Friday, March 13, 2020

Prayer of Hope

Father, You are the God of all the earth, You are the Righteous One. May Your righteousness fill the whole earth, through Your people who've come to know You.  May their righteousness, which comes only  from You, also shine out as if they have seen Your face.  Your face which is shining upon us and that glory, let it be that glory that shines out and not our own boasting, not our own bragging of things we have done nor the things we have accomplished but only of You, the righteous One Who brings justice to all peoples, whether in our time, or later.

LORD, about Your good friend Abraham, he did not see the fulfillment of Your promise to Him with his physical eyes.  Oh, he got his son but he didn't see the whole earth filled with multitudes and multitudes of his descendants.  He didn't see them as being as many as the stars of the sky or the grains of sand upon the seashore.  He did not see that, but he believed it as good as done.

He saw it through eyes of faith.  That's totally amazing!  Lord, may we have this kind of faith, to believe what we cannot see of You. That is what faith is...the hope of things we cannot see (Hebrews 11: 1).

Lord, here on earth we get so bogged down with earthly troubles, happenings, work, that we need to attend to and get done.  We get so bogged down, heavily burdened by it all.

However, Lord, help us to fix our eyes on You and that hope, You've promised us, that hope that we will be brought up to be with You some day.  We will be seen in Heaven with You, our everlasting life and the joys that will be beyond what we could ever ask or imagine.  Let us be filled with that hope;

 "Come, Lord Jesus!  Come quickly,"  as the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come, Lord Jesus, come!" (Revelation 22:17)...  that we may have the fulfilling of this hope.  

Yet Lord, You don't want anyone to perish but all to come to You in repentance (2 Peter 3:9), accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  So we are in a strait betwixt two, as the apostle Paul once lamented (Philippians 1:23 KJV):  to go up to be with you, howsoever, we still have plenty of relatives, friends, acquaintances and so many others around the world who do not yet know You and Jesus Christ Whom You have sent.

There are still so many perishing, Lord.  May they too have this hope.  May there be harvesters willing to hear Your call.  Willing to go out and spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and so the, as yet, unreached can have Your salvation, the saving grace, forgiveness of sins, everlasting life and so much more that You give, that You wrap up in Your wonderful "rescue plan gift".  This is the Best Gift of all, in Your Son Jesus Christ; salvation through Him.

May they too have this hope, within them.  May their faces shine with that hope of the coming of Jesus Christ.  Of Jesus coming upon the clouds, shouting out to us "come up" to be with Him forever and ever.  

Perhaps today...

In Jesus wonderful name, in Whose mighty Name is all our hope,  I give You praise.

                    ~ERC  17 January 2020 but blogged in on 13 March 2020~

Song, My Hope is Built on Nothing Less

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