Sunday, November 29, 2020

Good Book - Winged Life


One hardly knows how to begin this review of the book Winged Life by author Hannah Hurnard.  It is another one I have read eons ago but have been re-reading of late.  However, it almost feels as if I'd never read it before.

First of all, I had been under the impression it was the third volume in a trilogy; a continuation from Hinds' Feet on High Places and Mountains of Spices, also written by Hannah Hurnard.  It is not, per se.

Therefore, while reading I needed to adjust my perceptions as there are no mentions of Much Afraid nor of Grace and Glory, the heroine of the aforementioned books.  However, it is my belief, that indirectly, this is an elaboration of what was the underlying themes of those two allegorical chronicles.

Hurnard has some very challenging and perhaps, even revolutionary, thoughts she shares in this mini-treatise, the subject of this review.  She writes about:  "Victory in the Thought Life" (convicting); the "Gift of Imagination" (an eye-opener); "Reading Habits" (more conviction); "The Law of Love" (How God is LOVE, and how we can and should [as children of God] be governed and govern others, with His love); and one that is profound, "True Ground of Unity" (this is also of "breaking news" status)!

Hurnard's point in discussing these, among other outlines and "keys" for living, are to enable the child of God to have a life of freedom and enjoyment in Christ.

She says,

"As we think, so we are."

This is true to a great extent.  She is very blunt in many ways in her telling "it".

My favorite "freeing" bit is what she has to say about imagination.  Many quote the verse where God found that the Earth's populations' imaginations were only, 

"...evil continually" (Genesis 6:5).


"...the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked..." (Jeremiah 17:9).

I grew up with these verses ringing in my ears.  

By contrast, we have been made, 

" the image of God..." (Genesis 1:26 & 27; 5:1, 2).  

How do the former, and these latter verses correlate?

Yes, indeed, it's been a Fallen world since Adam and Eve disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit.  Nevertheless, Jesus came to bring redemption to our souls.  Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior have been redeemed.

We can now, potentially, bring all our thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) to the Holy Spirit's scrutiny, conviction and guidance, and the measure up to God's Word.  Our imaginations are allowed to be creative especially since God made it a part of our human psyche.  

Mayhap, a label should read, "Potential hazard.  Use with caution.  Double Check with the Savior."

Our thoughts can be transformed; from ashes to beauty; from cursing to blessing; from self-deprecation to the dignity of being a child of God and servant of King Jesus.

With these freeing thoughts we can begin a "Winged Life", in and with Christ.

                                                      ~ERC  November 2020~

Winged Life

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Prayer - Victories in Christ


O LORD, this housewife rejoices in Your strength.  I'm Your daughter and revel in how great our joy can be when You give victory over battles of life.  Battles, which when perseveringly pushed through, potentially produce character and  positive attitudes in line with Your ways.

May You grant her desire to have more grace.  This, she firmly believes You do not withhold upon request from her lips.  She asks.  You grant. Blessed Father.  You welcome her with this rich blessing of grace, of peace, of mercy, even of forgiveness.

You have placed a crown of pure gold upon her head but often, she does not realize or remember it's up there and it nigh slips off when she's bowed down with earth's doings and challenges.  This often overwhelms the soul.  She asks for life and breath to sustain through them all.  You do give to her abundantly but she doesn't always realize.

She does not ask for length of days.  She wants to get through them.  However, You have given her the fortitude and the "for ever and ever" as in "everlasting life".  That she's eternally grateful for, which You gave her through salvation in Jesus Christ Your Son.

In this, she rejoices and believes its' a victory, because it is a victory only through Jesus Christ who has won the victory over Satan, sin and death.  Death, therefore, really does no longer have the sting.  So, she does not mind shorter number of days on Earth.

Nevertheless, many people want more than twenty-four hours a day because of having so many things to do and not enough time to do them; this daughter of Yours, included.  Help us prioritize and to do constructive things and not waste time.

Having said that though, Father, we all need times to sit back and relax in Your presence; and come aside and rest awhile.  This is not a time waster.  There are plenty of other things that do waste the time.  May there be victory over the time wasters.  May You get the glory in all our lives.

You bestowed splendor and majesty upon this housewife as You have done for King David, the author of Psalm 21.  You did this because she is Your daughter.  You've also done this for all the followers of Jesus Christ.  We are Your sons and daughters who want to praise and thank You.

We are sons and daughters of Yours, Father, and as we get a hold of that and perceive we do have a golden crown on our head and that you have put it there.  A crown of victory, righteousness through Jesus.  Due to these, may we walk with dignity and in circumspection before You.

We trust in You, LORD. Trust in Your unfailing love.  You are the Most High God.  You have given us Your love.  Thank-You.  It is this love that sent us Jesus.  What a huge sacrifice upon the cross for all mankind.  He humbly, willingly, submitted to You in that Garden of Gethsemane as He prayed in agony.  Such was the extreme intensity of the distress and struggle, His sweat came like great drops of blood from His brow.

Jesus' humanness would want to forego yet His divine-ness, would acquiesce to Your divine will, ways and purpose for which He was sent.  He moved forward despite the personal cost of that decision.  He embraced it not just because of Your love for us but out of His love and compassion for all mankind.

When we trust in You and Your unfailing love we will not be shaken.  It is a strong bulwark we can count on.  Help us to cling on to Your love and realize in our minds, and way deep down in the inner sanctums of our hearts that you LOVE us and that love is UNFAILING.

In You we can trust, knowing Your hand will lay hold of all our enemies and Your right hand will seize our foes.  You give us protection  as well as Your unfailing love.   Even though Satan means difficulties and temptations for harm, You will turn it into good.

You did this for Jesus and all mankind.  Satan wanted to get rid of Jesus so badly.  He instigated Judas Iscariot, the members of the Sanhedrin (religious leaders who should have known better), and eventually the Jewish crowds, all to turn against Him.  They wanted to be rid of Him and in a most awful way of dispatch.

