Sunday, March 21, 2021

Good Book - ZECHARIAH (Israel's Messenger of the Messiah's Triumph)


Do you find it difficult to "chew the cud" that the biblical prophets - major or minor - present to us in God's Word?  I do.  Very often it is over my head and I will just "turn off" my mind, not bothering to be much engaged in what a teacher or preacher expounds forth.

If this is the storyline in your experience but you do really want to delve into the prophets' messages, try Fred Hartman's concise and down-to-earth schema for the book of Zechariah, in his book ZECHARIAH; for starters.  Hartman goes chapter by chapter unfolding the visions and prophesies given to this "minor" prophet for the people of his time.  These even trickle down to influence us today.  Some of the events, this author proffers, will go beyond our time to some future date.

This is a short but sweet commentary which includes many "bullet points" of conviction making it relatable and applicable for sanctified living in the here and now.  Perhaps, some may even find it too understandable and "engaging".  However, Hartman prays that in your disappointments of life you will find more than a glimmer of hope for your daily walk as the nation of Israel had when they were released from their captivity in Babylon, and returned to Jerusalem only to face a different brand of difficulties and challenges, a way back in Zechariah's time.  

The book's wordsmith  also hopes you will be,

"significantly impacted" 

and that the

 "Holy Spirit will work in the innermost recesses of your hearts".  

I can vouch for you, that this little volume indeed has the potential to do just that!  May there be triumph-in-Christ in your life and mine for those of us who read and take it all to heart.

                                                     ~ERC  March 2021~

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