Sunday, March 8, 2020

Prayer - Harvesters

Father, those words of blessing You gave to Aaron with which to bless the children of Israel every evening have shown up in Psalm 67.    Aaron, and subsequent high priests, must have indeed been speaking this daily blessing over them all; tucking them in for the night, so to speak.  I kind of like that idea.

Father God, be gracious to us too, bless us and make Your face shine upon us because Your ways will be known upon the earth, Your salvation among all the nations.  Even to this day Your salvation has rung out in all four corners of the earth.  Yeah, some people may not know You, haven't yet heard about Your good news.  However, Lord, send forth Your harvesters into all the earth that they can reap the harvest You say is there (Luke 10:2), already to harvest.  

Lord, compel Your people, make them willing to go and do wonderful deeds among the children of men on Your behalf.  May all those people's praise You in turn.

We think of the many who have answered that call to be a harvester.  I ask for their care, protection and their financial and prayer-partner support.  All those things that they need.

You know what they need even before they ask.  Let them know Your presence is with them, Lord, because sometimes there are many discouraging things that happen.  Nevertheless, oh Lord, be their God, their All.  May the nations among whom they harvest, be glad and sing for joy.  

May justice come to those people.  May Your Holy Spirit speak to their spirit and guide them as individuals and guide the nations of the earth.  May those peoples praise You, oh God of glory.  May all the people praise You as they go out and as they come in; wherever they go and may Your Name be held in high regard.

Lord, may Your people have land that yields its harvest.   I'm thinking now of literal crops.  I know someone who serves You in Malawi who reports that many Malawians have come to Christ.  Help them Lord with their harvests so that they can bear fruit and be nourishing for these people and their families who live on starvation border-line  in this "land of starvation".  

Don't let their crops be washed away by floods nor withered from drought, Father.  May there crops indeed yield their harvest.

In turn, may these people share with their unsaved neighbors and show the love of God with them, so that they too may have the light of life found in none other than Your Son Jesus Christ.  May they be harvesters harvesting on two fronts.

Additionally, Father, I ask that there be spiritual abundance according to Your will and ways in that land where there is also much evil (just like the rest of the world), and animism and people involved in the occult the evil one and his minions feed them on.  May Your Harvest, oh Father God, be great!  

Jesus, You Son, is the Victor.

May the people there come to know You and Your Son Jesus Christ.  Bless them.  May they know Your graciousness.  May they know Your face that shines upon them.  Bless them Lord, and all the ends of the earth so that they will fear You and Your Son Jesus Whom You sent; fearing You and You only, fearing no other.  

I ask in Jesus Name.

                                                     ~ERC  March 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 67

Bringing in the Sheaves 

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