They did NOT want Him to gain salvation to bridge that gap between God and mankind.  No they did NOT.  However, You, Father, turned it into that wonderful marvelous love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

He swallowed up Your wrath upon the tree.  At the time of Jesus appearing in the world, He constantly set His face towards Jerusalem and to His purpose.   He took Your wrath, the consequences of our sins upon Himself, this meant for mankind to bear.

Your fire, Father, was a consuming fire that Jesus endured upon the cross.  The worse part of all being the separation from You, His loving Father.  He went through it all, going the full length, width, breadth, and heat for us, to destroy the curse sin brought upon the world and everyone and everything in it.

In its full fulfillment some day, we will go to be with You in Heaven.

Those who plot evil against You and Your sons and daughters, those who devise evil schemes, they will not succeed in the implementing, for You will make them turn their backs.  You will aim at them with your "drawn bow".  

Right now, action is to heap coals of fire upon the enemies' heads (Romans 12:20 and Proverbs 25:19-22).  Our enemy, which is flesh and blood as were Jesus enemies of the Sanhedrin members, etc., but remembering that behind them is the real enemy, Satan.  We wrestle against the "principalities and powers of the air" orchestrated by Satan.

Upon human beings, our ammunition is "coals of fire" Father, and you allow us to "fire at will" with these.  Coals of your love, Your peace and Your grace and mercy, and yes, even of Your forgiveness.  I almost choke on that.  Difficult to do at times.  Sometimes the "coals of fire" could be more than the abstract, it could be an honest to goodness cup of water or morsel to eat.   May these turn the many from their wicked ways.  In so doing, You will have destroyed the hold the enemy has upon them and their descendants.  In turn, they too, with Your aid and assistance, will turn their backs on the evil one and those who plot evil and devise wicked schemes..  This is what your sons and daughters should do.

Then we can exalt You oh Lord.  In Your strength that You give us and we sing praise to You of Your might Your grace and how You work in our lies and the lives we touch on Your behalf.

We, whether housewives, breadwinners, sons or daughters, all, give You praise and thank-You in the Name of Jesus, our blessed Redeemer.  We declare, "Hallelujah, What a Savior!"  We crown You King of kings and Lord of lords.  In Him we have victory and in His name we praise and pray.

                                                          ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 21:1-9 NIV

Sing Wonderful, Marvelous Love  David Asley Trent and Crown Him with Many Crowns. (not sure which choir).

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Prayer - Chock Full of Blessing


What a blessing this Psalm of blessings is.  Rather a shepherd-y thing to do; King David looking out for his "sheep"--herding his "flock" to their "God of Jacob's" care.

"May God answer them in their distress" and give them the "desires of their heart", "make all their plans succeed" and "grant all their requests", he requests of God on their behalf.  Such abundance and blessing, he asks.

We too wish the best for ourselves and our families and there isn't anything wrong with it, except...

However, David is mindful of where our trust should be placed and "NOT in chariots or horses, rather in the Name of the Lord our God".  NOT in the materialistic but the spiritual.  In our relationship with our Heavenly Father and not in "things" He bestows upon us.

Look to the spiritual blessings and be chock full of those.  Why?  'Cuz when we are brought to our knees and life's troubles strike, we will rise up and stand firm in them!

Oh, Father God, and Jesus our great and mighty Shepherd, we come to You in the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ.  May all the blessings of Psalm 21 be ours so we can "shout for joy" in victory and declare Your Name and validate our trust in You.

Be our "Help", our "Support" our "Desire" and our "Answerer of Requests".  We, Your children through our trust in Jesus' saving grace and salvation, pray expectantly and humbly.  May we indeed lift up the banners of our life, to You and Your Name.

Accept our sacrifices and offerings, feeble though they may be.  These, our heartfelt praises of gratitude and for all You have done for us through Jesus and in Your care over us; in Your answering us when we call to You.  In Your help from ages past to our present circumstances we give You our adoration.

We can rise up and stand firm in our walk with You and service of good deeds You have ordained for us to do.  Shower us chock full of Your blessings and answer us when we call to You as we remember to lift up our voices in grateful praise.  

Thank You, in Jesus' precious Name; all glory and honor be Yours.

                                                       ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 21:1-9 NIV

Sing, Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow along with the Westminister Abby Congregants 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Prayer - Sweeter Than Honey


LORD, You are our Rock and Redeemer.  Without You, we would be nothing.  On the contrary, in Christ, we are everything because of Your redeeming grace through Jesus.  You've made us righteous in Your sight and adopted us into Your family.

We, Your sons and daughters, come to You with praise in our mouths and meditations of You in our thoughts and hearts.  Indeed, You have made us glad and able to rejoice.

Slowly, (we are often slow learners Father, so thank-You for Your patience) but surely we are learning from Your words and valuing our relationship with You as David, the psalmist, who wrote Psalm 19 describes.

Here's his list.  He says:

Your law = is perfect

               = revives the soul

Your statutes = are trustworthy

                      = make the simple wise

Your precepts = are right

                        = give joy to the heart

Your commands = are radiant

                            = give light to the eyes

Your ordinances = are sure

                           = altogether lovely

They are = more precious than pure gold

              = sweeter than honey

             = they warn and give great reward when kept (obeyed)

Your words meant all that to David, Father. They were his treasure, his life-breath.  May we in all good conscious declare this too, as we draw closer to You by digging deeply into Your words, understanding them and obeying them.

During my growing up years, we used to sing these word repeatedly.  They were put to a catchy tune and folks could even sing a descant with them.  It was a wonderful way to memorize Your words, Father.  May we grow into them so that our "meditations" of our hearts will indeed be pleasing in Your sight.

When our minds are filled the sweet goodness and sure guidance of with Your words, our actions follow suit and will be honoring and glorifying You.

Keep us all from secret, hidden faults; from willful sins.  May they never rule us.  Father, may we be ruled by You and your words which are sweeter than honey, instead.

