesus' Name, just an arm's length or two, away.

Your flock (of "sheep") look forward to the day we can flock together to do this again; proclaiming the Lord's death together, until He comes.

In Jesus' Name we beseech You.

                                                    ~ERC  March 2021~

Sing, Come to the Table of Mercy, along with Divine Hymns

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