Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Good News - "By Faith"


Justification by faith is good news but not everyone thinks so.  Look at the difference of response and reaction between God-fearers and ethnic Jews, back in the Apostle Paul's day, as seen from the book of Acts.  God-fearers embraced it with great joy.  The ethnic Jews were incited to riot and murder.  How does one justify the two?

Centurion Cornelius of Acts 10, was just such a "God-fearer".  He was "devout".  Look at his CV:  "he gave generously to those in need; and he prayed to God regularly".  The angel that appeared to him told him these were "a memorial offering before God" (vs.1-7).

Cornelius' men who had come to fetch Peter added, 

"he is a righteous and God-fearing man...respected by all the Jewish people" (v. 22).

To me, this is wondrous.

By way of explanation to differentiate between "God-fearer" and the "ethnic Jews" who also feared God, we need to know that the former were Gentiles.  These Gentiles were not proselytes:  those who'd converted to the Jewish ways and adhered to the Law of Moses, including being circumsized, and lived as Jews, having free access to the Temple.

The "God-fearers" were those who did have the fear of God, obviously, as seen by Cornelius' example, and lived much as if they were Jews.  However, they did not go so far as to be circumsized; therefore, they did not have such free access to Temples and synaogues.  It seems this group was more sincere, worshiping God from the heart and not by the exact letter of the Law.

It was heart involvement more than form or obligation that following the whole plethora of Jewish Laws entailed.  This is the crux of the matter.  Don't get me wrong though.  There were certainly, earnestly devout ethnic Jewish folks too; after all, look at Mary and Joseph.  Nevertheless, for this discussion we focus on those who were more seemingly about the 'form'.

These literally followed the "letter of the law" all their lives as the apostle Paul, when he was more known as Saul, had done.  These also saw themselves entitled to be in greater favor with God because of their "pious," "righteous" living.  This is also the group that Jesus confronted time and again, about their often hypocritical ways.  They were mostly respected by the general Jewish masses who thought of them as "holy" and "righeous".

Since this group had been following all these commands, decrees, laws, statutes, precepts and word of God as laid out in their Torah, then to have someone come along an say, "Umm, this is no longer, THE way; it is now only by repenting of your sins, believing in Jesus; and accepting the justification of those sins by faith in Jesus Christ, that you can now connect with God and be His "chosen" ones:  His sons and daughters...well, think of it...

How would YOU feel?!

It would be like having your legs wiped out right from under you!  Your whole world would come crashing down upon you!  You'd be become furious too!  Stark raving mad!  This would indeed incite to riots and the stoning of the messenger as happened to Stephen, the first Christian martyr, and the attempted stoning to death of Paul, later on.

By absolute sharp contrast, the God-fearers soaked this up with wide-opened, welcoming arms and hearts.  They knew following sets of rules had limitations and were a fatiquing struggle to maintain so it must have brought great relief to be able to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and be justified by faith in Him alone.  This was indeed, "good news"!

These God-fearers desired that relationship with God they could have through Jesus Christ.  They realized it was not enough to just fear God, although that was a major part of it, but they could have that access of communing through faith and salvation in Jesus Christ.  Paul was able to plant many new churches among these  God-fearing Gentiles because of it.

Today, there are many religions where the "works" of following many similar laws are venerated.  However, the Good News the apostles, including Paul who had once lived strictly according to Jewish law, preached is still the same.   All the people of the world must come to the Father God, and be justified BY FAITH in, and through, Jesus Christ.

                                                       ~ERC  January 2021~

Sing, Therefore Being Jusified By Faith, along with New Creation Singers

Read Romans 5:1, 5, 8.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Good Book - Choosing Forgiveness

 The subject of forgiveness is often a touchy, sensitive issue for many people.  Someone has been deeply hurt, and boy, oh boy, don't talk about forgiving the offender!  Forgiving can be one of the most absolutely difficult things to do!  Nancy Leigh DeMoss, in her book Choosing Forgiveness, explains that to forgive can put a person on the road to freedom.  However, to NOT forgive, takes one somewhere else.

 Those of us who have never been wounded (is it possible?), may glibly tell others to "forgive; we are supposed to do so, Jesus said so".  The "walking wounded" (DeMoss' term) though, often walk around numb and wondering how it all happened and spiraled out of control even between those who used to be good friends.  