"On Christ the solid Rock we stand;" built on Christ our Redeemer.

In Christ Jesus, our Redeemer's Name we praise and pray.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 19:1-14 (NIV).

Sing Psalm 19, (The Law of the Lord) with gusto.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Prayer - Tiptoeing Through the Tombstones

 Yesterday, I was tiptoeing through virtual tombstone epitaphs.  What got me triggered to do that was reading Psalm 16:9-11, and then my sis sent me a picture of our parents' tombstone which finally got its engravings etched thereupon.

Oh and coincidently, while re-reading the Anne of Green Gables series of books by L.M. Montgomery, and having gotten to the book, Rainbow Valley where the motherless manse children cavort (according to the Glen St. Mary folk--well, at times, they did), in the "old" graveyard; "scandalous" and "sacrilegious" so it was, declared the village gossips, "that's what!"

Combined, all the above clicked together and gave impetus to browsing the internet for famous folks' and godly Christian men and women's epitaph engravings.  Strange doings, perhaps, but one can discover what had been among the most important, to the respective "dearly departed," while still "in life".  

For instance...

There was Joe DiMaggio, one of America's best baseball players.  The words gracing his tombstone are:

"Grace, dignity and elegance personified".

Entertainer, singer and dancer Betty Hutton was said to be, 

"Loved by all".

The many hit songs-singer, Frank Sinatra's headstone declares, 

"The best is yet to come."

OH, there was the much loved, peaceful, non-violent, freedom fighter, activist's and society changer, Martin Luther King, Jr's, which reads,

"Free at last, Free at last, thank God Almighty, I'm free at last".

It was a surprise to me to discover what Winston Churchill-the "bulldog" who stopped Hitler during WWII - was prepared to "go".  He said, in perpetuity (as long as his gravestone lasts), 

"I am ready to meet my Maker!"

What do you make of that?

Then there's a sad one. A comedian by the handle, Spike Milligan, who's last laugh culminated as, 

"I told you I was ill".

Yes, at first blush it is amusing but think of it....

That's when I had to switch over and take a peer at those who we knew, absolutely to be, "in Christ".

My favorite one hales back to the 6th century.

"Here lies Maxima a servant of Christ...She was most friendly, loyal in everything good and prudent."

Isn't that wondrous!  (Of course I didn't know her too well, ahem...but because of the inscription "a servant of Christ", I include it here.)

The most recent "famous" Ravi Zacharias', I could not find but I'd be interested to know what was put on his grave marker.  Of course, again, his spiritual legacy lingers on which is of great engraving significance upon many, the world over.

Billy Graham's reads, 

"Preacher of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ."  

Apparently he had always wanted, "Preacher", if we all didn't get "Raptured" first.

Billy's wife, Ruth Graham's is kind of cute.  It's engraved,

"End of construction.  Thank-you for your patience."

So true to the Christian's progressive sanctification process.  There's always something to "construct" even if you were one of the most godliest of saints.

Last, but not least, I must tell you what's on my parents' shared headstone.

"With Christ, far better" (Philippians 1:29).

There are so many more I could share with you all but they are just a part of my point in penning them on paper--uhh, so to speak.

Swirl your mind back to Psalm 16:  it's such a wonderful one all through but do turn your attention to the last verses, 8-11 (NIV).

"Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because You will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will You let Your faithful one see decay.  You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand."

Heavenly Father, thank-You so much that many of those dear saints of yours who have gone on to be "with Christ" ahead of us remaining earthbound, have indeed,"...set the Lord always before" them as David, the psalmist, had done.

You are  their "right hand" and even though they likely had many of life's trials and temptations assail them, most were NOT "shaken" because of their trust and dependence upon You in their life.  You were their "anchor of the soul".

Their tongues were often heard to rejoice because their hearts were glad in You and Your Son Jesus Christ.  They often sang praises to You for all You did for them through Jesus.

They were secure in their beliefs that should their bodies "rest" and "decay" that they had the "sure hope" that one day, their souls and spirits would "rejoin" their bodies, albeit "transformed" ones.  They'd be "with Christ", which was/is, "far better".

They would NOT be "abandoned to the grave" (v.10).  It was not just six feet under and that was that; not a "cease to be" as the sect of the Sadducees believed in Jesus' time on earth.

Praise You Father because we know Your Holy One Jesus was also NOT "abandoned to the grave, nor did He see decay" (vs 10).  Because He lives, we are assured we will too!  We serve a LIVING God and that's You, Father.

One may never have realized David believed in resurrection but this Psalm is testimony to it.  If we are in Christ, we will go to be with Christ and this is cause for jubilation despite the loss of our loved ones and/or the circumstances surrounding their deaths.

Being on this wonderful "path of life" can certainly "fill me with joy in Your presence, Father" (v22 NIV).  Just think, we will have "eternal pleasures" and delights at Your right hand!

We can only praise You and do so in the risen Name of Jesus.  "He's alive and I'm forgiven, heaven's gates are opened wide" (so goes a song Don Francisco [and others] sing).    Jesus was not long enough in His tomb to have any inscriptions but He did have one above His cross before He died which read, much the the Sanhedrin's fury,'

"Jesus, King of the Jews".

Pilate refused to change it.

God would have His witness to His Son.

Father God, these are all heady thoughts to think of while tiptoeing through tombstones the world over. 

                                                    ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 16:1-11 NIV.

Sing along with Don Francisco, "He's Alive".

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Prayer - How Fools Become Wise



"the fool says in his heart there is no God" (Psalm14:1 NIV).  

However, Father, I'm so glad You are there.  That You are.  That You exist.  You are the Great, I AM.  You always were and will always be.  Aseity.

May there be fools who say that You do not exist but that do become wise in the knowledge of Your being.  Be their vision.  Bring them to Yourself through Jesus.

"You look down from heaven upon us all" (vs 2).

You want to see if any one of us seeks You.  Do we understand?

