Sunday, October 18, 2020

Good Booklet - ordinary women with extraordinary stories


If you like to read but are hard put to find the time, this little booklet, ordinary women with extraordinary stories, is the one for you.  Or, if you do not enjoy reading lengthy works, this may also be for you.  It has six short but sweet stories compiled by the Women's Commission of NECF Malaysia which NECF Malaysia published and had printed in Malaysia.

These are mini capsules of autobiographical testimonies of "ordinary" Malaysian sisters-in-Christ, whose walk and service for the Lord continued, and continue, faithfully, despite the obstacles, trials and challenges that came into their lives; some of those life-experiences even descending upon them like a bombshell.

Six different types of "ordinary" are presented:  from a wife, missionary, politician, engineer, a single woman and corporate trainer.  As their perspectives and stories unfold, you will be encouraged in your own journey of faith and character building.

The Secretary General of NECF Malaysia, brother Sam Ung, who wrote the 'Forward' had this to say,

[These women were] "not significant or influential because of their careers but their character..."

One sister didn't know she had it in her to raise a Downs Syndrome child; another got "tricked" by God into the mission field; one had a miracle healing; another overcame severe shyness to preach while another has the on-going challenge of living and working with integrity in a known "dirty-dealing" business environment, being that light for Jesus in the corner where she is.  There but for the grace of God they would not be.

Now, I think I have said too much.  Oops...

Should you choose to read these stories, you won't be sorry.  May you, who may even feel you too are "just ordinary" realize that in Christ, You are His extra-ordinary daughters and have the potential to great exploits for Him as He molds and makes You more like Himself.

A word of caution--the English grammar could have been "doctored up" better in some of the stories.  Perhaps they did not have a proofreader to help them.  However, if you can overlook those flaws,  be inspired and motivated in Your service and walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ as you read and trek life's road, briefly, in their extraordinary shoes.

May you find yourself a similar pair of shoes and keep on, keeping on.  With Christ, all things are possible.

                                                      ~ERC  October 2020~

Copyright National Evangelical Christian Fellowship Malaysia (NECF); April 2012; published by NECF Malaysia and printed in Malaysia by Akitiara Corporation.

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