It is a blessing then to have DeMoss explore this topic from several perspectives.  The angles of refusing to forgive; forgiveness being a promise (! once forgiven never to bring that subject up again!); forgiving for Jesus' sake (our motivation to do so despite the ordeal we've been 'dragged" through); the art of forgiveness (meaning the 'how to' find freedom from the issue enough to overcome by God's grace and in order to reconcile and restore relationships even when years -even decades may have passed by; even if the other person had passed on).  Further to all that, she takes a look at what forgiveness is and is not; and in the end can one go above and beyond just the act of forgiving to being able to bless the offender?  Mercy and grace are two words that will come into play and for the reader to discover.  These are the Christian way.

To assist this message to be better understood, the author uses some actual examples even of extreme offences where folks have chosen to forgive and the astounding results of those decisions.  Whether "smaller" or "bigger" the offences, the instances of forgiveness being bestowed precipitate equal wonders of God transpiring in their wake.  A person changed by God's grace can choose to forgive and begin a domino effect in the next person's life bringing not only reconciliation with the offended but with God Himself.

May the power of God's forgiveness descend upon each one who reads this book and chooses to forgive.  May these actions then have far-reaching effects rippled out to others, who in turn, will be able to forgive their oppressors, perpetrators, and/or those who have unintentionally offended another, and in that gut-wrenching turmoil of misunderstanding, reach out for the olive leaf of peace-making and forgiveness.

May you each be blessed by Choosing Forgiveness.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss' current surname is now Wolgemuth

                                                     ~ERC  March 2021~

Donkey & Horse


"Hosanna!  Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel"  (John 12:13)

It was a triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the start of what folks now call Passion Week.  By the end of this week it had all turned into betrayal and denial and death.  However, what Satan had meant for harm, our Heavenly Father turned into redemption for whosoever would accept this gift of salvation throughout the whole world, from that pivotal time until now.  This stretches into tomorrow and for all eternity to come!

What a Savior!

What a mighty God we serve!

At the beginning of this week Jesus rode in on the back of a donkey.  A donkey symbolizing peace.  Jesus, the Prince of Peace came to bring peace.  Our hearts and minds can indeed have peace through and because of what happened at the end of that week.

Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood for the remission of sins.  Accept Him now, today, as Your Savior, Redeemer, Friend.

Some day, He will be riding on a white horse.  In the Roman's day and age, riding in on a white horse symbolized, victory.  Indeed, Jesus won victory over Satan, sin, death and Hell.  Our righteous Judge, King of kings and Lord of lords, will arrive on the earthly scene atop a white horse and His children will be with Him; each on a white horse of their own (Revelation 19:11-16 NIV).

Yes, what a blessed Lord and Savior we have!


                                                        ~ERC  March 2021~

Note:  The thoughts re: Jesus on a donkey and a horse were presented in our Lord's Day sermon today.  I have incorporated them into the above but in my own arrangement.

Listen to this rapturous Latin rendition of Blessed is He that Comes in the Name of the Lord.  Sing along if you can.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Joyful Noises of Gladness

 Lord God of all the earth and its peoples, we know You are God, that You made us and we belong to You.  You bought us by the blood and sacrifice of Your one and only own dear Son, Jesus Christ.  Through Him You redeemed us, and rescued us from the slavery of sin and its consequences:  death and foreverness in Hell.

O Lamb of God, thank You and we come into Your presence with the joyful noise  and singing of praises to You in our groups of two's and three's.  We've come to collectively, into Your presence, and to serve You with gladness in our hearts and minds.  We're singing songs of thanksgiving to You, Jesus and to You, oh Father God; to bless and praise Your name.

You are good and we give thanks for your "steadfast love which endures forever" and for your "faithfulness [to us and ] to all generations" (vs 5).

With gladness, thankfulness and praises in our hearts, we partake of the bread and drink from the cup of wine on this Lord's Day.  We do this in remembrance of what Jesus' death and resurrection has done for us, and to remember Him.

"Lord Jesus! we remember
  The travail of Thy soul,
When through Thy love’s deep pity,
  The waves did o’er Thee roll;" 

So goes some words of a hymn written by a J. G. Deck back in the 1800's.

Thank-You, Jesus!

Thank-You, Father God!

"We joy in our God and sing of His love..." 

As yet another song from my youth rings in my head.  (Author, W. Yerbury)

And we ask also O Lamb of God, to still keep us close to Your side.

We, the sheep of Your pasture, give You thanks, with the joyful noises of gladness of heart, in Jesus name; singing to You our songs of praise.

