Friday, December 4, 2020

Prayer - Blameless Rulers


Heavenly Father, there seems to be an awful lot of corrupt rulers around the world.  Some quietly work away at it, padding their pockets with their wheeling and dealing.  Some are quite the windbags of daylight robbery of speaking good sense.  Is there not a righteous man or woman among them?

Opponents bad-mouth and backstab each other, even in broad-daylight; making fools of themselves for all the world to see.  What are these "leaders" doing?! What do they hope to accomplish by airing these indignities and indigestions of their minds and hearts?

Will not any of them flush out the wickedness?  Are there not any who seek Your face and Your righteousness Father?!

In Psalm 26, the psalmist David, a man after Your own heart and king of Your choosing, declares, and that for all generations thereafter, to read, if they'd care to take the time and trouble, that he had "led a blameless life"; that "he does not sit with the deceitful", nor did he "associate with hypocrites", and he "abhorred the assembly of evil doers" and "refused to sit with the wicked" (vs 1, 4, 5).

Nowadays, Father, where are such people in positions of power and authority?  Are there any who seek after You?  Are there any who "trust in You without faltering" (v. 1); or any "who are mindful of Your unfailing love" and maintain integrity because of it?  If there are, may they hear and adhere to Your call on their life.

Praise God, I have heard of one sister who has done just that.  It certainly is not easy for her and her family who also share the brunt of her detractors.  No doubt Satan is seeking to destroy her testimony in any way he can.

Father, shield her and those of her caliber; I think there must be some dotted about the globe being salt and light for You.  Protect them from the wiles of Your enemy.  May they stand firm in their faith and love and integrity they have through Your Son, Jesus Christ and Your Holy Spirit's work in their lives.  

May they continue to love Your house and to worship and adore You together with others of Your children.  Help them to guard and keep their souls sold out to You alone.  Let not the bloodthirsty, nor the wicked human schemes, goaded by the evil one, in any way, shape or form, tempt or lure them away from Your will, ways and path for their life.

May this be true for one and all of Your children,  but especially of those in positions of power and authority in governmental places, Father God.  Give them peace and courage.  Deliver them and be merciful to them.  May the feet of godly rulers continue to stand on level ground in the "great congregation" as well as in their own dwellings.  May there be that integrity driven by You, Your word and will and ways.  May they be found faithfully in their homes, the assembly of fellowshipping together with fellow believers as well as in their places of office until we all come to Your Home above where You preside with perfect justice and uprightness. 

Let Your glory shine from Your blameless earthly rulers until then.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 26:1-12 NIV

Sing, On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, along with Sovereign Grace Music

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