Thursday, March 12, 2020

Prayer - Flawless Word

Oh Lord, my strength, I love You because You first loved me.  I know You are the God, the One and Only true God, the Creator of all the World.  You are the One whose way is perfect and your words are flawless.

When we read Your Words from the Bibles we hold in our hands, and hopefully, hold in our heads, and live out in our life, help us to always remember, they are flawless Words.

When people try to put doubt into our minds about You  or about Your Word, help us to go back to that very phrase again, 

"Your way is perfect and Your Word is flawless"  (Psalm 18:30 NIV)

You are always there. Your Word helps to have refuge in You, to realize that You are our Rock on Whom we can depend.  You give us strength and You make our way perfect when we obey and follow Your words which are flawless.  Furthermore, You make our feet to be like the feet of the deer, sure and enabling, to stand on heights to bring us out from the depths of distresses, depression, difficulties and trials of life.  

Even when we face other challenges that require great energy and engages one's mind so much it seems like an overwhelming overflow, that Your Word brings us aid and comfort, especially knowing You are a blameless God and Your words are flawless; sustaining to us as we prepare for what we need to face each day.

You arm us with strength for the "battle" of the day.  Father, whether it's a skirmish or, an all out engagement, You arm us and give us the strength through Your Word that we can cling on to, and You deliver us.

So many people, worldwide are currently thinking about and fearing the COVID-19.  Father, may we all run to YOU, and Your Word to give comfort and to still our fears. Have mercy upon us all Father.  From this too, You can deliver us.  Your Word stopped the wind and the waves of the sea in the time Jesus was on earth and in the boat with the disciples.  Father, may Your Word also stem the tsunami of virus contagion!

As David said in Psalm've made us "head of nations".

For him, of course, Father, it was literal since he was head over all Israel.  However, for most of the rest  of us, Lord, we may be head over our families, head of a department at work or head even of a classroom of unruly or otherwise, students.  You put us into those positions, Lord, so we definitely need You to partner with us, to prepare for whatever happens on any given day.  

As we read Your Word, as we meditate upon it, and as we obey Your give the "great king victory" as it declares in verse 50 of Psalm 18.

We know that David, the great king, had many victories.  Yes, he had some losses but You also gave Him great victories.  Amazing victories, because of Your showing him Your unfailing kindness and love towards Your anointed one, to David and his descendants after him.

Lord, You show that same unfailing kindness to us.  You have anointed us followers of Jesus Christ with Your salvation.  You've made us a "royal priesthood" (1 Peter 2:9), You've bestowed Your Holy Spirit upon us Who works mightily with and for us.

One of my nephews commented that people are preparing themselves behind closed doors, set for a siege against COVID-19, yet Father,  may they all be concerned even more so, about their eternal destination should the virus take them from this earth.  Father, we ask that they and our descendants too will have that royal priesthood mark upon them because they have accepted Your Flawless Word into their life.  That Word of Jesus Who is also the Flawless One, the Blameless One, the Perfect One, because He is Your Son and You have given us salvation that we need to be able to come into Your presence; to commune with You everyday; all day if we want.

Thank-You Lord, I praise You in the flawless Name and Word, Who is Jesus.

                      ~ERC  18 January 2020, blogged in 8 March 2020~

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