                                                          ~ERC March 2021~

Based on Psalm 100:1-5 (ESV)

Prayer - The LORD, The Upholder of My Life


Father God, if You were not our Helper and Upholder of our lives we would be awash and inundated with enemies, strangers and ruthless men who seek our lives.  
It's a ferocious 'dog eat dog' world of men out there but we can count on You; O God, to save us by Your Name and in the Name of Jesus.

Vindicate Your children and hear our prayers, O God our Father, as we utter the words of our mouths, to You.  It is only in You alone we can trust and hope when people betray and falsely accuse us.

Put an end to all this evil, Father!  In Your faithfulness to us, the followers of Jesus Christ, we know You will.  So we give thanks to You, O Lord, for Your good deliverance in our many earthly troubles.

Where would we be without You, our Helper and Upholder of life?  We offer up our free will offering of praise from our lips and bless Your Name.

We give thanks with a grateful heart, in Jesus Name.

                                                     ~ERC  January 2021~

Based on Psalm 54:1-7 ESV

Sing Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart along with Janella Salvador

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Prayer - The One God, Who IS


Heavenly Father, God, we all know that,

 "A rose by any other name is still a rose".

So, even though fools say in their hearts and/or proclaim from the rooftops that there is not such Being, as You, we know You do exist and are very much involved in our lives.  You are our living God.

In fact, we are so thankful You look down from Heaven upon the children of man; looking,

 "to see if any understand and seek after You" (Psalm 53:2 ESV).

Unfortunately, sadly, what You see is not a pretty picture.  We have fallen, are corrupt, work evil; folks "eating up" Your people and then those who do not call upon You.

Thank-You Father, for the salvation one and all of mankind can have through Your Son Jesus.  No matter how 'Earthlings' have treated You, in Your gracious compassion You still provided this for us.

Jesus, the One who did come "out of Zion" to restore mankind's relationship with You.  You give us the understanding and insight we need to realize this and accept and believe.  He does exist and is a good Friend of sinners, as He died and rose again for them (for us human creatures).

May all those skeptics and fools, become wise by accepting Your gift of salvation and have the "fortune" of communing with You, restored.  Then they can rejoice and be glad.  Then some day soon they can live with You; the One God Who IS!

                                                      ~ERC January 2021~

Based on Psalm 53:1-6 ESV

Sing My Savior My God by the Acappella Company

This God He is Our God, Tommy Walker  (a bit noisier but still glorifying the Lord).

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Good Book - ZECHARIAH (Israel's Messenger of the Messiah's Triumph)


Do you find it difficult to "chew the cud" that the biblical prophets - major or minor - present to us in God's Word?  I do.  Very often it is over my head and I will just "turn off" my mind, not bothering to be much engaged in what a teacher or preacher expounds forth.

If this is the storyline in your experience but you do really want to delve into the prophets' messages, try Fred Hartman's concise and down-to-earth schema for the book of Zechariah, in his book ZECHARIAH; for starters.  Hartman goes chapter by chapter unfolding the visions and prophesies given to this "minor" prophet for the people of his time.  These even trickle down to influence us today.  Some of the events, this author proffers, will go beyond our time to some future date.

This is a short but sweet commentary which includes many "bullet points" of conviction making it relatable and applicable for sanctified living in the here and now.  Perhaps, some may even find it too understandable and "engaging".  However, Hartman prays that in your disappointments of life you will find more than a glimmer of hope for your daily walk as the nation of Israel had when they were released from their captivity in Babylon, and returned to Jerusalem only to face a different brand of difficulties and challenges, a way back in Zechariah's time.  

The book's wordsmith  also hopes you will be,

"significantly impacted" 

and that the

 "Holy Spirit will work in the innermost recesses of your hearts".  

I can vouch for you, that this little volume indeed has the potential to do just that!  May there be triumph-in-Christ in your life and mine for those of us who read and take it all to heart.

                                                     ~ERC  March 2021~

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - The FLOCK Flocking Together

"Birds of a feather flock together,"

Father God.  You made them instinctively do it.  I know Your people, who are called by the Name of Your Son Jesus, - Christians - are not birds and most of us don't have feathers, except perhaps in our hats or caps, but we are Your children.  We are Your sons and daughters and we want to be together again, congregating in the building spaces, and rooms the varying locations designated by Your family in any one locale or another, have set aside in which to gather.

