Friday, October 16, 2020

Prayer - Wearing Zeal


Being lukewarm makes God sick (Revelation 3:16).

Yet, how does the tepidness seep in?

Sometimes we are just plain 'ole tired, Lord!  We've put so much energy, effort, and time to our cause which in actual fact, is Your cause.  Don't get me wrong, Father, I'm not accusing or complaining, I'm just stating a fact.

We were powered by zeal for You and the call we believed You gave but that zeal wore us out.  We strove and strove and not many seemed to respond; or they only responded half-heartedly.  Little benefit appeared to have been gained.

Not like when the apostle Peter or brother Billy Graham used to preach and thousands streamed the aisles to give their lives to Jesus.

Yes, Father, Your calculations are different than our human ones.  Yet, Your Son Jesus, also got tired and sat.  He also asked the disciples to "come aside and rest awhile" (Mark 6:31-44). We need the times of refreshing and that's a fact too.

Nevertheless, the zeal waned and we may well have become "lukewarm".  In the book of Revelation, You said that the Laodiceans were "lukewarm" and You wished to "spew them out of Your mouth" (Revelation 3:16 NIV).

In the 40 Day Prayer and Fast booklet, Day 36-11 Sept 2020, it is remarked,

"What makes God sick?  Lukewarm religion!  No zeal, no enthusiasm, no passion for the Lord or the lost.  No growth, no fruit and an independent spirit that is seduced with self-centeredness, self-reliance, material gain and power.  It is being wise in our own eyes" (Brother Elisha Satvinder).

In Psalm 119:136, the psalmist has "streams of tears flowing from his eyes".  Why?  He observed that Your law was not being obeyed.  He declares in the next verses (137, 138) that Your laws and statutes are righteous, right and trustworthy"!  Therefore, it is incomprehensible to him as to why others do not obey them or ignore them.  This wears out his zeal (vs 139) especially when it's his enemies ignoring Your words.

He goes on to related that he had "thoroughly tested" Your promises, and that he love them.  How frustrating this must have been, Father!  He love You and Your words, and wanted others to have that same level, or more, of passion.

He was one to also talk about them and tell others of them, likely verbally, but as we can see, written as well.  Why don't the listeners and readers, "get it"!? To have such unrequited zeal wore him out.

Even in mundane ordinary things as teaching English, History or Math, for instance, a teacher's zeal can wear , tear, and fritter down to "lukewarm" status.  Is there a cure, treatment or vaccine?  Father, I ask it seriously.

"Trouble and distress come over us, Father"

but we are directed to Your commands, which the psalmist penned, "gave him delight".  Is this then our treatment plan?

Open our hearts and minds to Your Word, will, ways and to You, Yourself; turn us ever back to them and You.  May we bask in them and in Your presence to renew our souls, spirits and minds, and our flagging flesh.  When our flesh is weak and weary, may we turn to You, be renewed to "soaring status" as the eagles and be flooded once again, wearing zeal for Your promises which endure forever.  May we then worship only at the feet of Your Son, Jesus and go out serving You and Your people wearing a garment of zeal so we do not make You sick.

I ask in the powerful Name of Jesus, thanking Him that He never wore out His zeal to do Your mission on behalf of mankind.  Thank-You, Father.  Thank-You, Jesus, our blessed Redeemer.

                                                     ~ERC  September 2020~

Based on Psalm 119:137-144 (Tsadhe)

Sing Jesus Messiah, as sung by the Gaither Vocal Band

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