Sunday, December 27, 2020

Jesus Reveals His Risen Self Some More


In this continuing, true saga of the Risen Savior, I'll briefly review, for a few lines, about this Resurrection Sunday.  It would not be called that unless the Savior had been resurrected, so that is first in the line up of events  unfolding.

It was very early morning that a violent earthquake shook the tomb where Jesus lay.  It broke the seal and rolled the stone aside.  Jesus was not in there.  He'd already risen.

The women who'd brought their spices and perfumes to anoint Jesus' body gasped at the sight before them.  Tomb empty.  Except for the grave clothes.

Angels appear.  The women were  filled with fear and bowed before them.  The angels told the women, Jesus was not there.  He'd risen.  He's alive!  Go tell the apostles and disciples.  Hearts palpating double-time, no doubt, they went off to tell those apostles.  The apostles thought the women spoke nonsense.

However, Peter (and John) rushed off to the tomb to check it out for themselves.  Sure enough; only the grave clothes remained.  No body of Jesus to be found.

Peter went home, amazed but unchanged.

Next, two on the road to Emmaus were joined by Jesus.  They did not realize that Man was Jesus, though.  When they had reached Emmaus, they'd invited Jesus in and He accepted the hospitality.

Jesus revealed Himself when He took bread and blessed it in front of them.  Suddenly, they realized this Man, was Jesus.  Jesus immediately disappeared.

The Emmaus Two got up at once and returned to Jerusalem and reported what had happened along the way and that they'd seen the risen Savior, Jesus.

As they were giving their account, Jesus "suddenly appeared" in their midst (Luke 24:36-39).

In the Gospel of John, it tells us the doors of the meeting place were locked for fear of the Jewish leaders.  (After all, those were the same Jewish leaders who'd crucified Jesus.  They were Jesus' friends.  They too could have been arrested and tried.)  Jesus had suddenly appeared among them and He had NOT come in through the opened door (John 20:1).

They were terrified!  They thought Jesus was a ghost.

Jesus greeted them with "Peace be with you" ("peace" or "Shalom" was a typical greeting in Hebrew).

However, to see the risen Jesus suddenly appear must have been rather shocking.  Jesus put them at ease with His greeting.

Their doubts lingered in the air and in their minds.  Who was this Man?  It took some convincing.  Jesus showed them His hands and feet and invited them to touch Him.

Joy, hope and wonder began to blossom in these followers' hearts.  Yet, still, they did not fully believe.  Things happened so quickly and not in a "normal" way; it really put them all off balance.  Jesus graciously allowed them a further "test" of genuinity.  He asked them for something to eat and ate it front of them.  

This convinced them that He was truly their risen Savior, and not a ghost.  A ghost does not have flesh and blood and also does not eat; as Jesus pointed out to them.

Nevertheless, what do you suppose we could all uncover about Jesus 'body'?  On one hand, His body could appear through closed and locked doors.  He could appear and disappear very quickly.  On the other hand, the group gathered could feel Him and they saw Him eat.  What could it mean?

Obviously, Jesus resurrected body was different from before.  However, it was still a physical body because it showed his nail prints in His hands and feet; and the spear-pierced side scars.  He could eat in the usual manner of humans yet He could appear and disappear suddenly even though doors were shut.

It is important to note and know this.  If a spirit appears to you and says it's Jesus, be sure to look for these scars of crucifixion:  the nail and spear thrust prints.

Jesus was and still is the world's greatest ever Teacher and in Luke 24:44-49 we see him giving instructions to His apostles and disciples.  He reminds them that the events of the past week had all been written about in the writings we know as the Old Testament.  Also, He Himself had told them these things.

Then they had their minds opened to understand.  So now they have understanding and insight.  They must now have right response and belief.  Then they could tell out this message of Jesus.  His message of love, repentance; forgiveness of sins and everlasting life.  They are to be Jesus' witnesses.

However, Jesus' instructed them to stay in Jerusalem until He sent them the promised Holy Spirit from Heaven.

Forty days had elapsed since Jesus' resurrection.  It was time for Him to ascend back to heaven.  Jesus led His followers out of the city to the area of Bethany, as we read in Luke 24:50-53.  Jesus blessed this little company of disciples, with raised hands.   He blessed them, He departed and went back into Heaven.

May we too, be known for blessing others.

So, the little band of followers are "left alone", gazing up into the sky as the cloud covered over and Jesus disappeared from their sight.  What do they do now?  Break down and weep?

NO!  They are filled with great joy!  To me that seems opposite of what I'd have expected given their "track record" since Jesus' arrest.  However, they'd had their understanding opened and what a difference it made.

From the ascension site, they went to the Temple, spending huge chunks of time, almost 24/7, so it seemed, praising and giving thanks to God.

Can you imagine spending so much time at church?  Just praising and praising?  What jamming sessions those would be!

Well, we don't have to be at church to praise the Lord.  We can do so anywhere and everywhere.

If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, praise Him.

Praise Him for salvation.

Praise Him for forgiveness of sins.

Praise Him for everlasting life,

Praise Him for the Holy Spirit.

Praise Him for His faithfulness to You.

The beginning of Luke begins with joy and gladness at Jesus' birth.  Praise Him for this.

This was the birth of our Savior.  Praise Him for being Your Savior.

Now here at the end of Luke, there is more joy and gladness.  Jesus' work on earth has been completed.  Praise Him.

The little company of apostles and disciples had their understanding and insight opened and they passed the message of Jesus along.  Praise Him for this  that this message had reached our generation so many 1000's of years later.

This little band didn't realize the might of the promised comfort and power of the Holy Spirit Who was about to come and empower them, to be able to tell out this message of Jesus with such courage, at first.  I hope and pray all who read this will have this joy and gladness too, especially as you serve Jesus and share His message of love and forgiveness.  His Holy Spirit can and will empower you too.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; as one familiar song goes.

Go out with great joy and tell the story again and again.  Jesus is alive.  You are forgiven when you come to Jesus and accept His salvation which He accomplished on the cross; through His death and resurrection.   You are His child now.

Praise Jesus for all He has done for you.

                                                    ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Luke 24:36-39; 40-49; & 50-53.

Based on SPM Luke Study Guide

Luke 24 - Part 3 video

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