Thursday, December 24, 2020

Conspiracy of Love


The whole world is currently living under the conspiracy of the corona virus, COVID-19.  It isn't pleasant and outcome can be fatal if contracted.  Thank the Lord, many do survive it, though.  Consequently, many live under a tarpaulin of fear for their families both health-wise and economy-wise.  It's very tough to survive, for many people.

It's not a case of "packing up all your troubles in your kit bag and smiling, smiling, smiling".  Not at all!  However, as we reflect on the birth of Christ and the love, joy and peace He brought, let's let this season of celebration blanket the whole world in His love.  Just bathe in His love and relinquish the distress to Him. 

As one Hamilton Wright Mabie is purported to have said,

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love"

May one and all be cocooned in the love of Jesus.  His coming into the world was God's way of proving His love for all mankind, all around the globe.

Jesus' purpose was to bring the joy of salvation.  His love will never let you go.

Hold on to Him.

He's hanging tightly on to You.


                                             ~ERC  December 2020~

Sing along with David Phelps singing, Joy, Joy.

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