Friday, October 23, 2020

Prayer - Call With All Your Heart

 The psalmist of Psalm 119 was willing to lose sleep to call out to his LORD.  He'd rise early, before dawn to do so!  This also after his eyes had stayed open through the watches of the night to meditate on God's promises.

He had purpose for loss of sleep.  He had zeal.  He had obedience to God's Word.  He had great sincerity of heart and thirst for God.

Father God, ignite us all with such fervent passion to meld and melt our hearts to obedience to Your will and ways, and more importantly to grow our relationship and habit of communing with You.  It is the desire of Your heart.  Make it the desire of ours to reciprocate and spend time bathing in Your presence and with Your Words.

As the psalmist said, Your laws are, 

"...never far; You are near, all Your commands are true...You established them, making them to last forever".

In this world of global warming and decay, those are welcome words:  'established" and "last forever".  May we make them the anchor of our souls and long for them at all times of the day and night; in good times and even in the times when the wicked have devised their evil schemes against us.

We know the anchor of Your Words and our obedience to them is what will hold us steady through the storms of life.  You preserve us time and again.  Thank-You, Father.

As always, Father, You wrap us round with Your unfailing love  We can count on You.  We, Your children by grace, may we truly reach the state where we call with all our heart (not a divided, distracted heart) as the psalmist could.  

Answer us, Abba Father.

We need You.

In Jesus' Name we ask.

                                                         ~ERC  September 2020~

Based on Psalm 119:145-152 (Qoph)

Sing When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, especially "demands our heart, souls our all.  

Sing along with the Choir of Kings College, Cambridge.

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