Sunday, October 4, 2020

Prayer - Do Your Eyes Fail?


She peered at her book as best as ever she could but the years had not been so kind to her eyes, and try as she may, she could no longer read the words, which had now dissolved into an inscrutable blur for her.  Sadly, she lay the book aside and felt her way to the kitchen to brew a pot of tea.  At least she could still do that.  Just hope no one rearranges the outlay of things...

Nowadays, when our eyes fail, we can often do something about it:  prescription spectacles; cataract removal; cornea transplant; retina reattachments and the like.  Praise the Lord for all these innovations.

The psalmist said,

"My eyes fail looking for God's salvation and His righteous promise to him" (Psalm 119:123).

Was wondering what his promise was and think it could be that he lived his life very well according to God's Word and now he was waiting for the blessing.  (God's promise to the Israelites during their nomadic wanderings in the wilderness and then again when they entered the Promised Land had been promise of blessing if they obeyed God's laws, commands, etc.  However, this psalmist seems to have had an awful lot of oppressors and troubles despite his righteous living, instead.  He seems bewildered but trusting with some patience yet wanting the fulfilling of the promise.)

Like Isaiah remarked,

"When the time is right, I the LORD, will make it happen" (Isaiah 60:22).

Of course, that was referring to the "smallest family becoming a mighty nation" which in and of itself, is a blessing; obedience to the "be fruitful and multiply" command.

We each have our "promises" we wish someone or another will fulfill.

For that result,  psalmist was looking for God's salvation, perhaps, from his troubles.  We followers of Jesus Christ, echo along with the Holy Spirit, "Come, Lord Jesus" (Revelation 22:17).  Jesus' promise to come back for us (1 Thessalonians 4:`3-5:11) and to then be with Him for all eternity.  Sometimes our eyes fail (so to speak) while we wait for that promise to happen.  We can comfort ourselves and help ourselves to persevere with the knowledge that when the time is right, the Lord will make it happen.  He is our salvation.

Heavenly Father, we do thank You, the Giver of all good gifts and the Fulfiller of all Your promises, that You say Jesus will "come quickly"; we believe it.  Your salvation - the bringing of Your children up to be with Christ our Savior and You, forever and forever, will come.

We praise Jesus our Savior all the day long.

Help each of us to take heart and hide Your promise within that "You WILL make it happen".

May we make it our story to praise you all the day long as we look forward to Your coming.  

Jesus gave sight to the blind and that free of charge; unlike our eye doctors of today.  Even though our "eyes may fail", lead us not into the temptation to despair.  May our vision be of You, of Your Son and all you have accomplish for us.  May we wait in perfection submission, happiness and rest as we watch and wait for Your coming, knowing Your timing is the "right time".

May we be filled with Your goodness and live a life showing it to others, all the day long.  May we rest in the blessed assurance we have in the salvation of the remission of our sins through our repentance and acceptance thereof.  

May we keep this in our hearts, and sights, and give life to our eyes as we have visions of Rapture before us. We praise You, the One from whom all blessing flows.

In Jesus' Name we hope, trust, praise and pray.  May His Name ever be upon our lips as we await His coming with watchful eyes that do not fail.

                                                            ~ERC  September 2020~

Based on Psalm 119:121-128 (Ayin)

Sing, Blessed Assurance, with Jeremy Riddle, Worship Circle Hymns, with reverent and sincere, persevering watching for Jesus.  We may be faint, yet be pursuing.


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