Father, we will never understand You.  You are so great,  Your thoughts are so big compared to ours.  Nevertheless, thank-You so much for making Yourself known to many of us to some degree through Jesus.

You came "in person" so we could "see" You.

Did the people of those times "get it"?  Not many.  Even the disciples were kerflummoxed and of such a confused state of bewilderment.  Wasn't this the Messiah who would be their King and set up His Kingdom then and there and help them conquer their Roman conquerors?

Why was He tortured and crucified and buried?  

Thankfully, the apostles and disciples did eventually have their understanding and insight opened after Jesus had risen, and they could have the proper response:  belief, salvation.  Then they had Your message to tell.

Most of the peoples of the earth turned away from You.  So corrupt.  Certainly mankind was not good.

Only Your Son Jesus was found to be the Perfect One.  Our Lamb of God to endure Your wrath on our behalf.

Yet evil doers wanted Him gone.  Gone.  Gone so He wouldn't disturb their thoughts nor ruffle their feathers nor their every day way of hypocritical living.  

They said they knew God yet they were only living a ritual of Your ways; another kind of fool.

They were not operating out of a heart governed by love of You.


 "frustrate the plans of the evildoers"(vs 6).

Indeed You did!  What Satan meant for harm, You turned into something beautiful and wonderful!  You brought us that salvation.

David, in this Psalm 14, lamented for Israel,

"Oh that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion..." (vs 7).

Well, it did at Your "doing" hands, through Jesus.

Jacob and Israel did not rejoice nor were they glad then.  No, they rejected Jesus, their Prince of Peace; King of kings and Lord of lords, their Redeemer and Rescuer.  Yet they have not been totally forsaken.

Praise You, Father.  Praise Jesus.

Salvation is unto all--in this we rejoice and are glad despite being a Gentile.  

We have a better term now, Father and its all Your work.  We, Jew and Gentile alike, who come to You through Jesus Christ Your Son, are "children of God".  Your children.

May there be many more 'fools' becoming wise children of God through salvation in Jesus Christ.  Jesus our Refuge.  May You find us with growing understanding of You and Your ways and living in obedience to them.

In Jesus our Refuge's Name we praise and pray.

                                                     ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 14:1-7 NIV

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Good Book - Mountains of Spices

 The allegory continues.  We left little Much Afraid, the heroine of Hinds' Feet on High Places, a changed-by-the-Shepherd person, with a new name.  Here in Mountains of Spices, also written by Hannah Hurnard,  we see her saga further unfold.  The Shepherd had given her the name, Grace and Glory.

Grace and Glory pursues her spiritual growth as she learns more from the Shepherd.  Her relationship with Him solidifies as she trusts Him more and understands more of His love for her giving her impetus to share His message with others.

This sequel shows,

 "...human weaknesses and strengths comparing the spices in the book of Song of Solomon to the fruit of the Spirit".  

There are nine characteristics of the fruit of the Holy Spirit and nine spices mentioned in Song of Solomon.  Therefore, Hurnard created nine mountains which surround the Valley of Humiliation, Grace and Glory's hometown.

The Shepherd leads Grace and Glory up each mountain in turn and from each she learns different facets of His love.  For example, "the Law of Love" which mirrors the character of the Spirit-'love,' up the Mountain of Pomegranates; "the Victory of Love" which reflects the Spirit's 'joy', up the Mountain of Camphire; and "the Atonement made by Love" replicating the Spirit's 'peace', and so on.

In between hikes up the mountains with the Shepherd, Grace and Glory is seen doing good deeds among her relatives.  Yes, the very ones who had been so cruel to her earlier.  Eventually many of them do turn to the Shepherd through Grace and Glory's ministrations and forgiving, loving attitude towards them.  They then encounter joys and delights of their own with the Shepherd.

There is even a very interesting twist at the end and Grace and Glory is set upon yet another angled journey of Love.

May we each be encouraged to make such a journey too with our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd.  A journey of love in molding and making us more like Christ and fit for the Masters' use.

Are you ready to start your journey?

Find a copy of the Mountains of Spices, and check it out.

                                                    ~ERC  November 2020~

Mountains of Spices, kindle edition.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Prayer - Defending the Fatherless


Heavenly Father, there are so many people who are oppressed and/or fatherless.  Who will stand up for their cause and plight?

In Bible times the fatherless and widows didn't stand much of a chance.  Widows, and therefore their offspring, were way down there on the society class spectrum; the lowest of the lowest echelons.

Being a woman was "stroke against" enough, but add in the widow bit and it was exceedingly appalling especially if she did not have any male protector such as a grown son, brother, father, uncle, or as the Jewish law dictated, if the widow was left childless, her deceased husband's brother to wed her and raise up a child to the husband's name and inheritance.

In Jesus' time, we see His teaching and kindness re: and towards widows.  He put new concept into the minds of the populace, especially that time they must have all stood, mouth agape, when He stopped a funeral mid-procession and raised the widow of Naan's only son to life (Luke 7:11-17).

Compassion, Father.  Compassion and kindness.

Thank-You for Your example through Jesus.

The parable Jesus told of the widow and the unjust judge should also have brought shame upon the Pharisees and other religious leaders who were in the habit of devouring the widows' houses instead of helping them (Luke 20:47).  A widow, with no one to stand up for her rights, besieged by an adversary come to crush her, appealed to the unjust judge.  Thankfully, her persistence won her, his help, despite his motive to bring her justice against the one attempting to harm her.  He didn't want her "wearing him out"!

Father, You certainly do move in mysterious ways, Your wonders to perform.  I thank You for it.

The character of the wicked who "hunts down" their victims spurred on by their greed, pride and "mouths full of lies"; waiting in ambush to pounce, as a lion stalking its prey.  There are such awfully wicked people in this world Father!

Truly, mankind's heart is deceitful and evil continually (Jeremiah 17:9).

