Saturday, October 31, 2020

Prayer - According To...

 Father, this is the last acrostic section of Psalm 119. Although the author is unknown to us, You know who he was.  It actually feels like it was David's writings, especially when I read the last verse, verse 176. It says,

"I have strayed like a lost sheep.  Seek Your servant, for I have not forgotten Your commands."

Once upon a time, in his earlier years, King David had been a shepherd.  Several of his other Psalms attest to it with obvious references to shepherding and all its life-style encompasses.

My curiosity has been sustained through-out this particular Psalm as to whom to credit the writing.  So, when I read the last verse which I've been pondering for a couple of days, it struck me,  almost conclusively, it must have been David, whether as the shepherd or the king.

Yes, I know, Father, its not the writer but what has been written that's important.  Also, ultimately it was You, through inspiration of Your Holy Spirit engaging in the author's mind, quill pen to "paper," teaching Him what to capture in words.

We are often like those straying sheep, Father.  Do seek us.  Many are the distractions of life that get us out of the pasture and onto the rocks and cliffs of life.  Sometimes it takes the rocky rough places or a rugged mountain traversing, troubled seas or a dry desert, to learn to trust You and believe, as one song's lyrics say.  You are the One in control.

We do love You and Your Words, and have not forgotten them, but we do need You, our Good Shepherd to bring us back to You.

May we live then, to praise You, Your words, laws, commands, decrees and precepts and what's more, to delight in and obey them as the psalm writer vowed to do.  For him, it had come a great cost, but he still fed in Your quiet pastures and drank from Your still waters in the end. May we turn to You too Father and follow Your Son Jesus, our Good Shepherd.

We ask for Your help all along life's journey, Father, and as the author seemed fond of saying a number of times, in that standard of "according to Your word;" "according to Your promise;" "according to Your love;" and "according to Your laws," which are established forever.  They are so great they cannot be fathomed or measured.  However, they can govern and guide us all along life's pathway to Your green pastures of delight.

Our hearts rejoice.

Thank-You, in Jesus' precious Name we pray and praise.

                                                  ~ERC  September 2020~

Based on Psalm119:169-176 (Taw)

Sing Sometimes It Takes a Mountain along with the Gaither Vocal Band

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