Wednesday, December 16, 2020

In LOVING Memory Of...


The sweetest Name I know.


It used to be "Mom".

Still I turn to her with this or that tidbit of news, to share inner secrets, conflicts and confidences.  Or, sometimes to tell her what an awesome, autumn-hued sunset there had been "last night" and in the morning, oh, look, I could see the peak of our mountain this morning and even the sunrise had tinged the early morn with lovely strokes and blends of auburn.

But...she's not here to commune with.  She went on to Glory to be with Jesus, two years ago.  "Always remembered; sadly missed."

To whom can I tell all these things now?  There is no-one else so understanding, with unconditional love; so accepting and willing to listen.  

No one.  

The echoes are hollow as they ping and boomerang back.

Is there no one else on this earth of this caliber?

Recently, I've been re-reading, three of Hannah Hurnard's books:  Hinds' Feet on High Places; Mountains of Spices; and Winged Life.  Hurnard portrays Jesus as just such a One.

Hurnard makes Jesus sound like such a wonderful Friend.  One Who will admonish with His Word to teach you His ways.  One always ready to listen and catch your eye at a moment's notice and glance.  You can just reach out your hand and touch Him, confide in Him as if He is 'sitting' right there beside you or walking along together taking a meander in a park.  She reminded me of what I grew up having (although I didn't really appreciate it much a way back when).

Jesus, the One Mom taught me to love like that.  From my childhood up, Mom always talked about Jesus (along with my Dad).  Jesus was her Friend and Confidant.

But I had forgotten.

I had turned to Mom with all I wanted to share.  Well, in many ways that's ok.  After all, God gave my siblings and I to her and Dad to care for and teach His love and message of salvation and of how we too can have a Friend in Jesus.  He gave us "people with skin on" to reflect Jesus' character in a very tangible way.

Similarly, in the John the Baptizer way; that is, he did his job of pointing people to Jesus, that he, himself, lost disciples to Jesus, so too, Mom directed us to Jesus.

I had forgotten to look.

In many ways, Mom had been my 'idol'.  She was taken away as it was "her time" to go to be with her Friend, Jesus.

The shock of that...the dearth of someone to connect with and talk to at almost any time I wished, jolted me.  Threw me.  Set me adrift.  In a desert full of mourning and loss.

Yet, my Jesus had not left me without comfort and as I repent and turn back in what, I trust, is a more pure view and alliance with Him, I'll truly find that HE is the sweetest and so is His Name, than any other.

May all the readers of this "loving memory" find the same solace in Jesus even in lovingly remembering your very dear, "dearly departed".

May Jesus truly be the sweetest Name You know.  

He is for me.

                                                    ~ERC  December 2020~

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