Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Prayer - Thank Offerings Honor


Oh Jesus, Savior, Friend unfailing, how dear You are to me.  You shine forth Your light into this world and into my heart.  You do not keep silence as Your Holy Spirit indwells and speaks comfort, encouragement and conviction; speaking Your Words of life that are a double-edged sword.

You are here with me from the rising of the sun even to its setting.  All through the night You even teach me, in my sleep, Your wonderful words of life.

Whether through tempestuous tossings or still calmness, You declare Your righteousness and the perfection of your beauty.  You have made that new covenant of salvation.

"...if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9 NIV).

"We will never be put to shame" (Romans 10:12).

Thank-You, Jesus.  I want Your light to so shine on through me.  You are my living, great and Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth; my Savior.

May the sacrifice of praise be ever on my lips.  Yet there are times when the deceit of slander of brother, friend, companion slithers off the tongue.  Harness this evil for me, Jesus.  May Your Holy Spirit rebuke and admonish through Your Word even as we read through Psalm 50.

You actually do not need our sacrifice of praise because You have so many contingents of angels who sing Your praises day and night.  Yet in Your gracious kindness, goodness and desire to commune with us, you love to hear our praises.

As night turns to day, turn my slander to praise, blessing and thanksgiving.  This is what you want Jesus.  You want thank offerings and sacrifices of praise.  May the bit and bridle, and Holy Spirit convictions be compelling and halt all  that displeases You, from my mind, heart and tongue.  In this way, may my heart be ordered rightly in Your righteous sight; Oh Savior, Jesus.

In this, reveal to me and others, Your salvation and the power of God to save the soul, and sanctify the spirit.  May these be a continual increase in such understanding and insight, leading to the proper response of willingly living to please You, Jesus, in all we do and say.  May our lives honor You and be our thank offering rising up as sweet incense to you!

In Your name Lord Jesus I ask, pray and praise

                                                     ~ERC  January 2021~

Based on Pslm 50:1-23 (ESV).

*Hymn lyrics

As sung by Moya Brennan, O Jesus Friend Unfailing

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