Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Prayer - Streams of Tears Flow


If you loved something or someone and then you see it/them desecrated, how do you feel?  Wild emotions run the gambit of incredulity; stunned; tears; anger; outbursts and exclamations of, "How could they do that or say such a thing?"

By now, since reaching Psalm 119:129-136, we've got the message that the psalmist loves every jot and tittle of God's Word:  His commands; laws, precepts, decrees, and statutes, from the inside, out.  He could memorize and recite them, and most importantly, obey them.

He said they were "wonderful" and "give light".  They also "give understanding to the simple," and "direct his footsteps;" to name a few of the beneficial effects.  He governed his life by God's Word.  Therefore, we can understand and empathize with his "streams of tears" when he observed that God's law was not obeyed by others.  Do you ever feel like that?  

There are folks governing themselves by "their rights" instead of God's Way and will.  Do we have righteous tears flowing from our eyes because of it?   It could be tears flowing because of injustices to vulnerable poor who do try to help themselves yet flounder due to exploitation; or to racial and/or religious discrimination?  Do our tears flow because of abortion?  Do they flow due o sexual immorality?  To hypocrisy?  To false doctrine?  To the maligning of God's Word?  To God's Name taken in vain?  You likely can add to that and the list could go on.

Heavenly Father, "direct our footsteps according to Your Word".  Convict us through Your Word and Holy Spirit when tempted to veer off Your path of righteousness, so that "no sin will rule over us" (v.135).

"Redeem us from all that human oppression"

of those living very much to the opposite of Your laws; from peer pressure or boss pressure or colleagues pressure to go against Your ways.  May the tears flow from our eyes when we or others do not obey Your law.

Have mercy on us and bring us back to You, especially those of us who love Your Name and the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ.

Bring Your light into our hearts and minds that Your word gives; give us the understanding of them through Your Holy Spirit and give us that love for Your commands as Your psalmist servant had.  He even opened his mouth and panted (like a dog parched for water), in longing for them.  Give us such zeal Father.  Zeal to love Your Name giving impetus to love Your word and walk according to them.  

In turn, so that "no sin will rule over us".

"Remove and heal any spiritual blindness, so that those of us who belong to You, Father, through Jesus, will be sensitive to Your will and ways, so that we will understand and seek Your will from Your living Word and see things from Your heavenly perspective.  may tears truly flow from our eyes when we see Your law is not obeyed."*

Then Father, make Your face shine upon us and be gracious unto us.

In Jesus' precious Name I ask.

                                                    ~ERC  September 2020~

Based on Psalm 119:129-136 (Pe) NIV

* A paraphrase of a prayer from The 40 Day Fast and Prayer booklet 2020; NECF; Day 38; 13 Sept 2020; page 60.

Sing, O Lord We Seek Your Face, along with Worship Central

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