We want to get together, "by instinct," to remember what Your Son Jesus Christ has done for us, by His death and resurrection.  We want to remember by partaking of the broken bread and drinking up of the cup of wine, together, and be able to physically pass it one to another.  Your family members, united through Your Holy Spirit in the bond of peace, giving thanks in Jesus' Name, just an arm's length or two, away.

Your flock (of "sheep") look forward to the day we can flock together to do this again; proclaiming the Lord's death together, until He comes.

In Jesus' Name we beseech You.

                                                    ~ERC  March 2021~

Sing, Come to the Table of Mercy, along with Divine Hymns

Friday, March 19, 2021

Prayer - Restore the Joy of My Salvation

 Father God we bow before You in humble adoration.  We worship and praise You for making the way for our forgiveness of sins through Jesus, Your only begotten Son.

Indeed, we are sinful from birth and do many unrighteous acts.  We fail and fail again.  We are in a fallen world, not of Your doing.

You know all our transgressions; big or small, as You did King David's.  He knew he'd sinned terribly against You as well as his fellowman.  He tried to cover it up, to his shame and misery.

Father, You desire truth in our inner beings and You exposed David's deceit and wrong doings.  King David besought You out of a repentant heart, to wash away all his iniquity, as we read in Psalm 51.  He wanted You to cleanse him so he would be clean (v.7).  He did not stop there.  He needed the cleansing and then the pure heart (v.10).  On top of that, a renewed and steadfast spirit within him (v. 10).

You did that for him out of Your mercy, love and forgiveness.  David's heart was sincere and expectant.  He desired the restoration only You could give and the "joy of Your salvation" (v. 12).  He did not want to be "cast out from Your presence" (v.11 NIV).

Father this sounds so much like Your promises that You bring to us too today.  When we do wrong and confess to You in genuine repentence, You will forgive and purify (1 John 1:9).

Despite our wrong, You do right for us and bring restoration to the repentant.  Those who have a "broken spirit" and "contrite heart" (v. 17).  This is what King David learned.  He could then "open his mouth" (v.15) in praise to You.  He could lift up his head, heart and hands to worship and adore You.  He could then bring You his sacrifices of righteousness and tell other sinners and encourage them to turn back to You (v. 13).

We all fail You at one time or another, Father.  May we all repent and gain Your forgiveness and purification so we can praise You in purity.  May others see and know and be willing to be restored to the joy of their salvation too.

I ask in Jesus name, Amen.

                                                      ~ERC  January 2020~

Based on Psalm 50:1-19 (NIV)

Sing, Search Me, O God, Cleanse My Heart From Sin, along with the Cathedral Quartet.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Prayer - Thank Offerings Honor


Oh Jesus, Savior, Friend unfailing, how dear You are to me.  You shine forth Your light into this world and into my heart.  You do not keep silence as Your Holy Spirit indwells and speaks comfort, encouragement and conviction; speaking Your Words of life that are a double-edged sword.

You are here with me from the rising of the sun even to its setting.  All through the night You even teach me, in my sleep, Your wonderful words of life.

Whether through tempestuous tossings or still calmness, You declare Your righteousness and the perfection of your beauty.  You have made that new covenant of salvation.

"...if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9 NIV).

"We will never be put to shame" (Romans 10:12).

Thank-You, Jesus.  I want Your light to so shine on through me.  You are my living, great and Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth; my Savior.

May the sacrifice of praise be ever on my lips.  Yet there are times when the deceit of slander of brother, friend, companion slithers off the tongue.  Harness this evil for me, Jesus.  May Your Holy Spirit rebuke and admonish through Your Word even as we read through Psalm 50.

You actually do not need our sacrifice of praise because You have so many contingents of angels who sing Your praises day and night.  Yet in Your gracious kindness, goodness and desire to commune with us, you love to hear our praises.

As night turns to day, turn my slander to praise, blessing and thanksgiving.  This is what you want Jesus.  You want thank offerings and sacrifices of praise.  May the bit and bridle, and Holy Spirit convictions be compelling and halt all  that displeases You, from my mind, heart and tongue.  In this way, may my heart be ordered rightly in Your righteous sight; Oh Savior, Jesus.

In this, reveal to me and others, Your salvation and the power of God to save the soul, and sanctify the spirit.  May these be a continual increase in such understanding and insight, leading to the proper response of willingly living to please You, Jesus, in all we do and say.  May our lives honor You and be our thank offering rising up as sweet incense to you!

