Sunday, March 7, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Blessings of Assauged Wrath


Father God, how You have blessed the nation of Israel over the ages.  Your steadfast love, faithfulness, righteousness and peace, have been shown continually to them.

"Faithfulness that springs up from the ground" (v. 11)

like early morning dew, refreshing where it moistened; even the soul.


"...righteousness looks down from the sky" (v. 11),

like salt being sprinkled from a shaker; seasoning until 'just right'.

Oh LORD, You have given them what is good.

You have favored their lands, and restored their fortunes, You forgave all their iniquities and sins, and withdrew Your fearsome wrath and hot anger.  You have restored them, themselves. How merciful and compassionate You are, Father.

I like that Your righeousness goes before them, like a flower girl strewing rose petals before her, preparatory to the bride's entrance.  Your footsteps will also have a way like someone shoveling out a path through the snow.  You make Your way to and for Your people.

So said the Sons of Korah in Psalm 85.  They must have been so delighted to sing of your love and faithfulness to them and the people of Israel.  They must have also rejoiced and were glad when the people sang along with them from their innermost beings.  How joyful these moments must have been.  How refreshing their souls and spirits; uplifted by worship of You.  Your goodness extended to them again and again because of their repentant hearts.

In this 'Day of Grace' we see a definite parallel to us.  Your saving grace, the faith You gifted us with to accept Your precious, Perfect Gift, Jesus Christ as our Saviour.  Your wrath was turned away from us then, Your righteousness became ours through justification.  You restored our relationship with You.

As we sit together with Your family, those fellow followers of Jesus Christ with the emblems of the bread and wine before us on a Lord's Day, we remember, with joy and thanksgiving to You in our hearts, for all You have done for us.  You have cleansed us by the blood of Jesus, forgiven and blessed with having had Your wrath satisfied and assuaged.  We rejoice together and sing with gladness of heart of Your steadfast love, righteousness and forgiveness, and faithfulness to us.

Thank-You, Father.

Thank-You, Jesus.

Thank-You for bringing us to repentence through Your goodness to us; making a pathway for us to come to You through Your righteousness bestowed; the blessings of assuaged wrath.  We rejoice and are glad.  Thus, we remember the travail of soul Jesus went through for us.  Thank-You for Your salvation.

In Jesus' Name we remember and give our thanks and praise.  You delight in us, may we ever delight in You!

                                                           ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 85:1-13 ESV

Additional verses to look at re:  God's Wrath:

Romans 1:18; John 3:36; Hebrews 10:27, 31; Hebrews 9:22; 2 Peter 2:9; Revelation 19:11-21.

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