Thank-You for sending Jesus to remedy our fallen nature and its sin and degradation from its consequences and to bring us back into fellowship, relationship and even partnership with You!

I say, partnership because even in the New Testament we discover what the apostles and later, Paul, reminded the believers of, to care for the poor, fatherless and widows; the class of the oppressed.

It is of great comfort to learn that You, Yourself, are a Father to the fatherless.  David remarked in Psalm 10:18; You

 "...defend them..." 

and with such a glorious result, 

"mere earthly mortals will never strike again."

It was amazing what You did for the widow in the prophet Elisha's time (2 Kings 4:1-7).  Her husband, when he died, had left her in debt.  Her husband had feared the Lord she said and cried to Elisha for help.

The prophet Elisha told her to find as many jars as she could and fill them up with her "little oil" (vs 2) and then sell the oil and pay the creditor.  This in turn, would keep the fellow from taking her two sons as slaves.

She obediently followed Elisha's instructions and was exonerated.

There must be so many other widow stories of God's care of widows, in the Bible, and out.  Ruth and Naomi from the book of Ruth had the care and protection of Boaz who eventually married her.  I believe, Father, You gave Naomi the wisdom and foresight to remember  Your laws for the good of widows.  This is how You protected them.

I've read the autobiography of a widow I knew of in my home country whose preacher husband suddenly passed away, leaving her with many children under her roof.  She told of times when she would go to church and when she came out there would be a sack of potatoes sitting on the back seat of her car that was not there when she had gone in to praise and worship and remember what her Savior had done for her.  The kindness and generosity of some brother or sister in Christ supplied a need her little family had.  Her faith in You grew and was sustained.  Praise You for those brothers and sisters who have listened to Your promptings to do these good deeds.

On numerous other occasions You supplied what she needed:  winter coats, shoes, even an operation, among other things.  You are a wonder, Father.

Father, may widows and fatherless who fear You take heart that You care even if at times it seems the wicked prosper and You are distant.  May they cry out,

"Why, O LORD, do You stand far off?  Why do You hide Yourself in times of trouble?"

Then Father, You are big on mercy and "just in time", You swoop in and decisively care and defend the victims who commit themselves to you.  We give You glory and praise because You have not forgotten the helpless in their "trouble and grief".

"Encourage them and listen to their cry"
 and may none 

"terrify them any longer" (vs 17, 18).

In Jesus, our Advocate's Name, Amen.

                                                ~ERC October 2020~

Based Psalm 10:1-18 NIV

Sing, God Moves in a Mysterious Way along with the Choir Cathedral of St. Peter Asaba

Friday, November 13, 2020

Prayer - For the Poor

 We can't get away from the poor.  Even Jesus said, 

"...the poor will always be with you" (Matthew 26:11; mark 14:7).  

The poor will also likely always be oppressed and exploited.

The psalm master David, lamented about how the poor were treated.  He wrote in Psalm 12,

"...the poor are plundered and the needy groan" (vs 5).

Praise the LORD though, Father God, You are their Protector.  You 

"protect them from those who malign them" (vs 5).

At times You use Your children to come to their rescue and for others, no doubt, the angels intervene.  The verse from  Proverbs suddenly comes to mind.

"To humans belong the plans of the heart but from the LORD comes the proper answer of the tongue" (Proverbs 16:1 NIV)


"In the LORD's hand the king's heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please Him" (Proverbs 21:1 NIV). 

So the ungodly may lie and deceive; flatter and boast; oppress and malign and have plans to do more nefarious deeds but, we praise You Heavenly Father, for Your care and protection over them. Do give the wicked perpetrators Your decisive reply and direct their thoughts and actions to righteous actions instead, as You did on behalf of Israel, to Balaam and his donkey (Numbers 22:21-39).   

 His donkey sure gave him a run for his money and some cuff to boot.  It's rather amusing to read that every time Balaam tried to curse Israel, out came a blessing instead!  I love Your sense of humor, Father (Numbers 23-24).

Do it again.

Do it on behalf of the underprivileged around the world.  May the organizations of integrity such as:  Samaritan's Purse, Barnabas Fund, World Vison, etc. gain access to these peoples and dispense the needed goods respectively.  Don't let it get into the wrong hands or sit idly in some warehouse somewhere due to political or greedy man's reasons.

Raise up others who will "GO" with blessing on their lips and willing to lend a helping hand.  Send your children who are lawyers, and judges who will exonerate the plight of those who are treated unjustly.  I suppose those who aren't such mitigatory persons but who have Your great wisdom and Your type of unconditional love for their fellow man in their hearts, may they too, be activated to go and assist.

Pour a double-portion of wisdom upon them and may they be sensitive to Your Holy Spirit's leading to discern those in legitimate need of advocacy and basic essentials of life.  May such people succeed with Your helping hand assisting, clearing and smoothing the way ahead of them.

Father, those of us who "stay home", may we have willing hearts to help "SEND" and equip those who "GO".  Give us also the sensitivity to know what you want us to do for the "GOERS".

Show us those poor and needy in our own "hoods," especially at this time of world-wide economic distress due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Is there someone in dire straits, whom we can help within our very reach?

Show us.

Teach us Your ways.

May we be Your heart and hands of protection for the poor.


"May we be be fit by Your grace and Holy Spirit" (William Milne)*

Give us Your grace, mercy and compassion.  It is a heady thing, Father.

By Your grace we can pray and praise, in the precious Name of Jesus who,

"though He was rich yet for our sakes, became poor, that through His poverty we might be made rich" (2 Corinthians 2:8).


                                                    ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 12:1-8 NIV

*William Milne was a missionary to China and Melaka, Malaysia (1842)

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Day to Remember (Remembrance Day - 2020)


What a frightful year, 2020 has been.  The war on the terror of COVID-19 does not abate. It has more or less come full swing since its inception about this November time, 2019.  So many lost their lives or their loved ones to it.  It appears that as of 9 November 2020, if I read it right from the internet, (I stand to be corrected), that 1, 263, 111 deaths from Covid have happened.  Many more have recovered which is a mercy of God.