In Your name Lord Jesus I ask, pray and praise

                                                     ~ERC  January 2021~

Based on Pslm 50:1-23 (ESV).

*Hymn lyrics

As sung by Moya Brennan, O Jesus Friend Unfailing

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Prayer - Unusual Song

 Heavenly Father, it is with some solemnity I lift up my voice to You this morning in the "green pastures" of Your Word.  Reading Psalm 49 (ESV) is ironic as this is a song!  One of those written by the Sons of Korah.  The lyrics seem unusual, for a song.  Yet, it is an excellent teaching song for young and old alike.

Teaching for the young with dollar signs in their eyes, to know that riches, although of some importance in life, are not all what they are cracked up to be.  Also a warning that riches potentially make a person proud, greedy, arrogant and bossy.  A treatment to medicate such pomp with is to have understanding that riches cannot go to the grave with them.  It is only You, Father God, who can "ransom our souls from the power of Sheol" when we have faith and trust in Jesus, our Good Shepherd.  Death, is their hireling shepherd, otherwise.

For the old, to be reminded again and again, even in song, of the treachery that riches can weave, in web, around a person's heart and soul in an imperative exercise.  Father, thank-You for Your servants, the Korah brothers, who were faithful to You.  They had firsthand experience of these things--too close for comfort--while they were young.  In their older ages, I picutre them singing this song, this throughout their remaining years to solidify the lessons in their minds.  The rest of us "older ones" can too.

Think of the disparity between the rich man and Lazarus.  In life the rich man had his luxury and Lazarus his abject poverty.  In death, the opposite was the case.  Was it because of the number on their respective balance sheets that they ended up in the places they did in the afterlife?  Not exactly.  The rich man allowed his wealth to be his 'god' whereas I believe, that Lazarus' wealth was his trust and faith in God.

The Sons of Korah perceived this scenario for themselves, therefore they wrote they did not need to be afraid of death and Sheol then or of those who increase in riches and the type of home they lived in:  shack or palatial abodes.  They knew the fleeting-ness of it all.  They fixed their hope and trust in You and directed their singers to the fact that You,

"...will ransom [our] souls from the power of Sheol, and [You] will receive [us]" (Psalm 49:15 ESV).

When our trust is in You and Your Son Jesus Christ, we, people of the Day of Grace, have the treasure that counts and that is laid up in Heaven's safe-keeping; salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  The power of the grave was burst when Jesus rose again from the dead so we have confidence, should 'sleep' before we are called to go up to be with Jesus, He will bring us up too.  We do not fear.  May we live our lives in obedience to You and Your Word though and honor You with our lives, building up treasure in Heaven, until then, using whatever worldly wealth we may be able to earn, for such purposes as You see fit.

Their prayer, no doubt, and mine, is that all people everywhere, will know their experience from the lesson of their father's disobedience to You, and not fix their hope in riches but in You.  Also, that it is You who redeem and not ever the amount of riches one might have.  

May one and all have this understaning and insight, and choose the proper response.  Then they too can attest to this and tell the message of their own personal experience and lesson learned:  God is the faithful One; Jesus is the One in Whom to put our trust and it is through Him, our souls are ransomed.  Then we and they can sing this unusual song.

Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ Your Son, we give You our praise and thanksgiving.

                                                         ~ERC  January 2021~

Based on Psalm 49:1-20 (ESV).

Sing, Psalm 49, with St. Dustan-acapella.

Note:  For excellent examples of ones who put their trust in riches vs ones who put their trust in the LORD, read:  Luke 16:19-31.  Also the parable of the rich young fool, Luke 12:13-21; and the rich young ruler, Luke 18:18-30.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Electrifying Angel Encounters


Have you ever had a real-life experience that could only be explained as intervention and the work of angels?  The Bible has many such accounts.  Abraham was visited by three of them and was given the message of the promise of a baby in his old age (Genesis 18);  Lot and family were dragged out of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah by two of them (Genesis 19:16); Daniel had his answer to prayer brought by an angel (Daniel 10); Zechariah was told of a baby to be born to him and wife Elizabeth, again, like Abraham and Sarah, in their old age; Mary, the virgin was visited by that same angel and told she'd have a baby by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:26-38); Jesus was strengthened in the Garden of Gethsame by one prior to His arrest and crucifixion (Matthew 4:11); Peter, although very dazed, thinking he was dreaming, had angels help him escape from prison (Acts 12).  Indeed, these were most electrifying encounters!

