Monday, March 16, 2020

Prayer - A Seat at His Right Hand

David fought in many battles executing many victories, rarely defeated.  That's heady stuff!  Nevertheless he didn't let it go to his head.  In fact, it appears he was rather sedentary fighting his foes.

Look at this:

"The LORD says, to my lord:  "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet" (Psalm 110:17 NIV).

"My lord," being, I believe, David's reference to himself.

David metaphorically sat and let the LORD fight his foes for him.

Think back to David's history.  In his shepherd boy days he fought against a lion and a bear and overcame them.  Amusingly enough, those victories were on his resume when he applied for the job of going against the giant Goliath of Gaza.  We all know how that ended..."and the giant fell down dead" (1 Samuel 17).

Another mighty victory.

David went on to fight in many more battles. The young maidens welcoming the soldiers back from the wars, especially greeting David with,

"Saul has slain his thousands, but David his tens of thousands"  (1 Samuel 18:7).

Those words of praise really riled up King Saul's ire and jealousy!  They made David's life very miserable for him with Saul hightailing all over hill and dale in murderous hot pursuit of David

The LORD worked mightily for David and gave him many escapes time and time again.  David gave the credit right back to the LORD.

Our solace and strength are from that very same Source.

Almighty Father, God, we can trust in You, knowing You are on our side, the side of the just and righteous who follow after You with their hearts, souls and minds; who belong to You through Your Son Jesus Christ.  The battles we fight are often fearsome but You can make Your child to...

"...rule in the midst of his/her enemies" (Psalm 110:2)

We are Your royal priesthood and You will "crush" the wicked with Your wrath but give Your people refreshing drink from the "water of Your word".  As David put it,

"He will drink from a brook along the way, and so he will lift his head high" (Psalm 110:7)

You, Father, do give Your children victories.  Victories to conquer our own shortcomings; and victories in seeing us through trials of many kinds.

David still had to fall his foes as do we.  However, we are grateful we do not face them alone.  

Truth be told, when we rely on, ask for, Your help You are ever attuned to our cries, and reach out Your helping hand, allowing us to "lift our heads high" in victory, making our "enemies our footstool for our feet" (Psalm 110:1 NIV).

Father, if You had not been on our side, then we would perish (Psalm 124:1, 2; Romans 8:31).

Indeed, You are 

"our refuge and fortress, our God, in whom we can trust" (Psalm 91:2 NIV).

Thank-You, Father, from the bottom of our hearts for that seat at Your right hand (vs 1).

In Jesus Name we give You thanks.

                                                   ~ERC  March 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 110

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