Not to minimize the COVID-19 pandemic losses, especially in the face of those who have been directly affected by it and lost their loved ones, we come to the actual armed conflicts of the world.  The big ones most people would think of are WW I and WW II.  There were the Korean War; the Vietnam; the Gulf War and etc.  The losses from these were phenomenal just for military personnel; double-digit millions.

Add in the civilians who lost their lives, caught in the crossfire, so to speak, which also run up into the double-digits and you have travesty upon travesty from both sides of the equation.

In some countries, the 11th of November is the day to remember those who sacrificed their lives for the good of their country; their ideals, beliefs, and to win justice for the people living in the battlefield regions, against the atrocious deeds of tyrants.  This is the 'raw material' I'm referring to and not the politics and innuendos of power plays of individual warmongers who love war.

Now, I myself cannot talk too 'big' on this subject.  However, I have post-war benefitted from those sacrifices and lived in a country where peace and harmony generally reigned, even during the fiercest fights of the frays across the waters.  

I do not hardly know any soldiers up and close to get even a little real 'feel' for what some, who did return, endured and experienced.   I have watched documentaries and even taught the history of WW I and WW II, and have tried to imagine it yet that was barely scratching the surface.

We cannot forget any of those who did not return.  We cannot forget those who did either.  A good number of them have recurring nightmares of graphic sights, sounds and smells they witnessed, heard or smelled; who now battle PTSD; have had to relearn to live with loss of limbs and etc., the on-going fallout.  Never "the same" evermore.  They try to go on, but some don't.  Further tragedy.

So we pause.  

Have moments of silence.

We remember as we are able.

Sometimes we visit war memorials.  Read the names of the fallen.  Find names of ones we may have known.  Think about them and the horrors they'd been through.  

Father in Heaven, bless those veterans who valiantly attempt to go on. We know that you will never forget them even if others of their fellowmen and women do.   Bless them and help them to "recover", may they be renewed, revived, refreshed and most importantly, redeemed by the precious blood of Christ.  May He then work in tandem with them through Your Holy Spirit, to live on until the day You call all Your children Home.  In Jesus name I ask.

Go and thank a veteran.

Any veterans reading this, "thank-you".  

                                                  ~ERC  November 2020~

Song, Remembrance Day Song as sung by  SingSongAlong

From the Trews - Highway of Heros

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Lord's Day Devotion - Who's in Control?


Proverbs 21:1 informs us,

"In the LORD's hand the king's heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please Him" (NIV).

Father, You, our Creator, are in control; not we, your creatures.

Thinking back to the scenes just before Your Son Jesus was taken to the cross and the various individuals or groups of individuals who thought they were the ones in control propelling Jesus to His death.  Satan, for the big one, influencing the others, was in his element in these events.  Judas Iscariot; the Sanhedrin--the Jewish religious leaders; the Temple Guard; Pilate, Herod; the Roman soldiers--they all thought they were "swinging the bat".

Father, they were way off base in their surmises.  All those influences combined together were used by You.  You channeled all their envy, hate, greed, ego and brawn, foiling their plans and like a huge stream of water, funneled their actions to affect Your purpose.  What Satan had meant for harm, You transformed into eternal good for all those who please You through their faith in Jesus and his shed blood; His life-giving sacrifice.

The sacrifice You bought and brought redemption for all mankind, through Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Praise the Lord!  We have You to thank.

Now Jesus is alive and I'm forgiven right along with so many multitudes of others who have accepted your rescue plan of salvation down throughout the ages from the crucifixion time till now.  May we all now live to please and serve You with our lives.

On this Lord's Day, help us to remember all of this freely given love and sacrifice which totally satisfied You.  Your children are now redeemed.  May we love to proclaim it as we pass the broken bread and cup of wine one to another in remembrance of Jesus' death and resurrection and Your wondrous gift of love.

I'm forever grateful You are in control, Father God.  In Jesus, my Redeemer's precious name I pray and praise.

                                                     ~ERC November 2020~

Based on Proverbs 21:1 NIV.

Sing, Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It.  along with the Bill & Gloria clan.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Prayer - Houses of Sighs & Songs


There was a long, drawn out sigh.  Then another.  A few moments later some more sighs as she sat and cogitated about life and maybe even her plight.  She sighed often. 

Psalter David sighed and he wanted the LORD to hear and consider his sighs.  These were sighs for help and requests.  These sighs contained expectancy.  Sighs of purpose.

Father God, thank-You for hearing our sighs.  Our burdens many times are so great we can't find the words.

Yet David sighed with purpose and hope as he knew You heard and knew You would do something about it even though you already knew all about it.  Yet he still would offer up those lamenting sighs.  

He had every confidence in You, Father.  His well-founded belief that You do NOT take pleasure in evil, and that the arrogant, lying blokes could not stand in Your presence as You abhor such deeds.  Your holiness precludes them an audience with You.  So David put his case to You, which in some ways also sounded prideful.

Nevertheless, he had the privilege to come into Your presence (unlike the unworthy wicked), and into Your house, the Tabernacle of Your presence, where he bowed down in reverence.

Father, into Your holy presence we are directed by David's example.  We come with our sighs of expectancy and uncertainty.  We come in repentance of any secret or otherwise wrongs we may be harboring.  We come into Your righteous presence for care, guidance and protection because of our sighs perpetrated by enemy attack and schemes.

Father thank-You so much for the free will You have given us, that despite evil influences, despite human schemes against us, as they were upon Your Son Jesus, Judas Iscariot and the eleven other disciples (Luke 22), during that fateful Passion Week, we can choose to turn our faces towards Your holy "Temple" where You abide.

So saying, we bring our sighs into Your "House of Sighs" where we can take refuge and sigh as much as we like until You turn our sighs into songs of joy.