I've heard of missionary stories of angelic activity come to protect the Lord's servants.  There's the one about John G. Paton and his wife in The Hebrides in the 1800's.  Their home had been surrounded by hostile natives one night, intent on killing them.  Naturally, Paton and his wife prayed fervantly for God's protection.

Towards morning the attackers left with a single advance.  Some time later, the chief of that tribe came to Christ.  Paton asked him why they all left that morning.  Suprized, the chief said, it was because of all those hundreds of men in shining garments and with drawn swords protecting you.  He and his people could see them but the Patons could not.

"The faithful fervant prayers of a righteous man, avails much." (James 5:16).

God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform (as a song goes)!  This was very likely the catalyst that brought that chief to Christ and had his soul saved by grace.

With permission, I tell of this next angel encounter.  Just a couple of years back, doctors discovered that a friend had some "suspicious spots" on her breast.  A biopsy confirmed she had cancer.  Her breast was removed.  Upon discharge from hospital, she went home to recover.  During those weeks, beginning from the first "fateful" mammogram, to the surgery recovery time, my friend so happened to be reading a book entitled, "Do You Believe in Angels?"

One incident during recovery, she awoke in the middle of the night to feeling "someone playing with my fingers".  She did not know what to do at first but prayed quietly within herself.  "Father God, give me peace of mind if this is an angel and not an evil being.  Peace came over her and she just continued to "let" the angel "play with her fingers".  This brought peace and comfort at such a time of physical illness, sent by her loving Heavenly Father to speak love and care to her heart and mind.  Well, she said, she definitely believes in angels!

Here's a personal account...

A long time ago when driving down a highway during a snowstorm, roads slippery and slick, another car came slithering uncontrollably toward mine in a direct line of head-on-collision.  "Oh Lord!"  Uncannily, a great calm came over me, and a firm grip, not mine, took control of that steering wheel and carefully, but decisively steered my car in a straight line!  I kid you not.  The other car veered off in a diagonal direction and passed me on the right.

I think I mentioned, "What about the car behind me?"  I actually took my eyes off the road in front and glanced back to watch what happened.  That car got missed too!

Then,...oh no, that out-of-control car is headed for the ditch!  "What about it?"

No worries, it stopped neatly at the edge of the highway.  All crashes averted and avoided.

The steering wheel was then relinguished back to my control, even though I hadn't taken my hands off it for one second from the beginning.  

The only explanation I can find, was angelic takeover.

Thank-You, Father God, for such a helpful encounter.

In the cases of the Biblical encounters, it seems angels were bearers mostly of good news, often of the extra-ordinary kind.  In Lot's and the Patons' cases, to warn and protect, respectively.  For Daniel, to give answer to his prayers.  In Jesus' case, to strengthen and encourage; in Peter's, to jail break.

There has been much written about these created creatures over the centuries.  In God's good planning they do His bidding, acting as messengers, defenders and encouragers on His behalf and that of His children's.   In the book of Revelation we see them as ceaseless worshiper's of Holy God.

We can thank the Lord for such help and assistance whenever and wherever, as loving, caring Heavenly Father sees best.  We thank HIM, and we do not worship the angels.  They too, are His servants. When we ponder on all of these electrifying encounters in the aftermath of these providential interventions, we say, "how exciting to have had such experiences".  However, do thank God in the Name of Jesus who cares for such as you and me.

                                                          ~ERC  January 2021~

Sing God Moves in A Mysterious Way, with Graham Kendrick

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Who Got Executed?


Of all the times to select to stage a high profile execution, Herod chose the Jewish Passover, to be rid of  Peter.  That was hitting the Jewish people below the belt; or was it?  Herod had already done away with James, the brother of John.  This had pleased the Jews apparently.  He thought he'd make an even bigger splash with Peter.

Jewish Passover time would see hordes and hordes of Jews from all adjoining regions of Judea, Samaria, Caesaria, and etc.  They'd have all come to the Temple in Jerusalem to celebrate.

In addition, there would be other Roman 'kings' from  those outlying districts to witness his coup d'etat.  They would bring their troops of soldiers to help control the crowds and hopefully avoid any riots and quel potential Jewish rebellions and coups.  So this would be a pre-emptive 'scoop' for Herod; more feathers and favors in his cap from both sides of the ethnic equation.

