Saturday, March 27, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Joyful Noises of Gladness

 Lord God of all the earth and its peoples, we know You are God, that You made us and we belong to You.  You bought us by the blood and sacrifice of Your one and only own dear Son, Jesus Christ.  Through Him You redeemed us, and rescued us from the slavery of sin and its consequences:  death and foreverness in Hell.

O Lamb of God, thank You and we come into Your presence with the joyful noise  and singing of praises to You in our groups of two's and three's.  We've come to collectively, into Your presence, and to serve You with gladness in our hearts and minds.  We're singing songs of thanksgiving to You, Jesus and to You, oh Father God; to bless and praise Your name.

You are good and we give thanks for your "steadfast love which endures forever" and for your "faithfulness [to us and ] to all generations" (vs 5).

With gladness, thankfulness and praises in our hearts, we partake of the bread and drink from the cup of wine on this Lord's Day.  We do this in remembrance of what Jesus' death and resurrection has done for us, and to remember Him.

"Lord Jesus! we remember
  The travail of Thy soul,
When through Thy love’s deep pity,
  The waves did o’er Thee roll;" 

So goes some words of a hymn written by a J. G. Deck back in the 1800's.

Thank-You, Jesus!

Thank-You, Father God!

"We joy in our God and sing of His love..." 

As yet another song from my youth rings in my head.  (Author, W. Yerbury)

And we ask also O Lamb of God, to still keep us close to Your side.

We, the sheep of Your pasture, give You thanks, with the joyful noises of gladness of heart, in Jesus name; singing to You our songs of praise.

                                                          ~ERC March 2021~

Based on Psalm 100:1-5 (ESV)

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