Friday, March 27, 2020

Weeping Eyes, Weeping Hearts

My eyes weep.  My heart weeps.

This morning my husband was reporting the list of statistics of the numbers per day of recorded COVID-19 cases and death tolls around the world; but especially in Italy and then the USA.

So many.

So tragic.

So devastating.  

Not only in those countries but China, Korea and throughout Europe and now even the Prime Minister of the UK!  

The virus is no respecter of persons.

Feeling helpless.

Turn to God.

Cry out to Him.

We do not know the why's and wherefore's of all this.  

We do not want to point the fingers at this nation or that nation as to who perpetrated it all.  That does not help.

Turn to God.  Put your faith, hope and secure salvation in Him through Jesus Christ.

If the COVID-19 gets you; the outcome is indefinite.  You may recover.  You may not.

Be ready to exit earth and enter eternity.  Now.

Now is the time.  Come to Jesus NOW!  Come while there's time.

Jesus wept over Jerusalem as I weep now for the falling and fallen:  some who willfully did not obey the order and wisdom of  "STAY HOME"; many who did, but still contracted corona.  

Jesus wept because of the nation of Israel's rejection of Him at the time.  He only wanted to have them come to Him so He could give them protection.  Protection like that of a mother hen who clucks to her chicks and they come scurrying over and hide under the shelter of her wings (Luke 13:34).  

Weep for your lost ones from COVID-19.  Weep too for those lost to eternity with Christ. 

Weep.  Mourn.  Pray.  

Pray for the saving of souls before its forever too late for them!

Don't reject Jesus.

Accept Him today.

He wants to save you from a fate worse than COVID-19.  He loves you.  He cares about you.  He wants you to be under His protection.  He is calling you.  Come.

Come to Jesus while you may.

                                                 ~ERC  March 2020~

Come to Jesus as sung by Chris Rice

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