What a spectacle Herod would give!  The spirit of death hovered in this grisly 'sport', though.  Peter was securely fastened in inner prison 'foxhole' preparatory to the 'event'.  Contingents of soldiers in evidence, guarding.  There would be no prison break this time.

Or, would there?

The scene switched to Mary's house where there was a fervent prayer meeting ongoing.  Those gathered besought the Lord with intensity of spirit and soul for Peter's release.  To them, with God, all things were possible and so they prayed.

The "prayer of faith,"..."prayed fervently" by "a righteous person has great power as it is working" (James 5:15-16 ESV).

Ironically, they were atonished when the answer to their wrestling in prayer, showed up knocking at Mary's doorstep.  Peter, himself, stood there.  They'd thought Rhoda was "beside herself" (too much praying?) or that it was only "Peter's angel".

Nope.  There flesh-and-blood Peter, stood.

The glory of God overshadowed and executed Herod's glory.  The LORD literally "stole the show" right out from under Herod's nose!

All because Christians were praying.

                                                     ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Acts 12:1-18

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Good Books - The Zion Covenant & The Zion Chronicles

 If you love historical fiction, appreciate music and care about what happened to the Jewish people (God's people of Zion), just prior, during, and post WW II, The Zion Covenant and The Zion Chronicles series, by Bodie Thoene, are the books for you!  They are chilling, revealing, nail-biting, and at times, gladdening; a hodgepodge of strong emotions gripping you from start to finish.

The Zion Covenant is a series of six books while The Zion Chronicles, is a series of five tomes.  Thoene (along with her helping husband Brock) does stick very closely to actual, historical happenings written from a perspective, mostly of a reporter and of a Jewess. As these are fictional in nature, as well as, historical, expect some salt and pepper to be added.  However, you will be able to live in the various characters' shoes on this rollercoaster of heart-rending, living nightmares that have been perpetuated by men of tyranny, fed by their hatred of the Jews.  I just hope you have a sturdy heart to "live" through it with them as you read along.

                                                               ~ERC  March 2021~

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Blessings of Assauged Wrath


Father God, how You have blessed the nation of Israel over the ages.  Your steadfast love, faithfulness, righteousness and peace, have been shown continually to them.

"Faithfulness that springs up from the ground" (v. 11)

like early morning dew, refreshing where it moistened; even the soul.


"...righteousness looks down from the sky" (v. 11),

like salt being sprinkled from a shaker; seasoning until 'just right'.

Oh LORD, You have given them what is good.

You have favored their lands, and restored their fortunes, You forgave all their iniquities and sins, and withdrew Your fearsome wrath and hot anger.  You have restored them, themselves. How merciful and compassionate You are, Father.

I like that Your righeousness goes before them, like a flower girl strewing rose petals before her, preparatory to the bride's entrance.  Your footsteps will also have a way like someone shoveling out a path through the snow.  You make Your way to and for Your people.

So said the Sons of Korah in Psalm 85.  They must have been so delighted to sing of your love and faithfulness to them and the people of Israel.  They must have also rejoiced and were glad when the people sang along with them from their innermost beings.  How joyful these moments must have been.  How refreshing their souls and spirits; uplifted by worship of You.  Your goodness extended to them again and again because of their repentant hearts.

In this 'Day of Grace' we see a definite parallel to us.  Your saving grace, the faith You gifted us with to accept Your precious, Perfect Gift, Jesus Christ as our Saviour.  Your wrath was turned away from us then, Your righteousness became ours through justification.  You restored our relationship with You.

As we sit together with Your family, those fellow followers of Jesus Christ with the emblems of the bread and wine before us on a Lord's Day, we remember, with joy and thanksgiving to You in our hearts, for all You have done for us.  You have cleansed us by the blood of Jesus, forgiven and blessed with having had Your wrath satisfied and assuaged.  We rejoice together and sing with gladness of heart of Your steadfast love, righteousness and forgiveness, and faithfulness to us.

Thank-You, Father.

Thank-You, Jesus.

Thank-You for bringing us to repentence through Your goodness to us; making a pathway for us to come to You through Your righteousness bestowed; the blessings of assuaged wrath.  We rejoice and are glad.  Thus, we remember the travail of soul Jesus went through for us.  Thank-You for Your salvation.

In Jesus' Name we remember and give our thanks and praise.  You delight in us, may we ever delight in You!

