Saturday, December 5, 2020

Prayer - Heavenly Beings


Heavenly Father, it is intriguing that David would ask the "heavenly beings" to ascribe glory and strength to You, and to worship You in Your "splendor of holiness".  I thought they already did.

You, oh God, are just that!  And when we read of the scenes in Heaven from the book of Revelation it seems the "heavenly beings" don't need any exhortation or encouragement to burst forth in praise(Revelation 4:6-11; 5:1-14; 7:11 and 19:1-8).

Very curious.

David is so exuberant in his depth of passion though, he doesn't want any being to miss out on praising You.

Surely, LORD, You are great and full of glory and holiness! You have almighty strength even in "just" Your voice.  Your voice is so powerful and majestic as are You.  It is so full of power it can do things we never dreamed of:  break down even "stubborn" bulwarks in our minds as Your voice has the power to disturb even the great cedars of Lebanon in David's day; which is a major thing.  Your voice "strikes like lightening" and "shakes the desert", "twists mighty oak trees" and "strips the forests bare".

In this we see Your awesome and astonishing strength and power, Father.  We stand back in awe.  Our faces are covered in theoretical masks and muzzles, leaving us speechless.

Not so long ago, the forests of California were "stripped bare" in the wildfires which were out of control, at least to those of us human beings looking on surmise.  Yet, You sat "enthroned" over it in Your Sovereignty.

This coronavirus that has been wrecking havoc world wide, and scientists and politicians wrangle with, seeking control in several respective facets. It all seems out of our "Earthling" hands and so it is because You too, "sit enthroned" over this virus, we look up to You for mercy.  We know you love us and so we, Your children beseech You to act in mercy and for the sake of the Name of Jesus.

Your power takes our breath away.  You have brought mankind to its knees once again.  They don't know what to do.  Some governments do try valiantly to stamp it out.  Some citizens rebel.  Scientists scratch their heads, vying and scurrying in a frenzy to be the first to get an effective vaccine.  Seems most don't even talk of a cure.

Yet men do not seem to seek Your face to request your help.  Certainly they don't request "heavenly beings" to praise, much less praise You themselves.  

Your voice is speaking loudly and clearly.  All may hear it.  Some ignore it.  Praise You for those who heed it.

May all come to ascribe greatness to You God, our rock, the "Enthroned One" whose voice thunders in power.  We Earthlings who are Your followers and also are Your children, we are actually "heavenly beings" too, as Earth is not our Home.  Heaven is.  We long to cry, "Glory!" in Your Heavenly Tabernacle above where we can literally hear Your voice daily in all its power, might and majesty.

'Til then, these Earthbound "heavenly beings" cry, "Glory!" through Jesus our Savior to You, our Heavenly Father, God.  To You, let's all ascribe praise and continue to listen to His all powerful, almighty voice.

He gives us strength and blesses us with His peace.

Thank-You Father, in Jesus Name.

                                                 ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 29:1-11 NIV

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