Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Prayer - Refreshing Brook


Father, thank-You so much for times of refreshing we can have through the ups and downs and battles of life.  You said in Psalm 110,

"You drink from a brook beside the way; therefore he will lift up his head high" (vs 7 NIV).

In these times of refreshing, even though we have enemies and difficulties in life, may You rule!  Make those enemies Your footstool and be our Deliverer in times of strife and trouble. Refresh and restore our souls, Father.

We know You will never change Your mind and You will be our Priest and King forever.

You are at our right hand ready to aid us at any time; the right hand of strength, honor and glory.  We give You praise again for those times of refreshing as we spend time with You, meditating upon and considering Your Word.   Considering how You lead and guide us through.  You lift us up and make our feet stand in high places where we can hold our heads high, not with pride but with Your dignity, above it all.  We, Your children, Your sons and daughters.

I praise and thank-You, asking this request to fight valiantly for us in all our trials and troubles.  We know You do and therefore give You thanks.  May we all desire more of You and match that with our actions to come humbly into Your presence and learn from You.  We are confident of Your teaching wrapped in love.

When You do this for us it's like a wondrously cool, drink from a clear, pure brook on a very hot day.  



Father, in Jesus' Name we give you thanks.

                                                    ~ERC  June 2020~

Based on Psalm 110, especial focus on verse 7

Sing, Times of Refreshing, with Marty Nystrom

Sing, When Trials Come with Keith & Kristyn Getty

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