Spread Your protection and love over us all...May we rejoice in You as you surround us with a shield of love.  We are Yours through Jesus; made righteous through Him.  May your favor rest upon us night and day.  Therefore, our expectations are fulfilled in Your way.

We willingly turn and give joyful praise as You turn our sighs to rejoicings because You have not disappointed those of us who love Your Name.

Thank-You for the blessings You bestow upon us.  Truly, our help comes from You and as we contemplate upon our lives and with Your intervention we will be assured our sighs have not been in vain.  Then we can sing.

In Jesus' most precious and holy Name we bow down to You, Father, and sigh and sing reverently and with joy.

                                                        ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 5:1-12 NIV

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Prayer - Snapshots


Heavenly Father, they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words" but here in Psalm 1 you've given us words that are worth two snapshots.  One is of the 'blessed man" and the other of the 'wicked".

The blessed man,

"...does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners" (vs 1).

"His delight is in the law of the LORD" (vs 2).

That's You, Father.

He also,

"...meditates on Your law day and night" (vs 2).

This is a wonderful picture of what You would love for Your people, those of us who are followers of Your Son, Jesus Christ, to be characterized by and to practice.  The result would be that this person would be,

"...Like a tree planted by streams of water..." (vs 3).

A flourishing tree, that yields fruit abundantly and whose leaves do not wither because its roots have found their way to the water source.  It knew its need and did something about it to get its constant daily supply of refreshment.

LORD, we know all these things, we read about and say, "Hmm, that's good."  However, LORD, help us to really have this for ourselves.  You are our "Supply and Refresher".  

May we not be tempted to go in the wrong way; to not take the counsel of those who are wicked but to seek counsel from You, Your Holy Spirit and Your Words we can know from reading, delighting in and meditating upon and in which  we can find in the Bible You composed for us.

This so Your Holy Spirit can lead and guide us to what You want us to do, and in the decisions we make.

True, not all the answers are in black and white but we can get Your principles, get a feel and understanding of what would please and honor You.

May our delight indeed be in Your law.  Sometimes we see people who are avidly listening to the news or reading it from the newspaper or from the internet.  They are so excited to see the results of a badminton competition or a football match, or even of an election.

They are just "glued to the tube", eagerly looking for results.  This is what they care about.  

May that passion be computed into the study of Your Word, like the writer of the Psalm 1...

"His delight is in Your law".

He "meditates" on it.  Instead of pouring over the results in the newspaper, TV news or online, may we be pouring over Your words; spending time with You.  You are the One who loves us.

May we go to You and NOT the wicked for counsel.  Yes, sometimes those who are not Your followers have better sense of things; wiser about this world and the things in it.  However, LORD, You are the one who knows everything and everything about us.

Those who know Your word can be wiser than even their elders or teachers or even their enemies (Psalm 119:98-100).  People can be amazed because of it.  That, of course, Father, would not be the motive for learning.  That would be head knowledge and not stemming from the heart lubricated with love and devotion.

May our motive be to seek You, commune with You, build relationship with You and to flourish; to please and honor You with our lives.  May we drink from You, our Living Stream of Water.

By contrast, the second snapshot, this one of the wicked, is that the wicked are,

" chaff that the wind blows away..." (vs 4).

People harvest rice and then they sift it to get rid of the chaff and other bits and pieces of inedible debris.  The wind can blow it away.  The wicked are like the chaff.

The righteous like the rice.

The wicked won't,

"...stand in the judgment" 


"...nor be found in the assembly of the righteous" (vs 5).

You give warning after warning Father.

Help us to go in the way of the righteous, always, and  not in the way of the wicked. Preserve us and our family members from being lured away from You, to stand firm in their faith, trust and hope in You through Jesus.

I ask that the wicked turn and repent from their willful, evil, selfish ways, and accept Your Son Jesus as Savior and Lord of their lives.  This so they can have forgiveness of their sins, the dynamic power of Your Holy Spirit to help them turn from those nefarious ways; to be righteous in Your sight and have everlasting life.  To turn from the wicked snapshot to the righteous one.

In this new life, then, they are empowered to live that life that You desire.  You, 

" over the way of the righteous" (vs 6).

and they will not perish.

Yes, we still, like wandering sheep, go astray.  Sometimes this is willful, other times unintentionally, drifted away, influenced by distractions of life.  Nevertheless, Father, our main purpose is to please You and to do the good works You have ordained for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).

The way of the wicked is judgment and to perish which is so sad, Father.  There are some very good people yet they don't go in Your way but are "good living" and therefore we wouldn't classify them as "wicked".  Perhaps even some of our relatives, neighbors or friends, act even better than some of the "so-called" Christians, who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ.

Still, they do not desire You, Your ways, or Your Word nor Your Son Jesus through Whom they can have the righteousness they aspire towards.  They don't accept that the way to righteousness, to You, is through Jesus and His work He accomplished on the cross of Calvary.  Here on Calvary's tree where He bled and died for the remission of our sins and the atonement of our souls.   They don't know or don't accept that Jesus bridged the chasm our/their sins created between You and them and the desired righteousness.

LORD, rescue the perishing; care for the dying. 

Change their minds, compel them to Christ.  Show them Your mercy.

Thank-You for Your mercy.  You are ever merciful.

Thank-You Father.

Thank-You for Your words in Psalm 1.  In them we can find the Source of delightful refreshment and flourishing and bearing fruit for You.

This is the snapshot I choose.

                                                           ~ERC  September 2020~

Based on Psalm 1:1-6 NIV

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Good Book - Hinds' Feet On High Places


Hannah Hurnard bases her book Hinds' Feet On High Places on several things.  First of all, the book title is taken from Habakkuk 3:19 which reads,

"The Lord God is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds' feet, and He will make me walk upon mine high places"

One basis of the book is that of her own life's struggles; her eventual capitulation to the Lord; the relationship between the bride and bridegroom (lovers) as portrayed in the book of Song of Solomon and applies it to the relationship a person can have with Jesus their Shepherd.  In addition to all that, the Alps of Switzerland, the precariousness of rugged, steep mountain tracks that loom out of sight into the heights where somewhere, there is probably a peak; and the beauties of nature found in those regions all play a rather major part in the unfolding of her tale.

