Friday, March 20, 2020

Prayer - Leaders Serve the LORD

Lord, the Psalmist of Psalm 2 may have been a leader of some caliber (quite possibly David), You know, or perhaps, just an observer of leaders in power.  Whatever, the writer noted that kings of the earth take their stand along with other rulers against the LORD and against His anointed one.

Talking about leaders that rise up, quite often those who are in such positions of power believe they are gods, themselves.  However, here there's a warning for those in power.  They will be "broken with rods of iron" (verse 9) and other such things if they don't watch out.

At present, the whole world has been brought to its knees!  Father, may one and all, "kings" and "subjects" alike, turn to You in all humility.  May we all repent and come to You!

So Father, for any of us who find ourselves in any position of authority, let us be reminded that any such position comes from You and You alone.  You are the One enthroned in Heaven.  You will laugh at us as we "play" our power games, so to speak; even scoff at us.  

Sometimes its a real rat race; a dog eat dog world, jockeying for those coveted power places of position.  History gives examples from which to learn; even from ancient times of yore.  There were emperors and the kings below them and then the chiefs below them, down to the plebeian personages of little account.  Kings would rise up against one of greater power and so on up the chain of command, seeing who could be "top dog".  Who could be the king of kings, attaining a lasting, impressively powerful dynasty, in all of that hierarchy? 

LORD, human nature is so, greedy for the top positions.  Help, Lord.  Help the leaders of the world, of individual countries; and then those who gather together at the UN.  Yes, they are very important positions but LORD, help them to wield their power greatly seasoned with Your wisdom and with realization that they are only there because You have put them there.  They exist because they were appointed by You, Oh Father God (Romans 13:1)!

May they all be warned, those rulers of the Earth, be warned.  Father, let them serve You with fear and rejoicing and with trembling.  Compel them always, as You are these past few months.  May they take heed and turn to You.

There will be an accounting some day.  Whether now, during their lifetime, or, later on at the resurrection of the dead at the judgment throne of Christ.  

May they acknowledge, that in the end, they will have to face the Ruler of all rulers; the King of all kings, the LORD of all lords; the Judge of all judges, Who is Your Son Jesus Christ.

Lord, we thank-You, that those who do serve and fear You and rejoice in You will not be destroyed.  Rather, bless them when they take refuge in You.

I ask this in the Name of Jesus.

Furthermore, Father, I want to bless all current leaders and rulers of the world, especially at this time of the COVID-19 crisis.   May they be unceasing in their efforts to contain and to give necessary treatment.  However, Lord, even at any time, bless them.  At any time, they need You whether they know it or not.  It's not an easy task I should imagine; very stressful in actual fact to rule a nation or kingdom.

Bless and keep them, make Your face shine upon them and be gracious unto them.  Turn Your face towards the leaders of this world and give them peace as they indeed put their trust in You, Almighty God; to trust You for wisdom; for good leadership qualities, that they don't let the power go to their heads.  Rather, may they rule aright; govern aright as they take refuge in You.

I ask this in the Name of Jesus, Amen.


   ~originally prayed February 2020-revised and blogged in, March 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 2.

Crown Him King of Kings Medley, Tom Fettke

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