Sunday, March 1, 2020

Prayer - Meek as Moses

Heavenly Father, we appreciate You.  We know and are glad and rejoice that in a day to come the wicked will be gone.  Truly, then, righteousness will reign.

The wicked will go to where they have "earned" the destination for themselves when they reject Your overtures to them to repent.

They will not be found, in Your thousand year kingdom that is coming to reign on Earth.  You will remove them from among those who are righteous; those who seek Your face.

Psalm 37:10-11 (NIV) remind us that  the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.

Ah Lord, we know that in a time to come, again, we will inherit the land as You have allowed the children of Israel to inherit the Promised Land of Canaan; wherever they set their foot, that was for them.  

So Lord, help us to be as meek as Moses and to enjoy great peace even now as we repent and receive Your forgiveness while we await Your perfect eternal and heavenly kingdom to come.

I ask this in the Name of Your One and Only Son Jesus' wonderful Name.

                                                   ~ERC  February 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 37:10-11.

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