Various categories of love in the relationship between God and herself; of faith and obedience, and trust in His promises are also bundled up into this endearing, compelling, yet challenging allegory of her protagonist, Much-Afraid.  In some ways, this book is similar to John Bunyan's, Pilgrim's Progress, with his protagonist Christian.  Christian was on a pilgrimage to the Celestial City.  Much-Afraid, however, is growing her relationship with the Shepherd, and soaks in His presence, learning to trust Him through her many fears which she is in the process of overcoming whether she can see Him by her side or not.

The allegory takes a good look at the process of progressive sanctification through one's love of the Shepherd and learning to rely upon Him despite shouts, jeers, and enticements from such family members as Craven Fear, Pride, Bitterness, Self-Pity, and Resentment.   They pop up when least expected to taunt and mock her.  These Much-Afraid is much afraid of but as she learns to trust and listen to the Shepherd, she learns how to overcome and to not listen to those Fearing cousins.  She learns to lay down her own will and desires.

The Shepherd promises Much-Afraid her hinds' feet and the ability to leap and jump with Him on the mountains.  However, she must journey up the steep places which are exceedingly perilous.  The Shepherd gives her two companions which at first, she balks at, but eventually they become good friends.

Correspondingly, we all need to allow the Lord to make "adjustments" in us in how we react in negatives which prevent us from a deeper relationship with our Good Shepherd.  All the experiences, good or bad, can aid in those adjustments when we meekly submit our will to His.  This is the thrust of  Hurnard's allegory.

Many of us encounter many of the difficulties and challenges Much-Afraid did and will have to go through the same processes of "dying to self".  As we "get through them" with our Shepherd also at our beck and call, we, too, would eventually acquire hinds' feet.

Hinds, as you may know are a type of red deer that are fleet of foot and can nimbly and fearlessly scale steep mountain rock faces. 

Read to find out more  of Much-Afraid's adventures with her companions and her Shepherd; how their relationship grew in mutual love and trust;  and if she did indeed get those desires of her heart.

A friend of mine, on Facebook, wrote something about fear the other day (quite apart from this book) that illustrates and sums up the relationship Much-Afraid and her Shepherd had.  She sanctioned my using it here.

"He takes hold of our hand, tenderly tilts up our chin until we look into His face, and assures us that we have no need for fear because in Him is all we need!  What a precious privilege to belong to the loving, tender, powerful, gracious, faithful God who has said this:" (my friend)

"For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you" (Isaiah 41:13 NIV).

This book really helps the reader visualize how one can have a really down-to-earth relationship with our Good Shepherd and Heavenly Father.  May all who read find themselves deepening their spiritual connection to the One Who truly loves them as Miss Much-Afraid did.  

And, by-the-way, she gets a new name in the end.

                                                       ~ERC  October 2020~

Hannah Hurnard books.

There's a kindle edition

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Peaceful Sleep


When your own family member, or one of your close friends turns on you, assails you and/or strikes you down in some way--knifing you right under the ribs, so to speak, with words or other unpleasantly intent actions that still seem very much like brute force; what do you do?  What can you do?

Run for your life?

This is what happened to King David and was his solution to escaping his foes.   He fled, on fleet foot!

His son Absalom was after him.  He'd affected a rather successful coup (for a while).  He'd won the hearts of the people and even one of David's key advisors.  This was betrayal at the hands of family and friend.

David trusted the LORD though.  He said the LORD was his,

"...shield around him" (Psalm 3:3)

and when he calls out to the LORD, the LORD,

"...answers him from His holy mountain" (vs. 4).

He can then,

"...lie down and sleep...because the LORD sustains him" (vs 5).

Not only that, he,

"...wakes again" (vs. 5).

A major blessing.  No one got him in the night despite all his ubiquitous opponents clambering for his blood.

David knew to Whom to turn; his LORD, his God, his Deliverer in Whom he could one hundred percent trust.

"He faileth not" (Zephaniah 3:5 - KJV)

Father God, Thank-You that You can be trusted one hundred percent.  You never leave, nor forsake, nor harm.  What You do is always good and for our good.

We remember that Your Son Jesus was also betrayed by one of those men who was close to Him; Judas Iscariot.  Then the religious leaders of Jesus' day on Earth, who should have known better, were plotting to arrest and kill Him.  Judas the Betrayer played right into their hands and they got their wish.

Jesus was not delivered from this despite His cries to You.  David was delivered from his foes, though.  However, Your plan was much bigger than our scope can encompass.  Jesus' death upon the cross was for the deliverance of all mankind from the penalty of sin: i.e.  death and Hell.

We praise You glorious Father!

Now when followers of Jesus Christ "sleep in Jesus" we can do so in complete confidence that when we wake, we will be "with Christ".  We can have resurrection because Jesus resurrected on the third day.  We have that sure hope of going to be with You forever and over in Your eternal Home.

As we remember all Jesus' death and resurrection has accomplished for us, may we partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine, with solemn joy and gratitude for all He has done for us:  deliverance from the clutches of the evil one who only wants to steal, kill and destroy; and from the consequences of our sins, and so much more.  

And You grant us our peaceful sleep:  whether that's our nightly rest; or "sleep in Jesus" or to know we have peaceful afterlife life with You, forevermore.  In whatever circumstance of "sleep," we can confidently say, "Good night, sleep tight" as we will certainly, "rest in peace" even if we have been betrayed by our nearest and dearest on earth.  These are bold words, Father; help us all to live up to them with Your strength.

In Jesus' precious name I give thanks for Your many blessings which are always upon Your people.

                                                   ~ERC  September 2020~

Based on Psalm 3:1-8

Sing, Asleep in Jesus along with the Jordanaires.