Sunday, October 11, 2020

Good Book - Harriet Tubman Freedombound


The run for freedom was marked with danger on every side:  masters with dogs on the chase after them; alligators; water moccasins (snakes); and people who would love the reward money for squealing on them and giving up their hiding places.  Harriet Tubman, a "Hero of History" won her freedom from the brutality of abusive slavery, on the "Underground Railroad".  

She was an amazingly courageous woman.  She eventually became a conductor on that railroad and helped others of her fellow slaves successfully make that same run for freedom.  Once, conducting even at "gun point" to get some terrified "passenger" to co-operate and overcome their fear of recapture and compelling them to fight for their own immediate liberty.  Praise be, she even managed to smuggle her own siblings and parents to the safety of Canada's borders.

This particular biography of Harriet Tubman, is called Harriet Tubman Freedombound and is written by Janet & Geoff Benge.  It is aimed at children, around the 8-13, or so, age group range but adults can still be enthralled by her adventures.  I am.

Although her main mission and "call" was slave rescue, at one point she advised generals during the American Civil War and directed the improvement of conditions in war hospitals among other duties.

Harriet believed that "slavery is the next thing to hell" (page141).  She fought hard and long for such liberty therefrom.

In light of the ongoing struggle for those of other ethnic backgrounds, even today, with all the demonstrations as can be seen in the news and being carried out in various places around the world, but mainly in the USA, I bring this book to light.  Do read of this plight especially if you have not known about it or want to "feel" it.  Then know the revelation of greater empathy for these people who still, often, are living in fear of unjust reprisal due to the color of their skin even from "good living" next door neighbors. 

                                                      ~ERC  October 2020~

ISBN 1-883002-90-7

Copyright 2002

Published by Emerald Books

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