Saturday, March 27, 2021

Prayer - The LORD, The Upholder of My Life


Father God, if You were not our Helper and Upholder of our lives we would be awash and inundated with enemies, strangers and ruthless men who seek our lives.  
It's a ferocious 'dog eat dog' world of men out there but we can count on You; O God, to save us by Your Name and in the Name of Jesus.

Vindicate Your children and hear our prayers, O God our Father, as we utter the words of our mouths, to You.  It is only in You alone we can trust and hope when people betray and falsely accuse us.

Put an end to all this evil, Father!  In Your faithfulness to us, the followers of Jesus Christ, we know You will.  So we give thanks to You, O Lord, for Your good deliverance in our many earthly troubles.

Where would we be without You, our Helper and Upholder of life?  We offer up our free will offering of praise from our lips and bless Your Name.

We give thanks with a grateful heart, in Jesus Name.

                                                     ~ERC  January 2021~

Based on Psalm 54:1-7 ESV

Sing Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart along with Janella Salvador

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