Friday, March 12, 2021

Electrifying Angel Encounters


Have you ever had a real-life experience that could only be explained as intervention and the work of angels?  The Bible has many such accounts.  Abraham was visited by three of them and was given the message of the promise of a baby in his old age (Genesis 18);  Lot and family were dragged out of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah by two of them (Genesis 19:16); Daniel had his answer to prayer brought by an angel (Daniel 10); Zechariah was told of a baby to be born to him and wife Elizabeth, again, like Abraham and Sarah, in their old age; Mary, the virgin was visited by that same angel and told she'd have a baby by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:26-38); Jesus was strengthened in the Garden of Gethsame by one prior to His arrest and crucifixion (Matthew 4:11); Peter, although very dazed, thinking he was dreaming, had angels help him escape from prison (Acts 12).  Indeed, these were most electrifying encounters!

I've heard of missionary stories of angelic activity come to protect the Lord's servants.  There's the one about John G. Paton and his wife in The Hebrides in the 1800's.  Their home had been surrounded by hostile natives one night, intent on killing them.  Naturally, Paton and his wife prayed fervantly for God's protection.

Towards morning the attackers left with a single advance.  Some time later, the chief of that tribe came to Christ.  Paton asked him why they all left that morning.  Suprized, the chief said, it was because of all those hundreds of men in shining garments and with drawn swords protecting you.  He and his people could see them but the Patons could not.

"The faithful fervant prayers of a righteous man, avails much." (James 5:16).

God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform (as a song goes)!  This was very likely the catalyst that brought that chief to Christ and had his soul saved by grace.

With permission, I tell of this next angel encounter.  Just a couple of years back, doctors discovered that a friend had some "suspicious spots" on her breast.  A biopsy confirmed she had cancer.  Her breast was removed.  Upon discharge from hospital, she went home to recover.  During those weeks, beginning from the first "fateful" mammogram, to the surgery recovery time, my friend so happened to be reading a book entitled, "Do You Believe in Angels?"

One incident during recovery, she awoke in the middle of the night to feeling "someone playing with my fingers".  She did not know what to do at first but prayed quietly within herself.  "Father God, give me peace of mind if this is an angel and not an evil being.  Peace came over her and she just continued to "let" the angel "play with her fingers".  This brought peace and comfort at such a time of physical illness, sent by her loving Heavenly Father to speak love and care to her heart and mind.  Well, she said, she definitely believes in angels!

Here's a personal account...

A long time ago when driving down a highway during a snowstorm, roads slippery and slick, another car came slithering uncontrollably toward mine in a direct line of head-on-collision.  "Oh Lord!"  Uncannily, a great calm came over me, and a firm grip, not mine, took control of that steering wheel and carefully, but decisively steered my car in a straight line!  I kid you not.  The other car veered off in a diagonal direction and passed me on the right.

I think I mentioned, "What about the car behind me?"  I actually took my eyes off the road in front and glanced back to watch what happened.  That car got missed too!

Then,...oh no, that out-of-control car is headed for the ditch!  "What about it?"

No worries, it stopped neatly at the edge of the highway.  All crashes averted and avoided.

The steering wheel was then relinguished back to my control, even though I hadn't taken my hands off it for one second from the beginning.  

The only explanation I can find, was angelic takeover.

Thank-You, Father God, for such a helpful encounter.

In the cases of the Biblical encounters, it seems angels were bearers mostly of good news, often of the extra-ordinary kind.  In Lot's and the Patons' cases, to warn and protect, respectively.  For Daniel, to give answer to his prayers.  In Jesus' case, to strengthen and encourage; in Peter's, to jail break.

There has been much written about these created creatures over the centuries.  In God's good planning they do His bidding, acting as messengers, defenders and encouragers on His behalf and that of His children's.   In the book of Revelation we see them as ceaseless worshiper's of Holy God.

We can thank the Lord for such help and assistance whenever and wherever, as loving, caring Heavenly Father sees best.  We thank HIM, and we do not worship the angels.  They too, are His servants. When we ponder on all of these electrifying encounters in the aftermath of these providential interventions, we say, "how exciting to have had such experiences".  However, do thank God in the Name of Jesus who cares for such as you and me.

                                                          ~ERC  January 2021~

Sing God Moves in A Mysterious Way, with Graham Kendrick

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