                                                           ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 85:1-13 ESV

Additional verses to look at re:  God's Wrath:

Romans 1:18; John 3:36; Hebrews 10:27, 31; Hebrews 9:22; 2 Peter 2:9; Revelation 19:11-21.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Prayer - Praise's Reach


The Sons of Korah have been praising in song again and it is a delight to read it even though the tune is not known to me, LORD God, the great and Mighty One.  You are worthy of all praise and have tunes for us to sing in Heaven in time to come.  Looking forward to that and even singing with the Sons of Korah.

The Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ our LORD; as a line of a song relates.  He is worthy of all praise.  The Church, the Bride of Christ is beautiful because Jesus has gained her righteousness.  Beautiful in her loftiness as they circle round Jesus, their joy and delight.

He has made a fortress for His Bride as He Himself is their Refuge, Strength, Deliverer and Savior.

This Church of our God, who belongs to Jesus, the Bride of Christ, the parameters of Your Church are worldwide; strong, as One notes that generation after generation, although Satan continually tries to obliterate her, still rises up in the Name of Jesus Christ.  They tell the next generation of Your unfailing love.  That is so steadfast it never ceases.

Kings join forces against the Church, Your Bride, Lord Jesus, we praise and thank You that she is still strong and beautiful and goes even to the farthest ends of the whole earth.  Her beauty is amazing, Jesus.

As You extend Your right hand of fellowship and righteousness with the peoples within Your Church.  Your children, Your sons and dauthers, in the villages of the whole earth be glad and rejoice because of Your right judgements.

May they walk this earth within their individual gatherings, then go forth and tell the next generation in their own villages, in adjoining villages, in the towns and cities and then into the whole world.  Our inspiriation is You, Father God.  You are our God for ever and ever.  Jesus is the Groom of this Church Bride, Whom, out of Your everlasting, unfailing, unconditional, steadfast love for Him and us, have made us His.

You proved that love, You showed Yourself to us through Jesus.  Emmanuel, God with us.

Yes, You are worthy of all praise.  Jesus, You, too, are worthy of all our praise and we look forward to being in that Heavenly Home, with You, at the marriage supper of the Lamb; being with You then, forever and ever, Amen!

There will be no end of our life with You, Jesus.  It will continue from now and when we are taken up to meet You in the air.  It will never end!  We try to get this into our heads but our finite minds can barely imagine it.  So we just have to trust Your words and give You thanks.

You made Your church secure, forever.  There is nothing and no one, even when 'kings' join forces -- those minions of Satan's influences and their own evil choices -- no matter what, Your church is going to be forever and ever because of You, God our King, Lord, Master and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Now our Guide forever and ever throuh the Holy Spirit, to live our lives to please You until You come for us..

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We are one with Christ and no man can ever pluck us out of Your hands.  Thank-You Jesus.  Praise You Jesus.  You are worthy of all honor.  It is in Your Name we, the Church, Your Bride, await Your coming for us.

Your Name has reached to the ends of the earth although there may still be some people groups without knowledge of You, Jesus.  Lord, bring Your people, Your Church, to them.  May Your right hand fill them with Your righteousness.  May Your Church be strong in You in those regions too.

We consider all this well, Lord Jesus and know we, Your Bride, could not exist without You.  You bought us with Your blood.  We praise You, the One worthy of all praise.  May Your praise reach and be known thoughout the whole earth.

In Your Name, Lord Jesus we praise and pray.

                                                   ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Psalm 48:1-14 (NIV).

Sing, The Church's One Foundation along iwth Fountainview Academy

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Prayer - Hearts Full of Joy


Heavenly Father, You bring us joy.  Joyfully we clap our hands and sing Your praise, oh Most High.  Our great King in control of the earth and its peoples.

The Sons of Korah had it right.  They encouraged,

"Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy" (Psalm 47:1).

So if we make a noisy joyful noise to You in the Name of Jesus; we wish to make You full of joy too.

Like children opening gifts and parents witnessing their joy and delight; it warms their hearts too, especially when those children say, "Thank-you, Dad and Mom!"

Thank-You, Father God!

Thank-You, Jesus!

Thank-You for the gift of salvation You brought us.  You are our inheritance.  We belong to You. 

We sing "Hallelujah, praise the Lord like joy bells ringing.  We love You, LORD because You first loved us.  Therefore, we clap our hands and joyfully sing, Jesus loves me, with hearts full of joy.

We thank-You in Jesus Name.

                                                 ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Psalm 47:1-9 NIV

Sing joyfully, Jesus Loves Me, along with Joey and Rory.  Clap your hands.